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Nicholas County Schools Teachers Academy

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1 Nicholas County Schools Teachers Academy
Day II Nicholas County Schools Teachers Academy 9th Grade Math I

2 Daily Funny Salary Theorem The less you know, the more you make. Proof: Postulate 1: Knowledge is Power. Postulate 2: Time is Money. As every engineer knows: Power = Work / Time And since, Power = Knowledge and Time = Money It is therefore true that Knowledge = Work / Money Solving for Money, we get: Money = Work / Knowledge Thus, as Knowledge approaches zero, Money approaches infinity, regardless of the amount of Work done.

3 Math I Units Relationships Between Quantities
Linear and Exponential Relationships Reasoning with Equations Descriptive Statistics Congruence, Proof, and Constructions Connecting Algebra and Geometry through Coordinates

4 NOMENCLATURE Common Core NxGen Unit Cluster Standard Standard Cluster
Objective Debbie with Cyndi

5 Critical Areas In your group, assign a critical area to each member.
Individually, list the components of your assigned critical area. Share your list with the other members of your group. Take teachers to Teach21 NxGen CS0’s Math I Standards to Critical Areas.

6 This is what it looks like.

7 What Does an Excellent Math Classroom Look Like?
Discuss with others ideas that you identified in the discussion of the critical areas that you would like to add to your description of an excellent math classroom.

8 Mathematic Resources for Teachers Pre K - 12
OR roll onto Department on the left side menu roll onto Offices and Programs roll onto I – P select Office of Instruction roll onto Content Areas select Mathematics

9 Unpacking the Standards for Unit I Relationships Between Quantities
Step I Review your Descriptive Analysis Document. Step II Individually, use the Descriptive Analysis Document (DAD) to write a narrative of the objectives for Unit I, Cluster ‘Reason Quantitatively and use units to solve problems’ . Step III When everyone has completed their narrative, compare your answers to modify and improve your individual initial responses. This should take 15 to 20 minutes. Whatever is available.


11 Break-15 minutes Online Stopwatch 15 minute break

12 new template

13 Kitchen Tile Task

14 Cluster Work You have been assigned a cluster.
Identify acceptable evidence of student mastery within the assigned cluster. Identify a task that will allow students to exhibit evidence of mastery for the cluster. On your acceptable evidence template, identify your cluster title and what you feel is acceptable evidence. How will your task accomplish this?

15 You Do the Math! Identify the acceptable evidence of math content and the Standards for Mathematical Practice that demonstrates student mastery.

16 Lunch 12:00 – 1:00 On your own Online Stopwatch 60 minute lunch

17 Connecting the Practices to the Content
Making Cookies

18 Calculators
These are possible suggestions. Others are also available. You may want to check some out.

19 Abby and Bing Woo own a small bakery that specializes in cookies
Abby and Bing Woo own a small bakery that specializes in cookies. They make only two kinds of cookies - plain and iced. They need to decide how many dozens of each kind of cookie to make for tomorrow. What factors contribute to this decision?

20 Contributing Factors The Woos know that each dozen of their plain cookies requires 1 pound of cookie dough and no icing, and each dozen of their iced cookies requires .7 pounds of cookie dough and .4 pounds of icing. The Woos also know that each dozen of the plain cookies requires about .1 hours of preparation time, and each dozen of the iced cookies requires about .15 hours of preparation time. Finally, they know that no matter how many of each kind they make they will be able to sell them all.

21 Limiting Factors They have on hand 110 pounds of cookie dough and 32 pound of icing. They have room to bake a total of 140 dozen cookies for tomorrow. Together they have 15 hours for cookie preparation. The plain cookies sell for $6 a dozen and cost $4.50 to make. The iced cookies sell for $7 a dozen and cost $5 a dozen to make.

22 Identifying the Math Practices utilized while working the cookie problem

23 BlackBoard for Math I Webinars
School Year

24 Use e-mail link to enter session
Software must load one time – be patient Takes a bit of time even after the first time Participants will be in as guests – Click on given link which comes with an invitation to participate, ex. Log in with their own name Access: white board and tools

25 Preparation: log in early the first time!
Speakers, Microphone, Sound Card Audio Setup Wizard If sound issues, Blackboard Collaborate Technical Support

26 Participant Interface
Audio and Video Panel – on/off video cam and microphone, we will avoid video for bandwidth issues. Participants Panel – can raise hand here, can use emoticons (first icon) to show emotions, answer polls Try a poll: note results show up over participant list Chat Panel – send and receive text. Can send private chat: rt-click on other participant’s name, will have separate tab on chat window. Whiteboard and tool palette -

27 Dates for High School Math I Webinars
Fall/Spring September 27th 4:00-6:00 October 30th 4:00-6:00 November 29th 4:00-6:00 December 17th 4:00-6:00 February 21st 4:00-6:00 March 21st 4:00-6:00 April 18th 4:00-6:00

28 End of Day Reflections What aspects of your own thinking and/or practice that our work today has caused you to consider or reconsider? Explain. 2. What aspects of your students’ mathematical learning that our work today has caused you to consider or reconsider? Explain.

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