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Bellwork What is the independent variable in the experiment?

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1 Bellwork What is the independent variable in the experiment?
What were some of the variables she controlled Which material was the best at moving heat into the water (best conductor) A Blue flower BB is crossed with a white flower bb. What are the possible genotypes and phenotypes. Amoebas reproduce asexually, what kind of cell division do they use? How are traits passed from one generation to the next?

2 Florida Benchmark SC.7.L.16.4 Recognize and explore the impact of biotechnology (cloning, genetic engineering, artificial selection) on the individual, society and the environment.

3 What is biotechnology? Biotechnology is the use and application of science to living things. For thousands of years, humans have been using biotechnology to breed plants and animals, and to ferment foods using bacteria and yeast.

4 What are some types of biotechnology?
Some of the techniques of biotechnology include artificial selection, genetic engineering, and cloning.

5 Artificial Selection Ex – corn, dogs
the process of selecting and breeding organisms that have certain desired traits Doesn’t change DNA causes certain alleles to become more common in a population Ex – corn, dogs

6 Genetic engineering the process in which a piece of DNA is modified for use in research, medicine, agriculture, or industry. Scientists change DNA in an organism, or take DNA from one organism and transfer it to another.

7 cloning Making an exact copy of another organism or cell
Form of asexual reproduction

8 How does biotechnology impact our world?
Examples of applications of biotechnology: changing the DNA of mosquitoes so they cannot spread malaria cloning an endangered species of animal such as the gaur modifying corn and soybean DNA to make them resistant to plant-eating insects

9 How does biotechnology impact our world?
Biotechnology can impact both our society and our environment. We must weigh risks and rewards when using biotechnology.

10 Artificial Selection, Genetic Engineering, or cloning?
Scientists introduce a gene to the DNA of fish that causes them to glow Scientist gathers DNA from clothing at a crime scene. He makes copies of the DNA to study it Wild Carrots have thin white roots. Over time, farmers have selected carrots with thick orange roots Diabetes is treated with insulin. The gene for producing insulin has been inserted into the DNA of bacteria to produce human insulin

11 Glowing Mosquito DNA from a jellyfish has been introduced to mosquito larva. The mosquito begins to glow. They want to use this same idea to change its DNA so it can’t spread Malaria. How might this effect Individuals and Society? How might this effect the environment?

12 Tough Plants Much of the corn grown in the US is genetically engineered. The plants have bacterial genes that make them more resistant to plant eating insects. Effects on individuals and society? Effects on Environment?

13 Bellwork A scientist has produced a gentically engineered apple that resists disease. - what happened to the DNA in these trees? - Give examples of potential benefits to society - Give examples of potential risks to society Create a Venn Diagram comparing artifical selection and genetic engineering

14 Plant Height # Tomatoes A B C D

15 Cloning The gaur is an endangered species. In 2001 it was cloned. The clone died of a bacterial infection 2 days after birth Effects on individuals and society? Effects on Environment?

16 Bellwork 11/22 Read the Biotechnology background information underline the types and examples in the passage. Then complete questions 1-8

17 DNA and Biotechnology review

18 Bellwork Dec. 2 Describe the steps in DNA replication, use the words new strand, unzips, matching nitrogen bases, identical, adenine, guanine, thymine, cytosine in your answer. A scientist wants to genetically engineer a disease resistant tomato. What are some of the risks and benefits of using this type of biotechnology? 3.

19 Exit slip 1. Give the complementary strand for A-T-C-C-G-C-T-T-A
2. Name the 3 types of mutations 3. Name the 3 types of biotechnology


21 Dec. 3rd Eyes of Nye: Cloning video

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