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Political and Institutional Consolidation

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Presentation on theme: "Political and Institutional Consolidation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Political and Institutional Consolidation
The Rising Status of the yishuv

2 The Beginning of the 1920s The Jewish people Zionist Movement Yishuv

3 Political Party-Structure
Religious Zionism (since 1901) Labor Zionism 1919 The ‘Histadrut” Labor Union 1920 – main stronghold in the yishuv => MAPAI-1930 Revisionist Zionism Right Wing opposition General Zionism – 1935

4 The Yishuv to Leadership 1930s
The Jewish People Mapai Zionist movement + supporters Yishuv

5 The Jewish Agency as the National Authority
Enlargement of the Jewish Agency 1929 Growing authority of the National Council Ben-Gurion the Chair of the JA 1935 Mapai in charge of both JA and NC The move of Headquarters to Palestine The Hagana under the authority of the JA JA and NC = Quasi-Government

6 Discussion Why and how did Mapai get the upper hand?
What made it possible to construct the “State in the Making?”

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