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Intro to Genetics Objectives: Differentiate b/t genotype and phenotype

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1 Intro to Genetics Objectives: Differentiate b/t genotype and phenotype
Differentiate b/t homozygous and heterozygous

2 What is Genetics? The scientific study of heredity

3 Gregor Mendel Born in 1822 in Czechoslovakia 1843—became a monk
Taught biology…  Studied at the University of Vienna

4 More about Mendel Loved studying the garden at the monastery
Between the years of 1856 and 1863 he grew and tested of 28,000 pea plants Used pea plants b/c they are easy to grow and they have easily identifiable traits

5 Mendel’s Experiments Mendel created a “pure” generation or true-breeding generation (first generation) Made sure that certain plants were only able to self pollinate to eliminate unwanted traits He cut off the stamen (male part) of each flower

6 Genes and Dominance Trait: a characteristic Mendel studied 7 traits
After he was sure the true breeding generation was “pure” he crossed plants with contrasting traits This was called the F1 generation

7 Pure Yellow/Pure Green
All offspring were yellow Hybrids—the offspring of crosses between parents with contrasting traits

8 Conclusion Inheritance is determined by factors passed on from one generation to another Mendel know nothing about chromosomes, genes or DNA Why?

9 Mendel’s Factors Genes Each gene has different forms called alleles
Mendel’s second principle stated that some alleles are dominant and some are recessive

10 Mendel’s Second Cross Allowed the F1 generation to self-pollinate to produce the F2 generation What happened in this cross? What would happen when he crossed two yellow pea hybrids?

11 Results ¾ of the peas were yellow, ¼ of the peas were green

12 Probabilitity The likelihood of a particular event occurring. Chance
Can be expressed as a fraction or a percent

13 Genotypes Homozygous—when an organism possesses two identical alleles.
YY or yy Heterozygous—when an organism possesses different alleles Yy

14 Genotype vs. Phenotype Genotype: Phenotype: Genetic makeup
Symbolized with letter Tt or TT (any letter works) Phenotype: Physical appearance of the organism Expression of the trait Short, tall, yellow, smooth, etc…

15 A-angry B-Big C-cool D-Dense E—energetic a-happy b-small c-hot d-intelligent e--tired
Genotype Phenotype Aa Bbcc BB Eebbcc Cc Happy, cool, intelligent EE Dense, hot, angry Energetic ddEeCC Happy aaCcdd aaEE Small, hot, tired, intelligent Small, dense Angry, intelligent, energetic, cool

16 Homozygous vs. Heterozygous
BB Bb bb GG gg Gg

17 If a chocolate lab is dominant over a yellow lab, give the possible genotypes for the following

18 Traits in Humans Traits Dominant Recessive Phenotype
Possible Genotypes Earlobes Free Attached Hairline Widow’s peak Straight line Eye shape Almond Round Eyelash length Long Short Tongue dexterity Can roll Unable to roll Thumb Hitchhikers Straight Lip thickness Thick Thin Hair texture Curly/wavy Inter-eye distance Close/medium Far apart Lip protrusion Protruding/slightly Not protruding Hand crossing Left over right Right over left

19 Rate of Frequency Observed Traits Number observed
Percentage of population Tongue roller/nonrollers Free earlobes/attached Hitchhikers thumb/regular Widow’s peak/straight Almond eyes/round Long lashes/short Thick lips/thin lips Curly/straight Close eyes/far ears Protruding/not protruding Left over right/ right over left l



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