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Chapter 11 Resources and Energy

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1 Chapter 11 Resources and Energy
Section 1 Mineral Resources Notes 11-1

2 Mineral Resources Nonrenewable resources: supply is limited and can not be replaced once used Minerals Coal Oil Natural gas Metals (Au, Ag, Al) Nonmetals (S, SiO2)

3 Mineral Resources Renewable resources: can be replaced within a human lifetime or as they are used Trees Other plants Hydropower (water) Solar power (sun) Wind power (wind)

4 Sites

5 Formation of Ores Some metals are found in the earth as native elements Gold, silver, copper Most metals and nonmetals are found chemically combined with other minerals Ore: deposits of minerals from which metals and nonmetals can be removed profitably Iron (from magnetite and hematite) Mercury (from cinnabar) Aluminum (from bauxite)

6 Copper Gold Silver

7 Ores Cinnabar (ore of mercury) Bauxite (ore of aluminum)

8 Formation of Ores Ores can form a variety of ways
In magma, metallic minerals sink Layers are made which make ore deposits in the magma Chromium (Cr), Nickel (Ni), Lead (Pb) Contact Metamorphism causes hot mineral solutions to spread through small cracks in the rock making veins Minerals are deposited in the veins Lode: large number of thick mineral veins

9 Chromium Nickel Zinc

10 Formation of Ores Water deposits
Native minerals are eroded out by moving water Settle out at weak current spots in a river/stream Deposits are called placer deposits Inside curve of a river/stream Pot holes down stream from a water fall

11 Formation of Ores Water deposits
Water dissolves minerals as it flows through cracks in rocks New minerals precipitate out of solution and form veins of ore deposits Ex: gold, tin, lead, copper and platinum

12 Galena Ore of lead

13 Used of Mineral Resources
See page 197 Metallic ores can be used for beauty and rarity Gold, platinum and silver used in jewelry Nonmetallic minerals can be used in gemstones in jewelry Quartz, rubies, sapphires, diamonds Other nonmetallic minerals are used in building materials Calcite and gypsum

14 Some Minerals Diamonds:
Gold Diamonds: Platinum

15 Mineral Conservation Minerals are being consumed at an alarming rate.
One source of mineral resources that has not be utilized is the ocean floor They are hard to get to and remove Conservation of mineral is one way to slow down the rate of consumption. Recycle things made with nonrenewable minerals. Use abundant or renewable resources instead plastic

16 Sticky Notes Ch. 11 Key Terms Ch. 11 Due: Nov. 22
Homework Sticky Notes Ch. 11 Key Terms Ch. 11 Due: Nov. 22

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