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A Blueprint For Creating and Supporting Teams

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Presentation on theme: "A Blueprint For Creating and Supporting Teams"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Blueprint For Creating and Supporting Teams
North Marion School District: Data Teams Training August 2016 Signal Word: Data Invites + Action and Reflection

2 Meet Your Trainers: Missi Thurman Meagan Kimball Ali Hurd

3 The L2 Matrix & Data Teams
Lucky Leading Achievement of Results Losing Ground Learning Understanding Antecedents of Excellence

4 Objectives for the Day Examine each step of the process through guided practice Reflect on current practices in your building/s Determine strengths & areas of need in your current data team process Quick Write: Write one strength and one area for growth for your teams that you are already aware of.

5 Proposed Norms Pull your own learning wagon Be mindful about time
Listen for catch and release signals Technology has become one of our best assets & liabilities... Please set aside until prompted

6 Using our knowledge of Assessment for Learning… (CASL, Stiggins)
Where are we going? Where are we now? How can we close the gap? Today we will repeat this for each step.

7 The Importance of Guiding Principles
“As to methods, there may be a million and then some, but principles are few. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods. The man who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have trouble.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

8 Purpose Statement: … is an ongoing process in which educators (teachers and administrators) work collaboratively in recurring cycles of collective inquiry and action research to support the learning of each and every student.

9 The TEAM PROCESS “Where are we going?”

10 Brainstorm: What do you do now when you have data (cause or effect)?

11 New and Improved! To access your own copy of the tiered COR:

12 Remember this is not the outcome, it is a scaffold!
The Team Process Sheet The process sheet is a place to capture the conversation Have one person on your “team” enter this link: “Blueprint Guided Practice - Elementary Writing - Data Team Process Sheet” Click: make a copy Next, share the “sheet” with your two teammates Take a moment to click around and check it out Set aside until prompted Remember this is not the outcome, it is a scaffold!

13 Step 1: Plan & Prepare Instruction
What’s the order of this step? In groups of 6-8 people, work to order the cards When you are done, your whole team should be standing in the order you think the steps should go

14 The Flow of Step 1: Plan & Prepare
Choose Priority standards Deconstruct to student friendly learning targets Select/revise a post assessment Use resources & materials to decide which lessons match, what to skip/skim, what needs to be supplemented Select additional strategies for Core Create pre-assessment Create scoring agreements Administer Pre-Assessment & score

15 Step 1: Plan & Prepare Instruction
Deconstructing a standard to ensure we know what the standard is asking students to know, understand and be able to do & creates links between: Enduring understanding Essential questions Content and vocabulary Student Learning Targets Assessments Instructional Strategies Plan and prepare instruction

16 The Flow of Step 1: Plan & Prepare
Choose Priority standards Deconstruct to student friendly learning targets Select/revise a post assessment Use resources & materials to decide which lessons match, what to skip/skim, what needs to be supplemented Select additional strategies for Core Create pre-assessment Create scoring agreements Administer Pre-Assessment & score

17 Step 1: Plan & Prepare Instruction Considerations
Have teachers taken the CFA to check for clarity and to better infer when students will struggle? Have clear criteria been identified (cut-off scores) for each group of students? Hint: 100% does not equal Exceeding How will CFA results be shared with students? How will students demonstrate their learning? Plan and prepare instruction

18 The Flow of Step 1: Plan & Prepare
Choose Priority standards Deconstruct to student friendly learning targets Select/revise a post assessment Use resources & materials to decide which lessons match, what to skip/skim, what needs to be supplemented Select additional strategies for Core Create pre-assessment Create scoring agreements Administer Pre-Assessment & score

19 Life is Busy & Agendas are Tight Don’t Forget That Step One is...

20 Roadmaps to Learning… Determine acceptable evidence. (Assessment)
Common Core State Standards Identify desired results. (Targets) Determine acceptable evidence. (Assessment) Plan learning experiences and instruction. (Strategies and Lessons)

21 Step 1: Guided Practice Tips of the Trade:
If your district does not have a resource for prioritized standards, Northwest Regional ESD has done this work: Read the map from left to right and right to left. Make sure that all the parts link together. Follow the “FLOW” of step one.

22 Reflection: Where are we now?
How is this step going for you and your teams? Use the Team Process Sheet and the Comprehensive Observation Rubric (COR) to reflect and set specific goals.

23 Step 2: Organize and Chart Data
Score the assessment based on the rubric Chart data into categories: Exceeding/Meeting Close to Proficient Far To Go/Approaching Intervention EXAMPLE NAMES Select a group of students to focus your plan on NOTE: Teachers need time to think and reflect as they chart data. Therefore, it is NOT recommended that this happen during the meeting. Organize and chart data

24 Step 2: Guided Practice! Tips of the Trade:
Make sure your cut scores allow for students to be separated out into groups with like needs. If most of your students will end up in one group, change your cut scores BEFORE you chart. Sometimes it may be easier to use descriptors for cut scores, rather than numbers.

25 Reflection: Where are we now?
How is this step going for you and your teams? Use the Team Process Sheet and the Comprehensive Observation Rubric (COR) to reflect and set specific goals.

26 Break… You might need more coffee!

27 Step 3: Analyze and Prioritize Needs
Review the results: Determine the performance strengths for the group of students What do the students know and/or understand relative to the standard? Determine the mistakes/misconceptions for the group of students. What errors do you see that demonstrate a simple mistake or misconceptions? Analyze data and prioritize needs

28 Step 3: Analyze and Prioritize Needs
Review the results, continued: Determine inferences What is going on in the students’ minds that is leading them to be successful/unsuccessful? What trends do you see in the student errors? What patterns do you see in the groups of students whose work exhibits those errors? Is there an issue with the assessment? Analyze data and prioritize needs

29 Step 3: Analyze and Prioritize Needs
Determine the priority need for each group and be intentional about how new or mis-learned skills are sequenced Analyze data and prioritize needs

30 Data Must Invite Action
“Data that is collected should be analyzed and used to make improvements (or analyzed to affirm current practices and stay the course).” – S. White, Beyond the Numbers, 2005, p. 13 Analyze data and prioritize needs

31 Reflection: Where are we now?
How is this step going for you and your teams? Use the Team Process Sheet and the COR to reflect and set specific goals.

32 Dear Facilitator … What are you still wondering about?
Burning questions? Concerns? Confusion? What are you still wondering about?

33 Lunch, Glorious Lunch! 45 minutes 61 seconds

34 Step 4: Select Common Instructional Strategies
Based on the prioritized need identified in Step 3... Identify research or evidence-based strategies. Agree upon which instructional strategies will have the most impact on the prioritized need. Select common instructional strategies

35 Step 4: Select Common Instructional Strategies
Needs → Inferences → Strategy Selection Will these specific strategies directly impact this error? Does it match? Is it a new strategy or is it what we’ve always done? When the value in the ones place in the subtrahend is larger, students incorrectly subtract the value in the ones place of the minuend from the value in the ones place of the subtrahend. Students know to subtract a number of a lesser value from one of a greater value. Students are not applying knowledge of place value. Place Value Mats Chant Select common instructional strategies Remember: SPECIFICITY is CRUCIAL

36 Step 4: Guided Practice! Tips of the Trade:
▪The strategy you choose should be high impact and MUST match the prioritized need! ▪Select 1 or 2 strategies. This is not the time to create a long list of strategies.

37 Reflection: Where are we now?
How is this step going for you and your teams? Use the Team Process Sheet and the COR to reflect and set specific goals.

38 Step 5: Determine Results Indicators

39 Step 5: Determine Results Indicators
What will I (teacher) do? What will students do? What will I see in their work if the strategy is working? Make the procedure explicit so it is replicable, to achieve best results! Determine results indicators

40 Step 5: Guided Practice! Tips of the Trade:
Make this as specific as you can The third question defines what your progress monitor will be

41 Self-reflection: “Where are we now?”
How is this step going for you and your teams? Use the Team Process Sheet and the COR to reflect and set specific goals.

42 Step 6: Create a Theory of Action
If we ______________, then _____% of our (Step 4) (Step 2) students will be able to _________ by _______ . (Step 5c) (date off your map) If we use place value mats to teach double-digit subtraction, then 76% of 2nd grade students will be able to subtract double digit numbers accurately by Jan. 22, 2016. Create a theory of action

43 Goal / Theory of Action Algorithm
Pre-assessment Data Exceeding/ Meeting Close to Proficient Far to Go/ Approaching in Need of Intervention Teacher A (24) 3 5 10 6 Teacher B (26) 2 18 Teacher C (23) 9 Teacher D (27) 1 12 Total (100) 8/100 = 8% 26/100 = 26% 46/100 = 46% 20/100 = 20% 100% of Exceeding/Meeting = % of Close to Proficient = 26 50 – 75% of Far to Go/Approaching = between 23 and 35 students Less than 25% of Far to Go, in Need of Intervention = 0 – 5 students = 57, 57/100 = 57% = 74, 74/100 = 74% Theory of Action between 57% and 74%

44 Step 6: Guided Practice! Tips of the Trade:
This should be your quickest step, spend less than 10 minutes on this. Use the algorithm, it takes less time than a debate over what percentage is fair!

45 Reflection: Where are we now?
How is this step going for you and your teams? Use the Team Process Sheet and the COR to reflect and set specific goals.


47 Step 7: Reflect, Monitor & Evaluate the Process
Reflect on the process on an ongoing basis Determine which steps went well, and identify areas where additional training or support are needed. Reflect on the growth made in each classroom. Discuss differences in instruction. Draft the next agenda. Reflect; monitor and evaluate results

48 Step 7: Guided Practice! Tips of the Trade:
Build this into your agenda Write notes so that you remember for next year!

49 Reflection: Where are we now?
How is this step going for you and your teams? Use the Team Process Sheet and the COR to reflect and set specific goals.

50 Dear Facilitator … What are you still wondering about?
Burning questions? Concerns? Confusion? What are you still wondering about?

51 Give One, Get One… If I could only remember one thing about the data team process I would remember...

52 12:15

53 Coming Soon: More Tips and Support for Facilitators
Digging in with the Flow of Step One... A Choice... Your Unit or a Shared Unit? If you would like to do your own unit, consider what resources (assessments, teachers guides etc) are EASILY available to you.

54 Please bring materials back tomorrow!

55 Feedback and Reflection
Please complete a reflection and feedback form before you leave (last page). Bus your own table.

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