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the CJT Calculation Beyond MFT and its Results in Nuclear Matter

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1 the CJT Calculation Beyond MFT and its Results in Nuclear Matter
舒 崧 湖北大学物理学与电子技术院 二零零六年十月二十九日于桂林

2 Hubei University, Wuhan
Outline Motivation General introduction of CJT formalism The application of CJT method in studying nuclear matter The mean field approximation in the CJT calculation and the comparison to the usual MFT results The beyond MFT calculation and the results in the CJT calculation Summary and outlook 2018/9/19 Hubei University, Wuhan

3 Hubei University, Wuhan
Motivation Mean field theory (MFT) in the study of nuclear matter QHD model, RHA, HF Develop non-perturbative calculation method beyond MFT in studying nuclear matter CJT resummation scheme 2018/9/19 Hubei University, Wuhan

4 MFT in studying nuclear matter
Quantum hadrodynamics (QHD) simple Walecka model (QHD-I) MFT: B.D.Serot, J.D.Walecka, Adv. Nucl. Phys.,Vol.16 (1986) 1 2018/9/19 Hubei University, Wuhan

5 Hubei University, Wuhan
Relativistic Hartree approximation (RHA) propagators: G (N), ( ) , D ( ) 2018/9/19 Hubei University, Wuhan

6 Hubei University, Wuhan
Resumming all the tadpole diagram where zero-point energy from vacuum S. A. Chin, Ann. of Phys. 108 (1977) 403 2018/9/19 Hubei University, Wuhan

7 Introduction of CJT formalism
Effective action of composite operators Where: J. Cornwall, R. Jackiw and E. Tomboulis, Phys. Rev. D10 (1974) 2428 2018/9/19 Hubei University, Wuhan

8 Hubei University, Wuhan
Effective potential (translational invariance) Stationary condition 2018/9/19 Hubei University, Wuhan

9 The application of CJT method in studying nuclear matter
The formulation (QHD-I model) the bare propagators: 2018/9/19 Hubei University, Wuhan

10 Hubei University, Wuhan
Using imaginary-time formalism The thermodynamical potential 2018/9/19 Hubei University, Wuhan

11 Hubei University, Wuhan
where 2018/9/19 Hubei University, Wuhan

12 Hubei University, Wuhan
From the stationary condition we have 2018/9/19 Hubei University, Wuhan

13 Hubei University, Wuhan
The diagrammatic representation of the gap equations 2018/9/19 Hubei University, Wuhan

14 The mean field approximation in the CJT calculation
Solving the gap equations according to the mean field requirements at the first step Approximation 1: replace the full meson propagators by the bare ones which means we have neglected the medium effect of the mesons 2018/9/19 Hubei University, Wuhan

15 Hubei University, Wuhan
Approximation 2: Neglect the fluctuations of the vacuum where 2018/9/19 Hubei University, Wuhan

16 Hubei University, Wuhan
Approximation 3: Neglect the momentum dependence of the effective nucleon mass We have 2018/9/19 Hubei University, Wuhan

17 Hubei University, Wuhan
Analysis of the thermodynamic consistency The stationary condition requires G is a function of , so we have which ensures the thermodynamic consistency 2018/9/19 Hubei University, Wuhan

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The thermodynamic functions 2018/9/19 Hubei University, Wuhan

19 Hubei University, Wuhan
The numerical results When T=0, The binding energy curve 2018/9/19 Hubei University, Wuhan

20 Hubei University, Wuhan
T=0, state equation and effective mass CJT 155.6 521.5 0.17 -15.7 0.55 485 MFT 103.5 156.9 548 2018/9/19 Hubei University, Wuhan

21 Hubei University, Wuhan
When The isotherms of pressure versus density (liquid- gas phase transition) The effective nucleon mass as a function of temperature 2018/9/19 Hubei University, Wuhan

22 The beyond MFT calculation and the results in the CJT calculation
The medium effects of mesons will be included in a thermodynamic consistent way The effective mass of and meson will be determined by minimizing the thermodynamic potential with respect to the effective mass these requirements will generate two coupled equations 2018/9/19 Hubei University, Wuhan

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(1) (2) together with the equations of nucleon self-energy (3) (4) these four equations can be numerically solved 2018/9/19 Hubei University, Wuhan

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The numerical results When 2018/9/19 Hubei University, Wuhan

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When 2018/9/19 Hubei University, Wuhan

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2018/9/19 Hubei University, Wuhan

27 Hubei University, Wuhan
Summary and outlook The CJT method has been applied to study the nuclear matter. We have reproduced the MFT results in the CJT calculation after taking certain approximation. The beyond mean field results are obtained by self-consistently calculating the meson effective mass. The temperature and density dependences of the effective mass has been displayed. The thermodynamic consistency has been preserved in our calculation. 2018/9/19 Hubei University, Wuhan

28 Hubei University, Wuhan
谢 谢! 2018/9/19 Hubei University, Wuhan

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