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The Big Bang to What’s next

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1 The Big Bang to What’s next
Origins The Big Bang to What’s next

2 Origin of the Cosmos—3 Options
Option 1: Someone made the universe (Big Bang or creationist theory) Option 2: The universe made itself (Inflationary or evolutionist theory) Option 3: The universe has always been here (Steady State Theory) Scientists now know that the cosmos had a beginning (proton decay and galactic motion) Therefore only options 1 and 2 are viable

3 The Big Bang 13.7 billion years agoMass of universesize of head of a pin Unimaginable release of energy (an expansion not an explosion)trillions of degrees Nobody knows how/why it happened Created space and time Electrons, quarks and gluons created (building blocks for all atoms)

4 Big Bang Flowchart

5 Sounds a little “Quarky” to me…
Universe began “on the head of a pin” – infinitely small and dense Has expanded and cooled ever since

6 Electromagnetic Spectrum (EM) Spectrum
Let’s take a look at the spectrum EM Spectrum Astronomers can look into space and see what gases are present by the way they absorb and reflect light

7 Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)
Discovered by the Hubble Space Telescope Originally discovered in the 1960’s Energy waves (photons) left over from the original Big Bang in the form of microwaves

8 It’s All Elemental, Watson!
Expanding universe = stuff slowly cools down (space is cold dude!!) Nucleus protons + neutrons Early space: mostly hydrogen and helium atoms (He formed from H) Gravityclumpingcoolingformed all the masses in the universe Stars begin to form(Our sun—5 billion years ago)

9 Doppler Effect Apparent change in frequency of a sound relative to the position of the listener Increased frequency Decreased frequency

10 Doppler Effect You can hear this when sounds go past us (cars, sirens, etc.) YouTube: Doppler Effect

11 Expanding/Contracting Universe TheoryWhich One?
Blue Shift of Lightgalaxies moving toward us (contracting universe) Red Shift of Lightgalaxies would be moving away from us (expanding universe) Faster light movesmore shift

12 Hubble Expansion Galaxies in our local group are moving away from us
ThereforeRed Shifting Proves our universe is still expanding

13 What’s next? Stuff is still red shifting today
Eventually gravity will slow junk down Crap will stop and then slowly begin to blue shift Blue shifting will speed up Stuff, junk and crap will then form another singularity Another Big Bang!?

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