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A New Political Party.

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1 A New Political Party

2 People who opposed slavery joined together to form the new Republican Party. They chose Abraham Lincoln as their candidate for United States Senate in Illinois.

3 The Republicans and Democrats battled over the issues of slavery and states’ rights.

4 Lincoln’s opponent was Senator Stephen Douglas
Lincoln’s opponent was Senator Stephen Douglas. Lincoln opposed the spread of slavery, while Douglas believed in state’s rights.

5 Even though Lincoln lost, the debates made him a leader in the Republican party.

6 Two years later Douglas and Lincoln would battle again, this time for the presidency.

7 Lincoln won the presidential election, without winning any Southern electoral votes.

8 Southerners were worried they would have no voice in the new government. The time of compromise had come to an end.

9 After Lincoln was elected President, South Carolina decided to secede
After Lincoln was elected President, South Carolina decided to secede. Six more states soon followed: Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas.

10 The seceding states met in Montgomery, Alabama and formed their own government called The Confederate States of America, or ‘The Confederacy.’

11 The Confederacy adopted a constitution that supported slavery and states’ rights. They elected Jefferson Davis president. Abraham Lincoln was president of the Union.

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