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Discussion on How to Best Leverage Available Public Reporting

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1 Discussion on How to Best Leverage Available Public Reporting
2018 Guided Pathways Institute, March 2, 2018 Your MI School Data: Discussion on How to Best Leverage Available Public Reporting

2 Presentation Agenda CEPI & MI School Data Overview
Michigan State Longitudinal Data System Postsecondary Data Collections Public Postsecondary Reporting How many students enroll into my college? How many students transferred into my college? How many students transferred out of my college? How are they doing? How many students are earning successes in my college? How long do they take to earn degrees? Secure Postsecondary Reporting

3 About the Center for Educational Performance and Information (CEPI)
CEPI is a division of the State Budget Office at the State Of Michigan Established in 2000, CEPI is responsible for collecting, securely managing, and reporting education data in Michigan. CEPI started collecting postsecondary data in 2011.

4 Connecting the Data with UIC
CEPI has assigned any student receiving educational services in Michigan a unique identification code (UIC) All student and accompanying data is submitted to CEPI with the UIC If a high school participates with E-Transcript, all transcripts sent to a college or university will include the UIC

5 Connecting Early Childhood, K-12, Postsecondary and Beyond – Michigan Longitudinal Data System

6 Michigan Data Sources for Postsecondary Reporting
Student Transcript Academic Report Repository (STARR) Postsecondary data managed by CEPI - works with participating IHEs to define collection to meet legislation and reporting requirements Michigan Student Data System General Collection (MSDS) K-12 data managed by CEPI – some reports will include information about Early Middle College program participation and exit status and demographic information from last known high school Assessment scores and CTE program information available from the Michigan Department of Education

7 External Data Sources for Postsecondary Reporting
National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) StudentTracker Postsecondary data – CEPI sends all high school graduates, current high school students, and any student reported in STARR for matching Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) Postsecondary data – CEPI incorporates IPEDS entity information for NSC colleges and university and CIP naming conventions

8 MI School Data (mischooldata
MI School Data ( is Michigan’s official public portal for education data that houses 100+ educational reports The majority of CEPI’s postsecondary reporting is published on MI School Data and continues to be one of MI School Data’s most visited subject matters

9 Postsecondary-related data under Postsecondary
Downloadable data files and Student Pathways under Other & Data Files

10 MI School Data Report Features
takes you to the Report Settings where you choose desired location, school year, and more , when available, lets users compare to another location lets you download report data in csv and/or PDF format offers a shortened URL that will save your Report Settings and allow you to share on social media contains information about the report

11 MI School Data Report Features
toggles between two different ways to view the data view shows selected school year in detail view shows the last five school years view shows selected location in comparison to statewide Data tables almost always accompany each chart

12 How many undergraduate students are enrolled?

13 Has my student population changed over the last 5 years?

14 How many college transfers occur in/out of MI community colleges?

15 Who transferred out of my college?

16 How long does it take for students to earn a successful outcome in MI community college?

17 What successful outcomes are MI community colleges attaining?

18 Which high schools’ classes of 2016 immediately enrolled into my CC?
IHE ISD District School HS Grad Year Total Graduates Enrollment Within Total Enrolled Macomb Community College Macomb ISD Warren Consolidated Schools Warren Mott High School 383 within 0-6 months 158 Sterling Heights Senior H.S. 339 130 L'Anse Creuse Public Schools L'Anse Creuse High School 347 128 Fraser Public Schools Fraser High School 327 118 Utica Community Schools Adlai Stevenson High School 585 208 Chippewa Valley Schools Dakota High School 644 226 L'Anse Creuse High School - North 414 145 Anchor Bay School District Anchor Bay High School 443 153 Cousino Senior High School 314 102

19 Student Pathways Data Files
Student Pathways allows secondary K-12 and postsecondary staff to see individual-level college transcript and K-12 data under the guidance and compliance of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Student Pathways are downloadable SECURE data files These data files contain information on postsecondary students who Attended a public Michigan high school starting in Fall 2004 OR Attended a Michigan community college or university that reports to STARR starting in the school year

20 How can I determine if I can get secure access to MI School Data?
Portions of MI School Data are restricted or suppressed To start, you must be employed with a school, district, ISD, community college or university partnered with STARR, or be an agent of any of the above Your reason for requesting access must be FERPA-compliant MI School Data and CEPI do not handle individual user accounts; contact your entity’s Secure Login Authorizer available under HELP

21 Accessing Student Pathways
1 2 3 1) Log in, 2) Navigate to Student Pathways, 3) Search by MI College

22 Check Your E-Mail For Downloadable Files

23 Basic Student Data File– Focus on Sarah*
*Identity has been masked Basic Student Data File– Focus on Sarah* UIC YEAR_SESSION IHE_NAME IHE_ENROLLMENT_STATUS IS_DEGREE_ SEEKING IHE_CUMULATIVE_GPA ACT_MATH_ BENCHMARK MME_MATH_PROF HS_EXIT _DATE HS_GRAD _STATUS Sarah 2009/2010 Other Oakland Community College Half-time Y 6/1/2011 On-Track Graduated 2010/2011 EarlySummer Degree 4 2010/2011 Fall Non-Degree 2010/2011 Winter 2011/2012 EarlySummer 3.99 2011/2012 Fall 2011/2012 Other Full-time 2011/2012 Winter 2012/2013 Fall 3.97 2012/2013 Spring Walsh College of Accountancy And Business Administration 2013/2014 EarlySummer 2013/2014 Fall 2013/2014 Other Less than half-time 2013/2014 Spring Sarah graduated from high school on June 1, She performed well on her state assessments, meeting both ACT and MME mathematics benchmarks She took postsecondary classes while still in high school in 2009/10 She was mostly non-degree seeking and had attended at a half-time rate (enrollment status available from NSC) At Oakland CC, she maintained a near 4.0 GPA up until Summer 2013 (GPA available from STARR Only) She enrolled in Walsh College of Accountancy and Business Administration in Fall 2013 and completed her postsecondary education in Spring 2014

24 Courses File– Focus on Sarah*
*Identity has been masked Courses File– Focus on Sarah* UIC YEAR_SESSION COURSE_SUBJECT COURSE_TITLE NUMERIC_GRADE Sarah 2009/2010 EarlySummer Oakland Community College ACC Accounting Procedures 4 2010/2011 EarlySummer PSY Introduction to Psychology HIS World Civ From Modern Era MAT Intermediate Algebra ENG Composition I 2010/2011 Fall FSH Foundations of Humanities 2010/2011 Winter PER Bowling 2011/2012 EarlySummer BUS Business Law II 3.7 ECO Economics II Professional Communication Statistics 2011/2012 Fall Economics I Composition II Principles of Financial Acctg Introduction to Business POL American Government 2011/2012 Winter Principles of Managerial Acctg MKT Fund Marketing Theory/Practice Business Law I Principles of Management Psych Organizational Behavior 2012/2013 Fall Payroll Accounting CHE Introductory Chemistry CNS Career Portfolio Development Cost Accounting 2013/2014 EarlySummer Physical Well-Being Modern Soc Course data is only available from Michigan community colleges and universities that submit to STARR Of her Oakland CC coursework, I see that she nearly aced all of her classes Judging by the course titles and the course subject codes, she focused on math, accounting, business, and psychology courses. Her transcript is fairly focused on an area that seems prime for a transfer to Walsh College of Accountancy and Business Administration She found some time for a one-off class – Bowling 

25 Programs and Awards Files– Focus on Sarah*
*Identity has been masked Programs and Awards Files– Focus on Sarah* Secondary CTE Programs No data available Programs and Concentrations UIC YEAR_SESSION IHE PROGRAM_NAME_1 Sarah 2011/2012 Fall Oakland Community College Business Administration - Concentration in Accounting 2011/2012 Winter Business Administration 2012/2013 Fall 2013/2014 EarlySummer General Studies Awards, Degrees, Certificates UIC IHE AWARD_LEVEL_1 AWARD_DATE_1 AWARD_DESCRIPTION_1 PROGRAM_CIP Sarah Oakland Community College Associate Degree 12/17/2012 ASSOCIATE IN BUSINESS ADMIN Walsh College of Accountancy And Business Administration Baccalaureate Degree 9/1/2014 BBA For Sarah*, you can easily follow her postsecondary pathway to success. When looking at more students, you can start identifying patterns regarding how students are being successful.

26 What’s Next for MI School Data?
Along with data refreshes, MI School Data makes steady enhancements and builds new reports postsecondary data public on March 14, 2018 Add Race/Ethnicity, Gender to Postsecondary Success Rates –May 2018 Community Colleges Tuition and Fees – July 2018 Updating Workforce Reports with full WLDS Database – July 2018 MI School Data Redesign – MI School Data keeps track of on our Report Calendar found in the HELP section

27 Presenters’ Information
Rachel Edmondson, Adult Learner Data Specialist Kelsey Heckert, MI School Data Analyst For general questions or comments, contact the CEPI Help Desk If you’d be open to providing feedback on new or existing reports on MI School Data, please stop by and let us know what topics you’re interested in!

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