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Plant Reproduction Part 2: Pollination & Fertilisation

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1 Plant Reproduction Part 2: Pollination & Fertilisation

2 Pollination Pollination involves the transfer of pollen (male gamete) from the anther to the stigma (outermost female part) If it is in the same flower it is called self-pollination. If between different flowers it is called cross-pollination Plants are pollinated by insects or the wind.

3 Pollination Pollination

4 Sexual reproduction in flowers

5 Fertilisation Fertilisation involves the fusion of the nucleus of the male gamete (in the pollen) with the nucleus of the female gamete (in the ovules). Botanical gardens booklet 2 World of plants –fruits and seeds green

6 Fertilisation SQA-Describe the growth of a pollen tube and fusion of gametes SQA- Describe fertilisation and fruit formation Botanics fruit formation Tomato- juicy fruit Bean- pod Sycamore- small dry nut Hazelnut- hard outer wall Botanics info Pollen tubes measured were 6, 9, 11 cm long!!

7 Let´s have a look at some pollen tubes underneath the microscope!
The pollen grain grows a tube. The tube reaches an ovule. The gamete nuclei fuse (fertilisation) and a zygote (seed) forms.

8 Fertilisation

9 Fertilisation Once fertilisation has taken place the zygote (fertilised ovule)becomes a seed, and the ovary becomes a fruit. The petals die and fall off. The plant seeds are in the fruit. Soft and juicy- tomato, plum and apple Hard and dry- sycamore, dandelion

10 What are fruits like? The fruits can be: - soft & fleshy - hard & dry
Write the names of as many fruit as you can think of as a group and write them on a card Stick them on the correct side of the class Everyone pick a fruit card and your job is to bring that piece of fruit in for next lesson!

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