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Greetings and names quiz 2 review

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1 Greetings and names quiz 2 review
Chinese I Greetings and names quiz 2 review

2 Click Allow Step 1 Click on Audio Setup Wizard to test your sound if it is good. Step 2 Click on Mute My speaker to mute sound. Click on people to your different need. Step 3 To exit Adobe

3 Tone Marker You should all lower case for the pinyin in your keyboard to find the correct character. 妈mā – mother –shows ma1 - 1st tone 麻má-flax – shows ma2 -2nd tone 马mǎ – horse – shows ma3 -3rd tone 骂mà – scold – shows ma4 – 4th tone You will only need to type “pinyin” without number in your keyboard to find the character.

4 Where are e-textbook? Please click on page 5 to find Module Lesson Review in the right panel under Handouts. Please save and download to print out for off line learning. Module Lesson Review is your digital text book. At the same time, you can copy and paste to save some important notes for off line learning too. For example on page 2 and 3, there are many characters with pinyin and English translation. You will need to install Chinese simplified (PRC) in your keyboard. Please learn on page 4 of How to install Chinese pinyin in Welcome to Chinese folder in the content area.

5 Lesson 2 李美美:您好,我是广告公司的李美美。请问您贵姓?
lǐ měi měi :nín hǎo ,wǒ shì guǎng gào gōng sī de lǐ měi měi 。qǐng wèn nín guì xìng ? Hello, I’m Li Mei Mei from the advertising agency. What is your family name? 李先生:我姓李。 lǐ xiān sheng :wǒ xìng lǐ 。 My family name is Li. 李美美:李先生您好,我来介绍一下,这位是我们公司的经理麦克先生。 lǐ měi měi :lǐ xiān shēng nín hǎo ,wǒ lái jiè shào yí xià ,zhè wèi shì wǒ men gōng sī de de jīng lǐ mài kè xiān sheng 。 Nice to meet you, Mr. Li. Let me introduce, this is Mike, the manager of our company. 麦克:您好,认识您很高兴! mài kè :nín hǎo ,rèn shi nín hěn gāo xìng. Hello, Nice to meet you! 李先生:认识您我也很高兴。 lǐ xiān sheng :rèn shi nín wǒ yě hěn gāo xìng ! Nice to meet you too!

6 Quiz Review Q1 Ask and reply to someone name
请问您贵姓 What is your family name? (qing wen nin gui xing) 我姓王 – My family name is Wang. (wo xing wang) 我姓李 – My family name is Li. (wo xing li) 姓family name or last name. 王and李 are popular Chinese family names.

7 Review Q2 =>认识您我也很高兴。 ( ren shi nin wo ye hen gao xing)
How to reply when someone say “Nice to meet you!” in Chinese as 认识您很高兴! (ren shi nin hen gao xing) =>认识您我也很高兴。 ( ren shi nin wo ye hen gao xing)

8 Review Q3 In lesson 2 text, who is the manager of advertising company and who is the customer in the conversation. There are 2 people working for advertising company. They are李美美(li mei mei) and麦克(mike). 公司经理是麦克先生 – Mike is the manager of company (gong si jing li shi mai ke xian sheng) 李先生是客户- Mr Li is the customer (li xian sheng shi ke hu)

9 Review Q4 Put the following given words in the correct order to make sentence meaningful. 我/ 高兴/ 认识 / 也/您 / 很 认识您我也很高兴! (ren shi nin wo ye hen gao xing) Nice to meet you too. (I am glad to meet you too.) 认识to know;您you, respectful way; 我I;也too, also; 很very; 高兴happy, glad

10 Review Q5 Which picture shall be Mike’s company? 麦克先生的公司是 (mai ke xian sheng de gong si shi)

11 Review Q6 How to identify/ reply someone? 你是王老师吗?Are teacher Wang?
ni shi wang lao shi ma PS:吗is the ending word in common question sentence. Your response will have 2 situations as below: 是,我是王老师。Yes, I am teacher Wang. shi, wo shi wang lao shi 不是, 我不是王老师。 No, I am not teacher Wang. bu shi wo bu shi wang lao shi

12 Note PS: in the real quiz, will have the different pronoun or family member instead. So, you need to know basic pronouns and family members in Chinese. Please refer to following slides.

13 The following slides will be for your reference to review in Chinese I content

14 Noun and Pronoun as Subject in the sentence
Singular pronoun 我 = I 你 = you 他 = he 她 = she Plural pronoun 我 们 = we wǒ men 你 们 = you (all) nǐ men 他 们 = they tā men 她 们 = they (all female)

15 Family members 爷 爷 奶 奶 姥 爷 姥 姥 yé yé nǎi nǎi grandpa grandma
爷 爷  奶 奶 yé yé nǎi nǎi grandpa grandma (grandparents from dad’s side) 爸 爸 = dad bà ba 哥 哥 = elder brother gē ge 弟 弟 = younger brother dì di 姥 爷  姥 姥 lǎo yé lǎo lao grandpa grandma (grandparents from mom’s side) 妈 妈 = mom mā ma 姐 姐 = elder sister jiě jie 妹 妹 = younger sister mèi mei

16 Quick Check your knowledge?
Singular pronoun 1 我 2 你 3 他 4 她 5 它 Plural pronoun 1 我们 2 你们 3 他们 4 她们 5 它们

17 How do you greet people? 1 你好 2 爸爸好 3 妈妈好 4 老师好 5 姐姐好 6 哥哥好 7 妹妹好 8 弟弟好 7爷爷好 8奶奶好 9老爷好 10姥姥好 11 外公好 12 外婆好

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