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High School Graduation Requirements

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1 High School Graduation Requirements

2 Preparation for College High School Graduation
Credits required: 230 credits Credits are earned at semester Pass all required classes woth a “C” grade or better The path to college includes high school graduation. Share the required criteria. Middle School Counseling 2013

3 High School Graduation Requirements
Subject Required English Language Arts 40 American Government 5 U.S. History 10 Modern World History Biological Science Algebra 1 Geometry Mathematics Physical Education 20 World Languages/Arts Economics Electives 70 TOTAL 230 Review the credit requirements. Please make sure to enforce that passing grades earn credits. F grades so not earn credits. Also discuss : Quarter grades continue and are included in semester grades. The grade slate is not clean at the quarter. Middle School Counseling 2013

4 Credits- A Little Review
Every class in high school will provide you the opportunity to earn credits. For each class you pass with a D or better you will earn 10 credits for the year. You must earn 230 credits to graduate from high school.

5 The number of credits you earn is important
The number of credits you earn is important... But also the type of classes you take to earn those credits is equally as important.

6 Breakdown of Requirements
English You will need to take English all four years of high school. Math 3 years of math required Algebra Geometry Algebra II

7 Requirements cont. Science Social Science
Three years of science. Which may include any of the following: Earth Science Biology Chemistry Physiology Social Science Modern World History (10th grade) US History Economic (1/2 year) American Government (1/2 year)

8 Physical Education 2 years required
Usually taken your freshmen and sophomore year Must dress out every day and participate to pass the class

9 Art/Language One year of art or a language
Examples of art include: Band, choir, orchestra, drawing, sculpture, dance High school offers a variety of different language options including: Spanish, French, German, Hmong

10 Electives Must take a minimum of 70 credits of elective classes to graduate. This equals to 7 full year classes during high school Examples of electives include: Any extra classes that go above and beyond the minimum academic classes needed to graduate from high school. For example a fourth year of math or science taken. Career Technical Education CART

11 What happens if you fail a class?

12 Failing a class.. In high school each class you fail you must make up in Summer school Night School Online

13 Failing too many classes in high school puts you at risk of falling too far behind and increases a students chances of dropping out of school.

14 So what does this mean to me now?
As we said in the beginning of this presentations many of the habits that will determine your success in high school and beyond are established in middle school. It is important that you start thinking about your future and what you want it to look like.

15 So start getting ready now..
Complete all your homework Attain good study skills No D’s of F’s Get involved in school Talk to your teachers, counselor and parents about your future plans Behave in and out of school.

16 RECAP High School is different than middle school
You will start earning credits for classes passed You will have to repeat any class failed Must earn 230 Middle school is where all your academic skills are developed!

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