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Questions on Last Week.

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1 Questions on Last Week

2 Questions on “The Problem of Social Cost”

3 “Externalities” are Jointly Caused

4 Price Theory Framework
Cost of inputs=their value in the best alternative use Price of outputs=their value to those who buy them

5 Farmer and Rancher If Rancher liable for damage to crops
If Rancher not liable If no bargaining possible

6 Basic Argument With zero transaction costs, it never pays to leave money on the table.

7 More Cases, the Same Logic
Confectioner vs Doctor Bleaching Coconut Matting Blocking the draft of a chimney Jolly Angler Brewing

8 Judge Uke Story The sound of the money pays for the smell of the food

9 If Transaction Costs are Not Zero

10 Judge’s Basis for Deciding the Case May Seem Irrelevant to the Economist But
It may be designed to give a predictable rule Or be a proxy for relevant considerations

11 A Firm as One Solution

12 Government Regulation as Another
Consider Air Pollution in Los Angeles

13 And the Best Solution Might Be To Do Nothing

14 Coase’s Advice to Economists
Gather data on how transactions are organized

15 Most economists seem to be unaware of all this
Most economists seem to be unaware of all this. When they are prevented from sleeping at night by the roar of jet planes overhead (publicly authorized and perhaps publicly operated)' are unable to think ( or rest) in the day because of the noise and vibration from passing trains (publicly authorized and perhaps publicly operated), find it difficult to breathe because of the odour from a local sewage farm (publicly authorized and perhaps publicly operated) and are unable to escape because their driveways are blocked by a road obstruction (without any doubt, publicly devised), their nerves frayed and mental balance disturbed, they proceed to declaim about the disadvantages of private enterprise and the need for Government regulation.

16 Pigou and Railroads

17 What is Owned is a Right, not a Thing

18 I will, although with reluctance, confine my discussion to rabbits.

19 Further Points The existence of inefficiency relative to the outcome produced by a perfectly wise planner does not necessarily mean you are doing anything wrong and government should step in And “government stepping in” is not well defined. Since the government defined the rights you start with

20 Actually very little analysis is required to show that an ideal world is better than a state of laissez faire, unless the definitions of a state of laissez faire and an ideal world happen to be the same. But the whole discussion is largely irrelevant for questions of economic policy since whatever we may have in mind as our ideal world, it is clear that we have not yet discovered how to get to it from where we are. A better approach would seem to be to start our analysis with a situation approximating that which actually exists, to examine the effects of a proposed policy change and to attempt to decide whether the new situation would be, in total, better or worse than the original one. In this way, conclusions for policy would have some relevance to the actual situation.

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