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John Apps EMEAR Partner Digital

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1 John Apps EMEAR Partner Digital
Partner Marketing Central New Lead Management Process in Partner Marketing Central John Apps EMEAR Partner Digital

2 Using WebEx Q&A Panel If you have any questions, please put them into the Chat panel and one of the SMEs will be more than happy to answer them. The Chat panel can be found on the right hand side of your screen.

3 PMC – Leads & Prospects Integration
When: April 27th Automate partner lead routing from PMC to Leads & Prospects Contacts from Leads & Prospects that are rejected sent back to PMC for nurture Two sets of changes have been made to the existing PMC processes. The first change, is the introduction of a number of processes that automate partner lead routing from PMC to the Leads & Prospects platform. The second change is a new process where contacts from the Leads & Prospects platform, that are rejected, are sent back to PMC for nuture. When I use the term nurture during our session today, I mean “growing and developing” leads with the aim to turn them into deals. Later on I will provide you with detailed explanations of these new processes.

4 Partner Lead Routing Initiative
Manual Processes Agencies submit MLUT via manual regional process Partner-generated leads depend on PMM reporting input for upload L&P contacts not shared with PMC No process to capture digitally generated leads Challenges Current State Improved Future State Automation Agencies upload BANT leads from FSAs once via global tool on PMC Claim submission process to report leads streamlined Digitally generated AQLs from self-service flow to L&P Contact Distribution (leads flipped to nurture)

5 Partner Benefits Better integrated experience in PMC
Quicker access to digitally generated leads Grow contacts from Cisco provided leads Faster reimbursement for funding Improved lead reporting How will these new processes benefit you? -- They will provide you with a better integrated experience -- Your sales representatives will have quicker access to leads -- You will be able to grow contacts from Cisco provided leads -- There will be a faster reimbursement for funding -- There will be improved lead reporting

6 Partner Lead Routing Processes
Digitally Generated Leads Leads from Full Service Activity Orders Partner Generated Leads from PMF & VW funding Partner Generated Leads from SIRE or other Funding Sources Contacts from Leads & Prospects (L&P) ‘flipped’ and Nurtured There are four new processes that are being introduced. These processes are related to: -- Digitally Generated Leads -- Partner Generated Leads from Cisco Funding -- Leads from Full Service Activity Orders. Full Service Activities are a paid service executed by a Cisco preferred marketing agency. -- Contacts from Leads & Prospects L&P ‘flipped’ and Nurtured In this section I will be explaining each of these processes in detail. Even though as a partner you may only be involved in part of each of the processes, I will be showing you the whole process in each situation so that you can properly understand them. Let me start with the first process “Digitally Generated Leads”

7 Process 1: Digitally Generated Leads
Content Syndication PMC Lead Capture (Landing Page) Social Media L&P Lead Management Engagement Scoring Partner manages AQL in L&P PPC / Retargeting Partner Lead Status & Total Value updates sent back to PMC for reporting System Daily Summary (Outbound & Nurture) Lead Source: AQL-Zift

8 Process 2: Leads from Full Service Activity Orders
Partner orders a FSA on Partner Marketing Central L&P Lead Management Regional Agency/Vendor* Vendor uploads BANT qualified leads in new PMC global upload tool1 Partner manages MQL in L&P Partner Lead Status & Total Value updates sent back to PMC for reporting New order notification received within PMC System Daily Summary Note: FSA Agencies can either impersonate a partner in PMC to upload leads for individual activities or export FSA activity IDs and load leads for multiple partners in bulk. This is Process 3 “Leads from Full Service Activity Orders”. This is the process where leads are generated from Full Service Activities and flow into the Leads & Prospects platform. Let me start from the left of the slide. -- Partner orders a Full Service Activity (FSA) on Partner Marketing Central (PMC) -- The Regional Agency or Vendor executes the FSA -- Vendor uploads BANT qualified leads in the new PMC global upload tool -- The contacts are imported into the Leads & Prospects platform. -- There will no longer be real time alerts from PMC to the PA. Instead, the PA will receive a summary once per day, providing details of any new leads. -- The PA or PSR would manage the Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL) in the Leads & Prospects platform with the aim to create deals from these leads. -- In the Leads & Prospects platform the values from the fields “Partner Lead Status” and “Total Value” will be sent back to PMC for reporting purposes. Funding Source: MQL

9 Process 3: Partner Generated Leads from Cisco Funding
Partner/PMM Creates CMA on PMC Funding Platform & Executes Activity L&P Lead Management FairControl append sales contacts and transfer data in bulk to PMC PMC Funding Platform sends reminder to upload leads (~2 weeks later) Leads Upload Confirmation to Partner, PMM and Regional Acceptor Partner manages Lead in L&P Partner Lead Status & Total Value updates sent back to PMC for reporting Partner submits minimal required fields in PMC Funding Platform lead capture tool System Daily Summary Partner will also see Funding Task alerts in PMC Funding Platform (Ansira) to remind them to upload leads from the Custom Marketing Activity Lead Source: Partner

10 Process 3: Partner Generated Leads from Cisco Funding
Partner/PMM Creates CMA on PMC Funding Platform & Executes Activity L&P Lead Management Regional Acceptor transfers data in bulk to PMC PMC Funding Platform sends reminder to upload leads (~2 weeks later) Leads Upload Confirmation to Partner, PMM and Regional Acceptor Partner manages Lead in L&P Partner Lead Status & Total Value updates sent back to PMC for reporting Partner submits minimal required fields in PMC Funding Platform lead capture tool System Daily Summary

11 Process 3: Partner Generated Leads from Cisco Funding
Partner/PMM Creates CMA on PMC Funding Platform & Executes Activity L&P Lead Management Regional Acceptor transfers data in bulk to PMC PMC Funding Platform sends reminder to upload leads (~2 weeks later) Leads Upload Confirmation to Partner, PMM and Regional Acceptor Partner manages Lead in L&P Partner Lead Status & Total Value updates sent back to PMC for reporting Partner submits minimal required fields in PMC Funding Platform lead capture tool System Daily Summary

12 Process 3: Partner Generated Leads from Cisco Funding
Partner/PMM Creates CMA on PMC Funding Platform & Executes Activity L&P Lead Management FairControl append sales contacts and transfer data in bulk to PMC PMC Funding Platform sends reminder to upload leads (~2 weeks later) Leads Upload Confirmation to Partner, PMM and Regional Acceptor Partner manages Lead in L&P Partner Lead Status & Total Value updates sent back to PMC for reporting Partner submits minimal required fields in PMC Funding Platform lead capture tool System Daily Summary Lead Source: Partner

13 Live Demo In this demo PMC Funding Platform URL:
Partner Process to load leads into PMC Funding Platform (Ansira) PMC Funding Platform URL: Username and Password= Partner CCO ID In this demo I will show you: -- How to use the Ansira Lead Capture Tool SOME VERY IMPORTANT NOTES REGARDING DEMOS: -- I am using dummy data for training purposes so if data does not look exactly correct, remember it is dummy data. © Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 13

14 Live Demo In this demo PMC Funding Platform URL:
Partner Process to load leads into PMC Funding Platform (Ansira) PMC Funding Platform URL: Username and Password= Partner CCO ID In this demo I will show you: -- How to use the Ansira Lead Capture Tool SOME VERY IMPORTANT NOTES REGARDING DEMOS: -- I am using dummy data for training purposes so if data does not look exactly correct, remember it is dummy data. © Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 14

15 Live Demo In this demo PMC Funding Platform URL:
Partner Process to load leads into PMC Funding Platform (Ansira) PMC Funding Platform URL: Username and Password= Partner CCO ID In this demo I will show you: -- How to use the Ansira Lead Capture Tool SOME VERY IMPORTANT NOTES REGARDING DEMOS: -- I am using dummy data for training purposes so if data does not look exactly correct, remember it is dummy data. © Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 15

16 Process 4: Partner Generated Leads from SIRE or Funding Sources other than PMF and Virtual Wallet
L&P Lead Management PMM/PAM uploads CSV export from CMA MLUT to the activity created in Partner’s account Partner manages Lead in L&P PMM/PAM Impersonates Partner in PMC Marcom System Daily Summary Partner Lead Status & Total Value updates sent back to PMC for reporting PMM/PAM activates CMA campaign within Partner’s Account Lead Source: Partner

17 Live Demo In this demo PMC Marcom URL:
Log into PMC Marcom to impersonate your partner Activate a Custom Marketing Activity campaign to upload leads. Download the Custom Marketing Activity Lead Upload template to complete lead upload PMC Marcom URL: User Name and Password = CEC User ID In this demo I will show you: -- How to create a contact list with a dynamic membership rule for creating your nurture campaigns SOME VERY IMPORTANT NOTES REGARDING DEMOS: -- I am using dummy data for training purposes so if data does not look exactly correct, remember it is dummy data. © Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 17

18 Process 5: Contact from L&P “Flipped” for Nurtured
L&P Lead Management FUTURE: Proposal to build long-term nurture flows that allow customers to opt-in to ongoing touchpoints that vary according to their selected timeline for intent to purchase. For now, the contacts will automatically appear in partners’ contact section with the Distributed tag. Partners can message to them as desired. Contact flows into partner’s PMC account as a distributed contact Partner Rejects a lead as: Project Canceled (all lead sources) or No Customer Response (PMC only) This is Process 4 “Contact from L&P “Flipped” for Nuture. This is the process where rejected leads from the Leads & Prospects platform flow into PMC for nurturing. This process will not automatically occur and we encourage our partners to take advantage of the nuture campaigns in PMC, to ensure that no opportunities are missed. Let me start from the left of the slide. -- In the Leads & Prospects platform, the partner rejects a lead by either setting the lead status to “Project Canceled” or “No Customer Response” -- The contact flows into partner’s PMC account as a distributed contact -- The contact will automatically appear in the partners’ contact section with the Distributed tag. Partners can message to them as desired. NOTES: You can create a contact list with a dynamic membership rule in PMC. This is so that you can see all the contacts in PMC that have come from the L&P platform for nurturing.

19 Go to Contacts >> Contact Lists and click on “Create Contact List”

20 Name it as “Contacts for Nurture” and click Save.

21 Click on “Membership Rules”

22 Click on “Create Membership Rule”

23 Set Dynamic Membership Rule as Additional Contact Fields +  Contact for Nurture + is + Yes and click on “Set Membership Rule”

24 Example of an email mapped to the ‘Contacts for Nurture’ dynamic list

25 Example of an email mapped to the ‘Contacts for Nurture’ dynamic list

26 Support Finally, let’s look at support.
© Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 27

27 PMC Support Available 24 Hours a day, 5 days a week
English, German, French, Spanish , Phone, and Live chat Live chat on Support is available 24 hours a day, 5 days a weeks, in English, German, French and Spanish. * you can send an with your questions and queries to *Live chat: is also available on the platform, you should see a green “HELP” button in the bottom right hand corner or the log in screen. *In the top right hand corner of PMC there are help icons that can be used to access help resources. So as you can see, there are a lot of support resources available to you.

28 Q&A If you have any final questions, please let us know by using the chat panel. © Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 29

29 We have now come to the end of today’s training.
We hope you found it beneficial. Goodbye.

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