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« It’s My Turn » Case Analysis

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1 « It’s My Turn » Case Analysis
The University of the West Indies Faculty of Social sciences MS34B / MGMT3037 International Business Management (IBM) Lecturer: Tashfeen Ahmad « It’s My Turn » Case Analysis Name: Taneca Brown ID #:

2 Objectives of case analysis
Should Antonio & Susie trade places as was agreed? 2) What are the issues that needs to be taken care of before regional expansion can be considered? 3) How are these issues best resolved?

3 Should Antonio & Susie trade places as was agreed?
They certainly should trade places, this agreement was made years ago of which both parties are aware, should there be a breech of the agreement there could be severe repercussions for their business and their marriage.

4 And besides, they had made an agreement
And besides, they had made an agreement. They’d shaken on it — as business partners, not spouses. How could Antonio even think of reneging? There are noted inaptness in how the agreement was made that will now make the transition or the decision for the transition seemingly more difficult. In the initial stage of the agreement, there should have been a documented timeline and terms which both parties would have signed off on.

5 Though Susie is anxious to have her turn, she should understand that this is a functioning business, and two weeks is certainly not enough time for such a transition for the business nor the home. Additionally, Susie has not been active in the working world for at least five years, at this point, she may very well be out of touch with many aspect or changes that may have occurred during this time.

6 RECOMMENDATIONS Establish a change plan
A more realistic time-frame for the transition would be three months; enough time to develop and implement a concise change plan, liaise with employees and customers on the eminent change. To secure continued support from each. 2) Re-introduce Susie to Buttoni During the suggested three months, re-introduce Susie to the organization while naming her as his successor, assist her to become more acquainted with the customs, values and work culture of Italians as well as gain more familiarity with the employees. Susie would need to visit the office a few times per week during this process. 3) Retain Antonio’s services Whether in like manner as Susie, Antonio’s service would still be utilized. He may be appointed chairman of Buttoni, he would not be required to attend to daily office duties but still be a vital part of the organization.

7 And he was knocking it out of the park at work
And he was knocking it out of the park at work. He and Dante, the company’s sales manager, had secured several huge accounts in the past year. They were an amazing team, and although Dante genuinely liked and respected Susie, he’d made it clear that he regarded Antonio as his only boss. He knew that most of the staff felt the same way. 4) Gain support from staff As a part of the change plan, Antonio should ensure that full support is given to Susie when her tenure begins, particularly with Dante, the company’s sales manager whom has made his allegiance to Antonio renowned. 5) Coaching the children As much as the business will be affected by the change, so will the children. Susie should allow Antonio to take on more responsibility with the girls. A day or two per week could be designated for Antonio and the girls.

8 Fall -outs Antonio doesn’t agree to Susie’s request. Should Antonio refuse to trade with Susie, she may resent him and her decision to move to Italy, purchase the company and having made such agreement. Susie may reconsider here entire marriage, great repercussions exist for the trust factor of their union, which may result in a divorce.

9 Susie rejects the given timeline- 3months
If Susie is adamant about starting in two weeks, this could break the functionality within the organization. There may be resistance to Susie’s leadership from both employees and customers causing the business to fail or become stagnant. The girls could have difficulty in adjusting to their new caregiver. There is potential break down in the business and family life.

10 What are the issues that needs to be taken care of before regional expansion can be considered?
The key issues needed to be addressed as it relates to going regional are : There needs to be improvement in the quality of good produced in order to compete in the market and increase the customer base. Increased operational efficiency and process improvement. Relevant management / leadership to spearhead the expansion.

11 How are these issues best resolved?
At this point Buttoni is doing well, if it is to expand regionally it will require the expertise of both owners, Susie and Antonio. While Susie will be able to effectively revamp product lines and implement processes geared at improved quality, Antonio will be able to secure the current clientele as well as obtain new ones once the business expands.

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