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Forensic Accounting Pertemuan XII

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2 Forensic Accounting Pertemuan XII
Matakuliah : F0184/Audit atas Kecurangan Tahun : 2007 Forensic Accounting Pertemuan XII

3 Learning Outcomes Mahasiswa diharapkan mengetahui fungsi dari akuntansi forensik Mahasiswa diharapkan mengetahui langkah-kangkah dari akuntansi forensik 3 Bina Nusantara

4 Outline Materi Forensic accounting vs Fraud auditing
Forensic accountant ability Forensic accounting case 4 Bina Nusantara

5 Forensic Accounting Case
There are a variety of ways individuals might fraudulently steal or embezzle company assets: Through the purchase, payables, and payment system Through the sales, receivables, and receipt system Bina Nusantara

6 Uncovering Evidence The job role of the accused within the accounting system The control of the accused person exercises on the accounting system The knowledge by the accused of the accounting system The systematic pattern used in covering up the fraud The extent of the fraud The personal financial position of the accused, which can be relevant to the motive and can illustrate the benefit Bina Nusantara

7 Purchase, Payables and Payment System
False Expense Reports False Supplier Invoices False Information Bina Nusantara

8 False Expense Report Nonbusiness items Inflated items Fictitious items
Duplicate items Bina Nusantara

9 False Supplier Invoices
No goods have been delivered or services rendered The quantity or price is inflated The quality has been compromised Bina Nusantara

10 False Information False financial statements
Overstated accounts receivable listings Overstated statements of income and net worth False general journal entries Altered internal company records Fictitious customer credit information False asset valuations Bina Nusantara

11 Sales, Receivable and Receipt System
Front-end Fraud False Sales Invoice Lapping Bina Nusantara

12 Key Question of Front-End Fraud
Do recorded sales represent all company sales? Has the company unexpectedly experienced reduced sales from some of its oldest and best customers? Are all revenues recorded? Bina Nusantara

13 Key Question of False Sales Invoices
Are recorded sale amounts the actual sales amounts? Can sales be confirmed with customers? Are sale amounts reasonable in the circumstances? Bina Nusantara

14 Key Question for Lapping
Are the amounts recorded as owing to the company actually still owing to the company? Are deposit from a person/company being used to cover someone or other company’s debts? Bina Nusantara

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