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Africa’s Top Twelve Worst Dictators

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1 Africa’s Top Twelve Worst Dictators

2 Choose the Worst Dictator!
It’s time to play “Africa’s Worst Dictator”! Number your paper 1-12 and rank these African Dictators in order of cruelty Write their name and country #1 is the worst Answer the 2 summary questions at the end

3 1. Mengistu Haile Mariam (1937 - )
Ethiopia Know as “The Red Terror” for his links with the USSR. Executed 1.5 million of his own people in 4 years. (Top ten genocides of the century) Stole international food aid during Ethiopia’s famine. Ousted in 1991 and fled to Zimbabwe.

4 2. Omar Al-bashir (1947 – ) Sudan
Seized power by military coup in 1989 over the democracy. 1 million people killed in Sudanese Civil War. 9 million have fled the country or been place in “internal exile” Dissolved Sudan’s parliament, banned political parties, closed down all independent media. Imposed strict Islamic Law (Shariah) and brutally repressed non-Muslims.

5 3. Idi Amin Dada (1925 - ) Uganda President from 1971-1979
A former boxer, rose through the ranks of the Army. Seized power through military coup. Reigned with brutal torture and violence. Bodies were found with genitals, noses, livers, and eyes missing. Prison camps were filled with common citizens and prisoners were forced to kill each other. 300,000 people were killed under Amin, with 60,000 Kenyans being expelled from the country. 1976 – declared himself president for life. Heavy Military – soldiers held government positions Invaded Tanzania in 1978, but was defeated Has been called “Africa’s Adolph Hitler”

6 4. Charles Taylor (1931 - ) Liberia Elected as president in 1997
Has been accused of using rape, mutilation, and torture as instruments of terror Is accused of using civilians as slave labor Personal wealth is greater than Liberia’s Gross National Product Gained wealth by looting Liberia’s natural resources: gold, diamonds, rubber, and timber Supports rebels in Sierra Leone by smuggling illegal diamonds

7 5. Robert Mugabe (1924 - ) Zimbabwe
In 1980 became first president after independence from Britain Became more dictatorial and lost popularity Physically removed white farmers from their land in “land redistribution program” Any opposition to Mugabe’s regime is not tolerated Accused of stashing large amounts of money in foreign bank accounts

8 6. Issayas Afeworki (1945 - ) Eritrea
Became president in 1991 with independence from Ethiopia His party split and brutally repressed opponents Shut down all of Eritrea’s free media and arrested high-ranked officials of his own government Cracked down on young dissidents at Eritrea’s only university Over 2000 university students were sent to “community work camps” The student union leader “disappeared”

9 7. Siad Barre (1919-1995) Somalia Seized power in 1969 military coup
Divided up Somalia’s clans against each other Accused of killing thousands of innocent civilians and their livestock and poisoning their water supplies Estimated that 50,000 to 60,000 people were killed between Overthrown in 1991 and fled to Nigeria

10 8. Muammar Al-Gaddafi (1942 -)
Libya Overthrew monarchy in 1969 coup ‘Anti-western’ attitudes have brought conflict with U.S. Accused of being associated with terrorist organizations Controls all media in Libya and criticism is not tolerated Ordered assassination of Libyan dissidents in the 1980’s Political trials are held in private and offenders regularly tortured Believed to be more moderate in recent times

11 9. Laurent Kabila (1939-2001) Democratic Republic of Congo\
Overthrew Joseph Mobutu in 1997 to become president 3.3 million people were killed under his rule Removed officials from different tribes than his own Sent political opponents into exile Shot by his own bodyguard in 2001

12 10. Hissene Habre Chad President from 1982 until 1990
Widespread genocide against ethnic minorities during his rule Personal secret police believed to have assassinated tens of thousands of political opponents Systematic use of torture was common practice Currently in exile in Senegal Facing charges of crimes against humanity in Belgium

13 11. Jean-Bedel Bokassa (1921-1996)
Central African Republic Became president from 1966 until 1979 in a military coup Helped establish the new army of independent C.A.R. Abolished the country’s constitution and declared himself president for life Adopted the title of ‘emperor’ after a $30 million coronation ceremony Made himself rich while brutally exploited his people Personally involved in torture, executions, and even cannibalism Ousted by a French-backed coup in 1979 Returned in 1986, but was arrested, convicted and sentenced to death for crimes against humanity His sentence was changed to life in prison, but was released in 1993 Had 17 wives and 50 children Died of a heart attack in 1996

14 12. Sekou Toure ( ) Guinea Became first president after independence in 1958 Brought poverty and slavery to Guinea Established ‘death camps’ in the 1960’s that lasted 20 years Tortured and executed many of Guinea’s elite class One million Guineans fled the country for political and economic reasons Died during surgery in the U.S. in 1984

15 Who’s your #1? Add up the votes for each dictator to find out… Africa’s Worst Dictator!

16 Summary Why have there been so many dictators in Africa?
What impact have corrupt leaders had on African countries?

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