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Religious Conflicts Need to know:
Need to know: How religion comes into conflict with each other or with other religions (interregional vs. intraregional) Shatterbelts that exist
Homework: Mon. 12/18: Guided Reading 3c folk/pop #4-6 (skip #3; will be done in class); Quiz on Religion Wednesday 12/22: Test on Language + Religion (not unit exam); Religious Architecture/Sacred Spaces/Symbols/etc. packet due. Identify religion + explain names for/reason for/significance of each. Friday 12/23: Group Map Assessment (Global Distribution of Religion Map) Thurs: 1/10: Unit 3 FRQ Exam Friday 1/11: Unit 3 MC Exam
Religions and government policies
“fundamentalism” vs. modernity/secularism strict adherence to specific theological doctrines usually understood as reaction against modern or secular thought reaction to outside control Early 20th cen., Islamic fundamentalism existed- not as strong. Conflict/Meddling common ppl turned to fundamentalism as reaction against western influence. Examples of fundamentalist groups? the Taliban (Afghanistan) Al-Qaeda, ISIS (terrorist organizations) Every religion has fundamentalists: ex. Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, KS (Fred Phelps) Known for its use of inflammatory hate speech, esp. against LGBT people, Catholics, Muslims, Jews, American soldiers/veterans (America corrupt) imposition of sharia law: Islamic religious law dev. around time of prophet (~1500 yrs old) Legal system of Saudi Arabia based on sharia; some of these laws not considered appropriate by ppl with more western, secular mindsets. Fundamentalism: What is it? Strict, literal interp of theology often directly from holy book In what religious do we see fundamentalism making biggest impact? (Islam) Fundamentalism is usually a reaction against secular thoughts / outside control. Early 20th century, Islamic fundamentalism existed, but wasn’t as strong Wasn’t until conflict/meddling that common ppl turned to fundamentalism as reaction against western influence. What are examples of fundamentalist groups? exists in every religion (Jewish fundamentalists, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian) Christian FM – bible is never wrong; against liberalism/secularism/gay rights. Who does this remind you of that you hear in news? (Westborough Baptist Church; Fred Phelps believes gays are sinners + going to hell + America itself is evil corrupt place); WBC pickets gay pride fests; they picketed Lane Tech when they had a play about a young gay man who was murdered Anti-abortion; against any immorality that violates teachings of bible For school prayer Teach creationism (biblical version of where we came from; not a scientific one); anti-science Not fans of Jews, but support state of Israel bc they believe it means the rapture is closer Israel exists. Not same as evangelicals (less extreme) Fundamentalist is extreme, but when you add violence to it, you have extremeists
Islamic fundamentalism
Map: Islamic fundamentalism: Enemies (Saudi Arabia – Sunni - + Iran – Shia); both under fundamentalist regimes Saudi Arabia + Iran both under fundamentalist regimes
Fundamentalism Christian Islamic “Radical Islam”
inerrancy of the Bible Bible is never wrong literal interpretation of Biblical stories Against: secularism, liberalism LGBT rights abortion “immorality” For: for “school prayer” teaching “creationism vs. “evolution” “Judgment Day is near” Left Behind books Zionism leading to the “end days” “Radical Islam” Shari’a law death penalty for the “crimes” of adultery, blasphemy and homosexuality amputations for crime of theft flogging for fornication or public intoxication. Conflicts with human rights religious police gender equality issues (purdah etc.) freedom of speech freedom of religion apostasy leaving Islam "should be executed“ if don’t return Exists in every religion (Jewish fundamentalists, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian) Christian FM – bible is never wrong; against liberalism/secularism/gay rights. Who does this remind you of that you hear in news? Westborough Baptist Church; Fred Phelps believes gays are sinners + going to hell + America itself is evil corrupt place; WBC pickets gay pride fests; they picketed Lane Tech when they had a play about a young gay man who was murdered Anti-abortion; against any immorality that violates teachings of bible For school prayer Teach creationism (biblical version of where we came from; not a scientific one); anti-science Not fans of Jews, but support state of Israel bc they believe it means the rapture is closer Israel exists. Not same as evangelicals (less extreme) Fundamentalist is extreme, but when you add violence to it, you have extremeists Islamic Fundamentalism, Examples? Sharia law – death penalty for crimes(?)/moral failings – adultery, homosexuality (you should die for this) There are countries in middle east where these acts are punishable by death penalty. Amputations for crime of theft bc Qur’an calls for this. Flogging for fornication or public intoxication Saudi Arabia one of our closest allies, yet they have death penalty for homosexuality In conflict w/ what we as westerners/post scientific-Rev/Enlightenment take for granted + consider basic human rights Women are not completely equal here in US, but we don’t believe in purdah (that women should be isolated) Comics of Muhammad in Charlie Hebdo – extremists raded office + killed cartoonists (shooting – 12 ppl killed) over controversial Muhammad cartoons: Charlie Hebdo is far left wing satirical magazine that’s atheist, nonconforming, etc. Leaving religion is worthy or death penalty If you do something insulting (book Satanic Verses - critical of Islam, was Muslim + Ayatollah in Iran issues fatwa = death sentence against him)
Westborough Baptist Church picketed Lane Tech when they had a play about a young homosexual man who was murdered. (fundamentalism) Charlie Hebdo is far left wing satirical magazine in France that’s atheist, nonconforming, etc. Shooting in – cartoonists killed over controversial Muhammad cartoons (12 people died). (extremism) Salman Rushdie, a Muslim, wrote a best-selling novel called The Satanic Verses (critical of Islam). Ayatollah Khomeini, the former supreme leader of Iran used the fatwa ordering Muslims to kill Rushdie. Fatwa = death sentence.
The Taliban Aisha Bibi promised to Taliban fighter at 14
At 18 she fled the abuse but was caught by police, jailed for five months, and returned to her family. Her father returned her to her in-laws. To take revenge on her escape, her father-in-law, husband, and three other family members took Aisha into the mountains, cut off her nose and her ears, and left her to die. Aisha was later rescued by aid workers and the U.S. military. Later adopted by Americans, facial reconstruction but post-traumatic stress issues The Taliban: Misogynistic pricks Black beards, turbans, go around enforcing fundamentalist viewpoint around Islam. What are some things they don’t allow? (kites, no tv/internet, etc) Treatment of women horrible – complete seclusion, covered in burka from head to toe, completely secluded, escort Movie called Osama (starve to death bc her and her mother can’t leave the house) Aisha Bibi – 14 when promised to older Taliban fighter; was able to escape – abusive, raped her frequently; ran away + jailed for 5 months. When returned to her family, the Taliban demanded she be returned to inlaws. Father had to return her. Took her up into mountains and cut off her nose + ears Do we leave Afghanistan? What is our moral obligation? Do we allow these ppl who do this to people to resume power? What is our responsibility to fix this problem? We are still there to keep them down bc they r the strongest force. Without us, there is a power vacuum.
Malala youngest Nobel Prize laureate
activist for female education in Pakistan against Taliban policy of banning female education Taliban is influential in both Afghanistan and Pakistan Malala Another ex. of the Taliban Female activist for education, against Taliban policy Lived in green area where they hold a lot of power still. Went on her school bus and shot her in head, she lived. Youngest Nobel Peace Prize winner.
Malala youngest Nobel Prize laureate
activist for female education in Pakistan against Taliban policy of banning female education Taliban is influential in both Afghanistan and Pakistan Taliban attempt but fail to assassinate her
Do we leave Afghanistan? What is our moral obligation?
Do we allow these ppl who do this to people to resume power? What is our responsibility to fix this problem? We are still there to keep them down bc they r the strongest force. Without us, there is a power vacuum.
Religions versus government policies
“fundamentalism” vs. modernity/secularism Ex.) Hinduism and modernity/inequality Example: sati (practice of burning widows on their husband’s funeral pyre). British ban in Now illegal in India caste system (limits social mobility). now used as basis for “affirmative action” Religions vs. Gov policies Hinduism – practices like Sati (British banned in it 1829) Caste System in Hinduism (limit social mobility)
Culture Clash in Europe Islam vs. Secularism (racism?)
Side note: Culture Clash: Migration to Europe/ ghettoization that migrants face, how they become radicalized. Muslims in Europe: should Muslims accept the long tradition of European secularism? (Enlightenment values, free speech, etc). Should Muslims be expected to change their views? Should these countries adopt a policy of multiculturalism? Some Muslims countries have child wives (13-14); want sharia law on family; sharia laws contradict the laws of the book What do you think? Should new immigrants accept secular laws? Should they have to give up their language? Should marriage under age 18 be allowed in London? Divorce law – sharia law, sometimes women don’t have same rights as men under that law. Should that be respected as an integral right of their culture or should we demand that women should have rights? What does it mean when France passes a law saying you can’t wear religious garbs to schools? (you can’t wear the hijab or yammikah or a big cross to school in France; has that gone too far?) France has “freedom from religion” – you can’t put religion in anyone’s face Should Europeans have the expectation that Muslim immigrants accept European secular ideas regarding women’s rights and free speech, etc.? Should Muslims expect Europeans to embrace multiculturalism, which allows them to live by traditions of their culture even if they contradict modern, secular ideas?
Religions and government policies
Religion vs. Communist atheism Eastern Orthodox/Islam vs. Soviet Union
Religion vs. Communism Communists = atheism From 1917 - 1934:
Marx, “religion is the opiate of the masses” Religion distracts people + reduces suffering by giving people illusion of afterlife, so they continue to work toil for the ownership class. From : 28% of Orthodox churches 42% of Muslim mosques 52% of Jewish synagogues were shut down in the USSR Communists = atheist What does that mean, “religion is the opiate of the masses?” What is an opiate? What purpose do opiates usually serve in drug area? (painkillers, morphine, heroin) Religion is painkiller of masses. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Why does he think religion is bad? What would Karl Marx’s criticism of society/religion be? Powers put religion out there to keep ppl in line myth so ppl don’t realize they are being screwed over by economy – drug so ppl will be willing to work, etc. Anti-religious poster from Soviet Union, religious figures as marionettes Communism: everyone should be equal ; Here’s a man trying to distract ppl with religion and give them an afterlife so they continue to toil and sweat for the interests of the ownership class
State Atheism State Atheism: still countries with atheist policies (darker red) state atheism in Mexico – not official French Revolution – atheistic period, didn’t last long Big one is former Soviet Union Under “state atheism” in Soviet Union, there was government-sponsored program of forced conversion to atheism conducted by Communists. People were persecuted/harassed, though religion wasn’t explicitly banned. Other examples: China, Cuba, Mexico,
Status of Religion in the former USSR
Religious revival since official atheism is scrapped. Eastern Europe Surge in Catholicism Islamic Central Asia How to integrate Islamic revival into the secular state? Russia, Belarus Policies seen as favoring Eastern Orthodox church nationalism Outside Bibles banned Leases not renewed National identity stressed Atheist problem, now they are being influenced by fundamentalist movements (Iran, etc) Central Asia was atheistic, now influenced by fundamentalism Russia + Belarus; another revival Eastern Orthodoxy Putin wants ppl to be Russian Orthodox (nationalistic; makes them more Russian); Putin prob not religious (KJP agent, came out of communist regime, kills journalist) Putin uses Eastern Orthodoxy to get ppl to support him as leader, rallies support behind him (similar to how Trump uses Christianity) Putin’s policies favor Russian Orthodox church
Religion versus religion
Christian vs. Christian friction Intrafaith boundary/ “sectarian” Not really a “shatterbelt” ; less common today Catholic vs. Protestant was a shatterbelt in Europe until mid-17th century (1600s) European Wars of Religion Modern-day example of intrafaith religious conflict in Europe? Northern Ireland Christian vs. Christian friction: Less common today What do we call that conflict between Christians? What kind of boundary? (intrafaith boundary; sectarian) Shatterbelt? (all of Europe bc of Protestant Reformation; in almost every country, conflict over Catholics vs. Protestants Where today might you see a modern-day ex of an intrafaith conflict in Europe between members of same basic faith? (northern Ireland) – close to being resolved Ulter – legacy of British colonialism; as English colonies, ppl more allied with them came to help run things. UK includes northern Ireland. Period of time called the Troubles IRA (terrorist activities) By late 1990s, peace process; Good Friday Agreement – London agrees to allow Belfast to have a lot of regional power
Northern Ireland Legacy of British colonialism
Ulster (6 counties in NE) Mostly Scottish (Protestant) migrants opted to remain in UK (1920s) Discrimination vs. Catholic minority economic inequality “the Troubles” = began late 1960s Nationalist (Catholic) vs. unionist (Protestant) IRA (Irish Republican Army) Terrorist activities Peace process Good Friday Agreement (1997) Leads to power-sharing agreement
Pictures at height of troubles (Irish comparing themselves to the PLO – Palestinian)
Pictures at height of troubles (Irish comparing themselves to the PLO – Palestinian Liberation Organization)
Look at this graphic: what is the trend that you see? (ppl walking)
More Catholic as they get younger. What does that mean amongst the Catholic (using demographic statistics) population? What demographic statistics are happening amongst the Catholics and not the Protestants? Demographic statistics – higher CBR, higher TFR. IF Catholics are having more children, what does that say about the future of northern Ireland? (will become more and more Catholic) – it is possible the Catholics have already began to outweigh the Protestants in northern Ireland) What political effects might that have if there are more Catholics in northern Ireland?
Religion versus religion
Christianity vs. Islam Interfaith boundary Competition between universalizing religions Historic Crusades Reconquista in Spain Today West Africa Huge shatterbelt Example: Nigeria Boko Haram – militant Jihadist organization that wants to impose sharia law on all Nigeria. Interfaith boundary ; several long-term conflicts between Christianity + Islam (Crusades) Today, where do we see biggest interfaith boundary between Islam + Christianity (in Africa) Where is the boundary? Below Sahara desert; huge shatterbelt; Nigeria Nigeria – Boko Haram want to impose sharia law on all Nigeria; (kidnappings, bombings, murder) With all religious conflict, there is usually another big underlying reason – something else that is forming basis of the competition (rich agricultural lands) Climate change – Muslim herders moving into central grasslands; also wanted by southern farmers who are Christian ; diff competing economic uses of the land. More economic than religious
Religion versus religion
Christianity vs. Islam Interfaith boundary Competition between universalizing religions Historic Crusades Reconquista in Spain Today West Africa Example: Nigeria Boko Haram wants to impose sharia law on all of Nigeria Also competition for rich agricultural grasslands of Central Nigeria (climate change)
Christians attack Muslims in former Yugoslavia
Has been ruled over at various times by Ottomans, Austro- Hungarians, Germany, Yugoslavia, etc. Many different ethnicities + religions are in the Balkans Islam, Eastern Orthodox Christianity, Catholicism, Judaism Region marked by ethnic violence. Called the “powder keg” of Europe bc of the many wars there.
Christians attack Muslims in former Yugoslavia
Context: Break-up/ fall of Communist Yugoslavia Communist President Tito: kept Yugoslavia’s many ethnicities together. Death of Tito 1980 /Fall of Communism 1989: Order/peace --> chaos/violence. Economic crisis, ethnic groups enjoy sudden freedom, nationalism, *Tension between ethnic groups resurfaces. Bosnian War (1992 – 95) 1992: Bosnia + Herzegovina declare independence from Yugoslavia. Struggle for control in Bosnia + Herzegovina: 3 groups: Bosnians (Muslim) Serbs (E. Orthodox; Croats (Catholic); multi-ethnic states Serbs + Croats ambitious to occupy more land: Croats in Bosnia feared newly independent state of Bosnia (dom. by Muslims) posed threat to them Serbs claimed Serbian people victimized throughout history. Worst act of genocide since Holocaust; “ethnic cleansing” Bosnian Muslims “cleansed” by Serbs/Croats: 100,000+ deaths (starvation, torture camps, mass rape, shelling of cities, shootings, other war crimes) 2 ways: Bosnian War (early 1990s); Late 90s Kosovo (independent country) Bosnia: 3 groups: Serbians/Croats, Bosnians, Sebians and Croats wanted the land; both Serbs and Croats ethnically cleansed Bosnian Muslims particularly 1995 we stopped massacre In this process, ethnic cleansing was rewarded.
Christians attack Muslims in former Yugoslavia (continued)
Kosovo (1999) Kosovo lies in southern Serbia + has mixed population (majority are ethnic Albanians) Growing Albanian nationalism + separatism tensions between Serbs + Albanian, as Albanians fight Serb control. Serbs attempt to ethnically cleanse Albanians from region. Stopped by NATO airstrikes
Ethnic Cleansing Rewarded!
Dayton Accords: aggression/ ethnic cleansing rewarded. More divided than before.
Intrafaith boundary: Sunni vs. Shia
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