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1 January 2018
Community Support Fund Step By Step Guide January 2018

2 Community Support Fund - Step by Step Guide
Read the Guidance Notes and fill in the On-line Registration and Pre Assessment Form. This will let you know at each stage if your project/service is eligible for funding. If your project/service is eligible a unique Reference Number will be provided for use with your online Application Form. Online Registration and Pre Assessment Fill in the On-line Application Form making sure you complete all the sections using the Guidance Notes provided. (You may wish to Save your information after completing each question.) You can now save and Submit your application on-line. Complete and Submit Application A panel of Council Officers will carefully assess all applications received and score according to the Scoring Matrix. All applications must meet the 60% threshold or above to be eligible for funding. Assess and Score Following the Assessment Procedure, Derry City and Strabane District Council will contact you to inform you if your application has been successful or unsuccessful. Informed of Success Letter of Offer ‘in Principle’ (only if successful) If your application is successful you will receive a Letter of Offer ‘in Principle’, from Derry City and Strabane District Council. You will also have to meet with your assigned Council Officer to verify your Essential Documentation.

3 Community Support Fund - Step by Step Guide
Letter of Offer Issued Upon verification of Essential Documentation you will be issued an official 'Letter of Offer'. You must sign and return all relevant documentation (provided via the internet) in order to activate your grant. All grants will be paid by BACS system. Keep all original receipts and invoices Record Keeping: Cash payments cannot be submitted for re-imbursement. Please make sure that you keep all original receipts and invoices for any work undertaken on your project/service. You will need to submit these along with an original bank statement showing all relevant transactions. This is to substantiate your eligible project/service costs and assist you draw down your funding. Sign Acceptance Form When you sign the Acceptance Form you have agreed to complete your project/service within the terms and conditions of your Letter of Offer which is a legally binding agreement. Return Monitoring and Evaluation Form When you project/service has finished, you must complete a Monitoring and Evaluation Form. Final reimbursement will be made to your group on receipt of a completed Monitoring and Evaluation Form. Request a Review If you believe the Funding Process has not been followed correctly or your Application has been incorrectly scored you may request a Review. (See Guidance Notes - Page 8)

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