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Reduce Stress , Speed Recovery In All Aspects Of Your Life.

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Presentation on theme: "Reduce Stress , Speed Recovery In All Aspects Of Your Life."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reduce Stress , Speed Recovery In All Aspects Of Your Life.
Peak Recovery Survival Skills Training Workshop This Workshop Will Reduce Stress , Speed Recovery and Improve Performance In All Aspects Of Your Life.

2 Dave Ott & Dan Blackburn 2001, Cranbrook, BC.
In 2000, Dan led the Kootenay Ice, a Cranbrook, B.C. Western Hockey League team, to the Memorial Cup . In 2001,at 18, he was drafted by the New York Rangers 10th overall and went on to play for the Rangers, that same year, as one of their youngest goalies. In 2003, during summer, off season training, he injured the shoulder of his glove arm and was eventually forced to retire.

3 Gaining The Winning Edge
Full Recovery Mental Focus Skill Strategy Practice Well over 50% of successful recovery depends on Mental Focus and a “Relaxation Response” to Pain and Fear, which is directly related to Mental Focus. Unlike the Martial Arts, few people have taken the time to fully understand & practice this Focus Aspect of their lives. Those that do will gain the “Winning Edge.” Full Recovery If you can relate to, and practice daily the skills covered in this workshop, you will immediately begin to free yourself from pain and fear, which will greatly ease and speed your Full Recovery . Peak

4 Life Performance Bar Stress, Pain & Fear of Recovery Essential
As the Performance Demands in your life raise, to Survive, the need to achieve at Full Potential becomes Essential This Workshop will train you in the Skills necessary to realize YOUR FULLEST POTENTIAL.

5 Peak Recovery Preface YOU BEGIN TO EXPERIENCE
You need not believe or even understand the ideas presented in this workshop. You may actively resist them. If, however, you take the time to learn and practice the exercises presented, you will discover their value and truth through increased freedom from pain and fear, and the peace YOU BEGIN TO EXPERIENCE

6 The Two Phases Of Peak Recovery
1. Recovering from loss, change, or giving up destructive coping choices with all the anxiety of dealing with stored emotional pain, the fear of failure, change and the unknown. 2. Recovering the Peace, Power, Joy and Love, the High Within, by crossing through the ego’s terrifying and final frontier of emotions, pain and identity fear. In this Peak or Full Recovery workshop, you will learn and practice strategies and skills to assist and strengthen your ability to navigate successfully through both these phases.

7 Introductory Questions
1. Where in your own life do you wish to improve your performance? 2. What changes would you like to accomplish within your life to bring you more happiness and contentment? 3. What has stood in the way and blocked you from achieving these desires?

8 Skills of Full Recovery
Peak Recovery Training Practicing The Skills of Full Recovery note Grounding in the Here & Now. Releasing Mind-Body-Emotion Blocks. Winning Thoughts & Words. Focus, Power, Zone Training.

9 Recovery Blocks Recovery Body Mind Peace Emotion Find Peace
Need To Recover Mind Recovery Body Need To Find Peace Peace Emotion

10 Grounding Exercise Instructions
We begin this simple awareness exercise by standing up and forming a circle . Next choose a partner to work with. Find your own space somewhere in the room where you can pair off and work together.

11 Short Muscle Relaxation Training Exercise
Including Grounding and Breath Training

12 Transforming Energy To Power
Ground ENERGY Like a battery, we house within Us energy that needs to be conducted and transformed into “Performance Power.” Without a good ground, this can not be accomplished. We establish our ground through Here and Now Contact, Awareness and Focus. To establish a good ground,breathe fully; let go & sink heavily into the floor on the out breath. Then connect with the present world through your five senses.

13 “Now I am Aware” Gestalt Awareness Exercise Instructions
Remember these words! “Now I am Aware” Say them to your self slowly at least three times. Each time you say these words, wait and see what you become aware of. Share what you became aware of with a person next to you.

14 Zones Of Awareness Outer Zone What you see, hear, touch, taste or smell outside yourself in the world. “Now I hear the sound of rain.” 2. Inner Zone What you experience within yourself. “Now I am aware my feet are cold .” 3. Mid Mind Zone When you think, worry, plan or analyze. “I’m worried I might lose this job.”


16 Lose Your Thoughts Come To Your Senses To find Your Support And Power

17 is Living in Future or Past
Welcome To The Hotel California HELL HEAVEN is Living in Future or Past IS “Such a lovely Place!” NOW The Eagles “This can be Heaven or this can be Hell” CALIFORNIA Peace of Mind results from Connection to your “Here & Now” World. Pain, Fear and Anxiety from Living in the illusion of Future, Past or Fantasy. Anything from the Present that can capture your attention is a lifeline to Peace Of Mind. When you find it, it’s a real gift, so be grateful. If you haven’t Keep Looking. It’s out there!

18 is Living in Future or Past
2. Welcome To The Hotel California HELL HEAVEN is Living in Future or Past IS NOW Recovery Wisdom Insights CALIFORNIA The Eagles “We Haven’t had that spirit(wine)here since 1969.” “Bring your alibis.” “We are all just prisoners here of our own Device” “In the Master’s Chambers they gather for the feast. They stabbed it with their steely knives , but they just can’t kill the beast.” (our ego self) “Last thing I remember I was running for the door. I had to find the passage back to the place I was before.” (fear of recovery, of change) “Relax said the night man, we are programmed to receive. (Healing or Spiritual Awakening) You can check out any time you want, but you can never leave.” (Your divine program to awaken to Spirit)


20 Alcohol, Toxins, Pain, Waste,
Cloud-Layers Of Self Magnified Mind Support/Defense Thinking, Worrying, Planning, Judging, Controlling Analyzing, Criticizing, Body Support/ Defense Muscle Tension-Armor, Food, Overweight, Drugs Alcohol, Toxins, Pain, Waste, Anger Defense-Control-Support Emotion Support/Defense Happy, Excited, Content, Carefree Depressed, Helpless, Abandoned, Lost, Sad, Empty, Worthless, Separate, Alone Lost Identity FEAR Birth & Death Of Ego Here “THE ZONE” Power, Peace,Joy,Love / Spiritual Identity

21 Distraction, Medication Emotions, Losing Control,
Mobilizing Energy MIND SUPPORT Thinking, Worrying Planning, Analyzing Criticizing, Judging Controlling BODY SUPPORT Muscle Tension Alcohol, Drugs, Food, Weight, Over Work, Sedation, Sensation Distraction, Medication EMOTIONS Happy, Sad, Empty Worthless,Bored, Hopeless,Despairing, Alone, Separate, FEAR OF Emotions, Losing Control, Death, The Unknown, The Power of, GOD-SOURCE Losing Self Fear-Based ANGER Defense UNIVERSAL GOD-SOURCE ENERGY LET GO TO FIND

22 Crossing Final Frontier
Through Emotions, Pain & Fear Painful Emotions Sad, Empty, Helpless, Worthless Alone Separate Death of ego Fear of the unknown Inner Spirit “What the caterpillar sees as the end of the world,” “The Master calls a Butterfly.” “ Illusions,” by Richard Bach “To suffer ones death and be reborn is not easy.” Fritz Perls, Founder of Gestalt Therapy

23 “A Course In Miracles” Text Chapter 18,IX.3
The Passing Of The Dream. 2 And these messages (sent to you through your body senses) bear witness to this world, pronouncing it as true. …4 Everything these messages relay to you is quite external. 5 There are no messages that speak of what lies underneath, for it is not the body that could speak of this. 6 Its eyes perceive it not; its senses remain quite unaware of it; its tongue cannot relay its messages. 7 Yet God can bring you there, if you are willing to follow the Healing Spirit through seeming terror, trusting Him not to abandon you and leave you there. 8 For it is not His purpose to frighten you, but only yours. 9 You are severely tempted to abandon Him at the outside ring of fear, but He would lead you safely through and far beyond.

24 “My Salvation Comes From Me.”
“A Course In Miracles” Lesson 70 “My Salvation Comes From Me.” Since all illusions of salvation have failed you, surely you do not want to remain in the “clouds, (of fear)” looking vainly for idols there, (to save you) when you could so easily walk on into the light of real salvation. 2 Try to pass the “clouds” by whatever means appeals to you. 3 If it helps you, think of me holding your hand and leading you. 4 And I assure you this will be no idle fantasy.

25 Questions 1. What happens when you feel upset or any kind of painful emotion? How do you handle it? 2. Why do we find it so difficult to experience emotions like sadness, loss, helplessness emptiness , aloneness, worthlessness, despair? 3. When was the last time you got angry? Share this experience with the person on your right. 4. What was the painful emotion underneath the anger, the more vulnerable feeling the anger was protecting you from experiencing? 5.If I allowed myself to feel the more vulnerable feeling of …., I frightened that…? and then…?

26 Healing Painful Emotions
1. Give up anger, blame or any other coping choice that stops you from responsibly feeling the pain. 2. Find and feel this pain somewhere in your body. You can not heal what you will not physically feel. 3. On every out breath, let go, give in and sink as deeply as you can into the physical experience of the emotion. Whatever pain we resist, persists, strengthens and becomes unbearable. Giving into to tears and crying can be extremely helpful here. 4. As you give into and experience this emotional pain in your body simply say,“Spirit ,help me heal this pain and fear.” When you can ask with heart-felt surrender, you will receive your healing, release, and access to the “Peace Of God” beneath.

27 A Simple Awareness Exercise
Feeling Emotions A Simple Awareness Exercise 1. Close your eyes and think of a situation as close to the present as you can remember where you felt some painful emotion like sadness, loss, aloneness, emptiness, despair etc. 2. Try to visualize this situation in your mind to the point where you begin to feel the emotion once again now. Locate it somewhere in your body. 3. Your first reaction will be to to tighten up, and stop breathing. Instead, try letting go into the physical experience with every out breath. 4. See how long you can give attention to this experience and what happens to the pain.

28 “All Things Are Gently Planned” “A Course In Miracles,” Workbook Lesson 135
8.What could you not accept, if you but knew that everything that happens, all events, past, present and to come, are gently planned by One Whose only purpose is your good? 2 Perhaps you have misunderstood His plan, for He would never offer pain to you. 3 But your defenses did not let you see His loving blessing shine in every step you ever took. 4 While you made plans for death, He led you gently to eternal life. W Your present trust in Him is the defense that promises a future undisturbed, without a trace of sorrow, and with joy that constantly increases, as this life becomes a holy instant, set in time, but heeding only immortality. 2 Let no defenses but your present trust direct the future, and this life becomes a meaningful encounter with the truth that only your defenses would conceal.

29 The Awareness and Acceptance
Keys To The Kingdom The Awareness and Acceptance Of where I am Are my “Keys to the Kingdom” Of Change.  There is no blame In being me, Nor in my defenses And Unreadyness to see. David Ott

30 Enlightenment To Awaken to Our Power and Joy, Our Peace and Love,
We must be Grounded and Focused In Nowness, Empty of the Defenses of self. David Ott /80

31 Corral Your Thoughts They Are Like Horses.
If you let them run wild all day, It’s going to take a long time to get them Back Into The Corral and “Saddled For Focus” when you need to .

32 How To Corral Your Thoughts
DAILY PRACTICE 1 Be Mindful In The “Here & Now” Frequently throughout the day, stop, breathe and sink heavily into the floor. Then use the words “Now I Am Aware” and label a sight, sound, touch, taste or smell outside, or feeling within you.

33 How To Corral Your Thoughts
DAILY PRACTICE 2 Notice & Still Your Thoughts For at least 10 minutes, in the morning, evening & before any challenge, sitting up or lying down, focus on your breathing. Let go and sink heavier into the ground with every out breath. If thoughts enter your mind, tell them gently to “Be Still.” Refocus on your breathing & continue to relax deeper & deeper on each out breath.

34 Your Thoughts & Feelings Create Your Reality
All thoughts and feelings house creative energy that somehow,someway, sometime take form. Positive, winning thoughts create a positive winning reality. Negative, losing thoughts create a negative, losing reality. What you believe you achieve. What you visualize you materialize Focus, Power& Zone training will train your mind to become aware of, control and stop negative thoughts and feelings so you can replace them with positive ones.

35 Thinking To Win Your Present thoughts & feelings
create your coming reality. The stronger, the sooner. Think & feel success to create success! Thoughts, feelings, visions, words, actions all create form . Thoughts seen, spoken and acted on take form in reality sooner. .

36 Sharing Exercise 1. Think of some “I am …” statements you could make about yourself. 2. Think of some “I am…” statements you would like to be able to make about yourself. 3. Pick a partner and trade back and forth making these statements that begin with, “I am…” that you would like to be true about yourself. 4. Share how that feels for you.

37 “I AM” Winning Words The most powerful preface you can
use to bring your goals into reality. Speak these ideas often to yourself and out loud. I am successful! I am a winner! I am determined! I am powerful! I am clean and addiction free! I am… fill in the blank! Speak them as your Reality Now.

38 GUARD The more aware you are of what you think each
YOUR THOUGHTS The more aware you are of what you think each moment, the sooner you can change your thoughts from losers TO WINNERS!

39 Goals 1.Think of some goals you would like to achieve (a) within the next year and (b) within the next 5 years 2. Share these goals that you would like to achieve in some detail with the person on your left

40 Achieving Your Goals 1. Goal, dream or idea presents itself
from your unconscious mind. Breathe fully and then connect your body heavily into floor. (Grounding) Visualize your goal Achieved. Be detailed & specific in the vision. See yourself, your achieved goal or vision under a white spot light. Add to the vision a strong feeling of excitement and gratitude! 1.

41 2. Achieving Your Goals Speak out loud, in present tense,
as if you have achieved your goal. Example: “I am addiction free!” Take action to achieve your goal. Ignore specific way goal will evolve. Break End-Goal into smaller goals? Do the Visualizing & Feeling in a state of Relaxation before going to sleep. 2.

42 The Zone Response The Zone Response is a drug free altered state of consciousness brought about by Non-Thinking, Now-Focused activity, relaxed muscle tension, and full, rhythmic breathing. Warriors in tribal cultures often induced this state before going into battle through drumming and chanting because it eliminated fear and maximized power. It’s characterized by a specific brain wave known as “Alpha.”

43 Activating The Zone Response
Create mental state of non-thinking Alert, Now-Awareness. Full focus on present activity or skill. Relax or release muscle tension. Develop full, flowing, breath pattern. Skill or activity focused on must be learned, practiced and executed to the point where it can become a non-thinking, reflex response to present performance demands. Practice! Practice! Practice!

44 Benefits of Zone Training
1. Less muscle tension. Better breathing; more available O2. Increased circulation to brain & organs. Better Immune Response. Faster healing and less illness. Fewer accidents with less time loss. Improved digestion & higher energy. Greater power and stamina. Focus that is more clear and alert. Improved memory and learning.

45 Benefits of Zone Training
2. Reduced anxiety, fear and doubt. More confident and positive attitude to present performance demands. A body that is clear of tension, more free flowing with faster reflexes. Fewer mind, body, emotion blocks. Stronger more determined visual goals. Better able to focus under pressure. Better intuitive response to situations. A mind that is more still & responsive

46 Peak Recovery Ongoing Survival Skills
1. Be in present awareness. Use the words,”Now I am Aware..” Then use your five senses to connect with the world around you. Keep feet firmly on the ground so you can transfer energy to power. Keep your breath full and relaxed. Off Ice Focus Affects On Ice Play

47 Ongoing Survival Skills
Peak Recovery Ongoing Survival Skills 2. Breathe and relax muscle tension. Guard against negative thinking. Avoid criticism, judgment & anger. Feel, think, speak & act positively. Use winning words like “I am …” flawless, powerful, a winner! etc. Be aware of your body so you can notice and relax any tension.

48 Surprise Gift of Peak Recovery
The high, the relief, the freedom from pain and fear, the peace we sought, without success, through our destructive substance and behavior choices in the world are gifted and awakened within us as soon as we let go our destructive choices, ask for healing with heart-felt feeling and then wait in patient, stillness, with a harmless, faith filled willingness to receive We have lost nothing and found Our Peace & Joy Within.

49 Recovery Counselling&Education
Peak Recovery May You Recover The Power Within! Facilitator David Ott, M.Ed. Recovery Counselling&Education (250) A New Beginning

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