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Presented by John Hillegass

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1 Presented by John Hillegass
Doing good, doing harm, being well and burning out: The interactions of perceived prosocial and antisocial impact in service work. -Grant and CamPbell Presented by John Hillegass

2 Orientation Job Burnout and Job Satisfaction Hypotheses Methodology
Findings Application

3 Burnout and Job Satisfaction
the experience of long-term exhaustion and diminished interest in the workplace Associated with depersonalization, diminished personal accomplishment and emotional exhaustion Job Satisfaction? how content an individual is with his or her job In ch 10 Christina Maslach

4 Hypotheses 1. Perceived prosocial impact and perceived antisocial impact are distinct perceptions rather than two poles of one continuum 2a. Perceived antisocial impact is negatively associated with job satisfaction 2b. Perceived antisocial impact is positively associated with burnout 3a. Perceived prosocial impact moderates the relationship between perceived antisocial impact and job satisfaction, such that the negative association between perceived antisocial impact and job satisfaction decreases as perceived prosocial impact increases. 3b. Perceived prosocial impact moderates the relationship between perceived antisocial impact and burnout, such that the positive association between percieved antisocial impact and burnout decreases as perceived prosocial impact increases. 4. Moral justification mediates the relationship between the interaction of percieved prosocial and antisocial impact and employee well-being UNC Business school Chapel hill – Umich Dept of Psychology Overarching idea : Prosocial behavior mediates the function of antisocial behavior and helps to improve job satisfaction and decrease rates of job burnout Prosocial-Antisocial Vioxx and Merek – killed 139,000 people through heart attack adverse reaction HR professional (the company men) –firing people Training consultant who helps someone grow business 200%

5 Two Studies Job Satisfaction Burnout Study 1 Survey 377 employees
99 secretaries Study 2 Burnout Survey 79 teachers Midwestern transportation services company From public universities and corporate law firms From large- upper/middle class suburban high schools

6 Study 1- Job Satisfaction
H1 H2a H3a Perceived prosocial impact moderates the relationship between perceived antisocial impact and job satisfaction, such that the negative association between perceived antisocial impact and job satisfaction decreases as perceived prosocial impact increases. Perceived antisocial impact is negatively associated with job satisfaction Perceived prosocial impact and perceived antisocial impact are distinct perceptions rather than two poles of one continuum

7 ✔ ✔ ✔ Study 2 - Burnout H2b H3b H4
Study 2 is expansion on number 1 The interaction of anti/prosocial significantly predicted moral justification Moral Justification – significantly predicted burnout Perceived prosocial impact moderates the relationship between perceived antisocial impact and burnout, such that the positive association between percieved antisocial impact and burnout decreases as perceived prosocial impact increases. Moral justification mediates the relationship between the interaction of percieved prosocial and antisocial impact and employee well-being Perceived antisocial impact is positively associated with burnout

8 Takeaways Be pro-social in the workplace!
Make sure that you feel good about your job. Be Satisfied Feel Morally Justified If you are in a position like HR, reconsider how jobs are designed. Pay close attention to the task structure. Consider applying this knowledge to employee training and development programs. Both studies evidence that perceptions of antisocial impact are not associated with higher levels of burnout when perceptions of prosocial impact are high At google they have created a culture to entice everyone to participate in prosocial activities Help employee’s understand the benefit of their actions to others. As well as your own – lower burnout increase satisfaction It is important to give employees opportunities to benefit others, especially when they might be able to hurt them.

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