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Spelling this week!

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Presentation on theme: "Spelling this week!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Spelling this week!

2 The long 0 sound o ow oa o_e

3 o o ver

4 o co bra

5 o bull do zer

6 o com mo tion

7 ow blow

8 ow bowl

9 ow stow

10 ow know

11 ow el bow

12 ow o o ver flow

13 ow nar row

14 ow win dow

15 ow shad ow

16 ow hol low

17 ow swal low

18 oa coast

19 oa groan

20 o_e whole

21 o_e grind stones

22 Vocabulary this week!

23 The pulveriser makes too loud a racket for this young customer.

24 The goose heard the racket and she, too, started hollering.
noise indicating confusion The goose heard the racket and she, too, started hollering.


26 commotion Noisy disturbance There was a commotion at school when
the students lined up for graduation.


28 The princess was kept in captivity by the evil queen.
Being held and confined The princess was kept in captivity by the evil queen.


30 Arousing the desire for food
appetizing Arousing the desire for food The food smelled appetizing.


32 reconsider Think about again
The goose pleaded with Wilbur to reconsider, but Wilbur paid no attention.

33 Vocabulary Quiz _______– noise indicating confusion
_______- noisy disturbance ______- arousing the desire for food _______–being held and confined ________- think about again captivity appetizing racket reconsider commotion

34 appetizing- arousing the desire for food
Vocabulary Review racket – noise indicating confusion commotion - noisy disturbance appetizing- arousing the desire for food captivity –being held and confined reconsider- think about again

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