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Bell Work 2015-2016.

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1 Bell Work

2 8/24 Letter to my Teacher Dear Mrs. Whitehead, Paragraph 1- Tell me about yourself. For example, you may tell me what sports you play, what interests you, what your favorite book is, etc. Paragraph 2- Tell me about your expectations this year. What do you expect from this class? From me? From high school? Paragraph 3- Tell me what your goals are after school. What career would you choose? Do you want to go to college? Paragraph 4- Is there anything you would like me to know? Are you an excellent writer? Do you like reading? If not, what are you really good at? Do you have any concerns about this class? Sincerely, Write your name here For the first 15 minutes of class, please compose a half page letter addressed to me (or another teacher). Please follow the format provided.

3 8/25 Learning Styles (Pre-AP)
Due at the Beginning of Class: Signed Page of Syllabus AND signed Pre-AP Contract You will need: Pencil, paper, AND pen (any color) Devices/Backpacks/Purses should be in the back of the room. Please pick up copy of Learning Styles Inventory at the corner of my desk and begin working.

4 8/25 Learning Styles, cont. Find the “Hints” for your Learning Style. If you were split between two, split your time between the two stations. Identify and record the skills you already use on the right, and the skills you could implement this year to help you become a better student on the top left. Write a short paragraph at the bottom of your paper, reflecting on your results. Are these results surprising?

5 8/26 True Colors Please leave your backpack at the back of the room.
Today you will need your binders (if you have it), paper, pencil, and devices. Please pick up a copy of the True Colors survey on the corner of my desk and start working. This will help you learn more about your personality and how you work with others.

6 8/26 On Sheet of Paper… This sheet will go in the back of your binder.
My name is ________ and I am your color here. I am ____________ and _____________________, but also ______________________. (Feel free to add more descriptors if you feel they apply to you) When I work with others, I need to remember that I am _____________________. Also, I am a Learning Style learner; I learn best by _______________, __________________, and ____________________.

7 8/31 Backpacks against the wall
You will need binder and all supplies in binder Warm Up: Go back through your Lit. Devices notes from Friday. Share and compare notes to fill in all missing information. You should have no blank lines.

8 Bell work: 9/1 Write down the following on a sheet of notebook paper. This will go in the first tab of your binder. Subject: person, place, thing, or idea performing the action in the sentence Verb: a word that represents an action, an occurrence, or a state of being Simple Sentence: a complete sentence that contains at least one subject and one verb. Adjective: modifies a noun Adverb: modifies a verb Write 5 simple sentences that contain only one subject and one verb. For examples, I see. Write 5 simple sentences that contain one subject, one verb, one adjective, and one adverb. Make sure to underline your adjective once and your adverb twice. For example, The small child laughed lazily.

9 9/2 Write down the following notes:
Direct object: a noun phrase denoting a person or thing that is the recipient of the action of a transitive verb. (Ask “What? Or Whom?) Write 5 simple sentences that contain a direct object. (for example: I see a dog.) Write 5 simple sentences that contain a direct object and an adjective. Underline the adjective once. For example, I see a brown dog.

10 9/3 Write down the following notes:
Indirect object: Indirect Objects. An indirect object is really a prepositional phrase in which the preposition to or for is not stated but understood. It tells to whom or for whom something is done. The indirect object often comes between the verb and the direct object. (Ask to whom? Or for whom?) Write 5 simple sentences that contain an indirect object. (for example: Dad gave Will a sandwich.) Write 5 simple sentences that contain an indirect object and an adverb. Underline the adverb. For example, Dad reluctantly gave Will a sandwich.

11 Bell work: 9/4 Write down the following notes:
Compound Sentence: Two complete sentences combined using a comma and a coordinating conjunction. Coordinating conjunction: for, and, nor, but, or yet, so Write 5 compound sentences. For example: I ran, but she walked.

12 Bell Work: 9/8 Write down the following notes:
TRUISM: A truism is something that is true about all people in general. Ex: I have a friend named Kanye. (That’s not a truism about all people in general.) Ex: Kids need friends. (That’s a truism; it’s true about all people in general.)

13 Bell work: 9/10 Direct Characterization: The process by which the personality of a fictitious character is revealed by the use of descriptive adjectives, phrases, etc. Indirect Characterization: The process by which the personality of a fictitious character is revealed through the character's speech, actions, appearance, etc.

14 Bell work: 9/14 Create at least 3 Truisms for this photo.

15 Bell work: 9/15 Write a short paragraph explaining why you think citing your sources/referencing the text is important.

16 Bell work 9/17 Bloom’s Taxonomy
Remember Analyze Recognizing Compare/Contrast Identify Infer Describe Categorize Understand Evaluate Interpreting Defend Visualizing Critique Classifying Question Summarizing Assess Explaining Create Apply Design Examine Planning Restate Compose Change Invent

17 Bell work: 9/23 Write down the following notes:
Complex Sentences: A complex sentence is made up of an independent clause and one or more dependent clauses connected to it. Dependent clauses begin with subordinating conjunctions. List of Subordinating Conjunctions: After Although As Because Before Even though If Since Though Unless Until When Whenever Whereas Wherever While   Write 5 complex sentences that begin with a dependent clause and end with an independent clause. For example, After I got to school, I turned in my homework. (Red- subordinate conjunction, Blue-dependent clause, Green- independent clause)

18 Bell Word: 9/24 Write 5 complex sentences that begin with the independent clause and end with a dependent clause. For example, I turned in my homework after I got to school. (Red- subordinate conjunction, Blue- dependent clause, Green- independent clause) Identify the tone and mood of the following passages: #1: Bouncing into the room, she lit up the vicinity with a joyous glow on her face as she told about her fiancé́ and their wedding plans. #2: Gently smiling, the mother tenderly tucked the covers up around the child’s neck, and carefully, quietly, left the room making sure to leave a comforting ray of light shining through the opened door should the child wake.

19 Bell work: 9/25 Combine the following sentences using a subordinate conjunction:  They made plans to go.  They ended up not being able to make it. Some say that dogs are friendlier than cats.  Cats can also be extremely loving. What we’ve accomplished is a milestone.  Let’s raise our glasses for a toast. Dr. Johnson ate a big meal.  He went to work afterward. I simply cannot get out of bed.  I am too tired. Combine the following sentences using a coordinating conjunction: She went to work.  She did not want to go. The scientists trained him well.  They helped him find a job when his training was through. Polar bears are fierce, territorial animals.  Grizzly bears are the same.

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