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RDS (Residency Determination System) Roundtable

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Presentation on theme: "RDS (Residency Determination System) Roundtable"— Presentation transcript:

1 RDS (Residency Determination System) Roundtable
Facilitator: Lori Blevins, Director, Financial Aid Office Davidson County Community College Spring Conference April 9 – 11, 2018

2 Roundtable Special Guests
Traci Mitchell Grants & Scholarships Manager, CFI Shannon Byers RDS Operations Manager, CFI Spring Conference April 9 – 11, 2018

3 Spring Conference April 9 – 11, 2018
What is RDS & Why? Session Law : Directed UNC, NCCCS, NCICU, and SEAA to create a centralized, uniform residency service for all students seeking admission to and in-state tuition rate at, a North Carolina public College or University and for students seeking to be eligible for the North Carolina state grant as part of their state financial aid package. Spring Conference April 9 – 11, 2018

4 Spring Conference April 9 – 11, 2018
The basics: RDS informs state Grant system of residency and eligibility for grant consideration RDS uses SSN for student, parent(s), (or spouse) as identifier for data matching “Trust But Validate” strategy uses data matching with various state and federal databases Spring Conference April 9 – 11, 2018

5 Why should it matter to us(FA)?
Lower tuition = less unmet need so resources stretch further. State residents may qualify for additional resources. NC Need Based Grant, NC Community College Grant, NC Ed Lottery funds and other State based programs. ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT. No RDS at a NC Community College = Unable to Register! Spring Conference April 9 – 11, 2018

6 Why is RDS a good fit at FAFSA time?
Spring Conference April , 2017

7 The RDS Learning Curve at CCs…
NC CCs, have an rule preventing registration unless RCN Expiration is on or after the start of the term (or Cont. Enrolled) CC don't always stay in continuous enrollment which is defined as being absent for two major terms in a row (fall/spring or spring/fall).  Continuous enrollment does not transfer from school to school.  So a student could be enrolled recently at another institution, but that does not translate to our institution.  The best way to fix the expiration issue, is for students do a reconsideration. Good News/Bad News The good news is students can complete RDS at anytime.  Convenient!! The bad news is students can complete RDS at anytime.  Once done however they essentially have 480 days to become enrolled.  If they complete it very early, they may not have an expired RCN yet, but it may expire in the near future and be before the start of the term in which they are attempting registration. Timing is key. DACA students are, by law, not NC Residents for tuition purposes Spring Conference April , 2017

8 Status may result in “non-resident” if:
Information entered in RDS Online Interview cannot be validated Required documentation not submitted within 25 days of the request Required documentation does not validate NC residency RDS Reconsideration is for students who: Need to correct certain errors in the data submitted during the RDS online interview Have had a change in personal circumstances since completing their current determination Did not submit the required documentation within the initial consideration timelines Are requested by a campus to complete a new determination Spring Conference April , 2017

9 Please visit them and let them know how much you appreciate it.
NCASFAA would like to thank our Professional Affiliates for their support. Please visit them and let them know how much you appreciate it. Spring Conference April 9 – 11, 2018

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