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Periodization Practice

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1 Periodization Practice
CCOT Periodization Practice

2 Bookends 8000 BCE-600 BCE 8,000 BCE Neolithic (Agricultural) Revolution Urbanization Four River Civilizations Bronze Age 600 BCE End of Bronze Age Emergence of Greece and China

3 Period 1 Describe and analyze the political and economic development of the TWO of the following regions between 3500 BCE and 600 BCE. Be sure to discuss continuities as well as changes. Egypt Mesopotamia China Indus Valley

4 Mesoamerica 1000 bce Shang China bce Indus Valley (Harappan) 2500 bce Egypt 3000 bce Mandate of Heaven Sumerians 3500 Code of Hammurabi Domestication of animals 5500 bce metallurgy Monotheism 2000 bce Agricultural Revolution First villages 8000 bce 8,000 BCE Bantu Migrations 2000 bce 600 BCE Rice cultivation 6500 bce Iron working In Africa 900 bce Agriculture to Mediterranean 6000 bce Vedic Age bce

5 Bookends 600 BCE-600 CE 600 BCE Trade Rise of Classic Civilizations
Silk Road Indian Ocean Trading Rise of Classic Civilizations Greece Rome Han China Gupta India Persia 600 CE End of Classic Civilizations

6 Period 2 Describe and analyze the political and economic development of TWO of the following regions between 600 BCE and 600 CE. Be sure to discuss continuities as well as changes. Mediterranean East Asia Africa South Asia

7 Period 2 Describe and analyze the development of trade from 600 BCE-600CE. Be sure to discuss continuities as well as changes.

8 Period 2 Describe and analyze the expansion and appeal of Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity. Be sure to discuss continuities as well as changes.

9 Beginning of Hun invasions 400 ce
Constantine Converts to Christianity 312 Punic Wars bce Pax Romana 20 bce-180 ce Spread of Hinduism and Buddhism bce Alexander the Great BCE Edict of Milan (Christianity in Rome) 381 ce Roman Republic 509 bce Fall of Rome 476 ce Buddhism 560 bce Confucianism 551 bce 600 bce Mayan Civilization ce 600 ce Roman Empire 27 bce Warring States Period bce Han Dynasty 206bce -220 ce Silk Road Gupta India ce Indian Ocean Trade Trans-Saharan Trade

10 Bookends 600 CE-1450 600: Islam Dark Ages De-Urbanization in Europe
Re-unification of China 1450: Increase in trade/exploration Renaissance Ideas Inquisition Decline of Mongol dominance

11 Period 3 ( ) Describe and analyze the role of religion in TWO of the following regions from Be sure to discuss continuities as well as changes. Southwest Asia Western Europe East Asia

12 Period 3 ( ) Describe and analyze the political and economic development of TWO of the following regions between Be sure to discuss continuities as well as changes. South America Sub-Saharan Africa Southeast Asia

13 Period 3 ( ) Describe and analyze the role of cities between 600 and Be sure to discuss changes as well as continuities.

14 Period 3 ( ) Describe and analyze the changes brought about by the migrations of the Viking, Polynesian, and Bantu peoples from Be sure to discuss continuities as well as changes.

15 Norman invasion of England 1066 Code of Bushido 800
Magna Carta 1215 Norman invasion of England 1066 Code of Bushido 800 Black Plague in Europe 1347 Gunpowder Urbanization in Europe 1000 Black Plague 1330s Battle of Tours 732 Ottoman Dynasty Abassid Dynasty Renaissance Yuan Dynasty Muslim occupation of Spain astrolabe Delhi Sultanate Hijra 622 Feudalism Mongol invasions 1211 Life of Muhammad Ming Dynasty Decrease in women’s rights-Dar al Islam 600 ce 1450 ce Gothic architecture Centralized monarchs Chronicles of Ibn Battuta 1304 Tang Dynasty Increased banking Aztec Empire 1325 Song Dynasty Hundred Years War Flying money, junks, paper money Great Schism 1054 Kongo Continued Bantu migrations Ghana Voyages of Zheng He Swahili States Portuguese slave trade in Africa 1441 Zimbabwe Mali Hanseatic League

16 Bookends 1450-1750 1450: European exploration Challenges in the Church
Chinese exploration and eventual isolation 1750: Industrial Revolution

17 1450 1750

18 Period 4 ( ) Describe and analyze development of labor systems in the following regions between 600 CE and Be sure to discuss continuities as well as changes. Latin America Sub-Saharan Africa

19 Period 4 ( ) Describe and analyze the development of political structures in TWO of the following regions between 1450 and Be sure to discuss continuities as well as changes. East Asia Western Europe Sub-Saharan Africa

20 Period 4 ( ) Describe and analyze the economic development of the following regions between Be sure to discuss continuities as well as changes. Western Hemisphere Eastern Hemisphere

21 Period 4 ( ) Describe and analyze the cultural and intellectual developments in the following regions between 1450 and Be sure to discuss continuities as well as changes. Western Europe Americas

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