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Objective: Students will be able to model the 3 types of symbiotic relationships by creating their own examples, & develop a model for a proposed object/tool.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective: Students will be able to model the 3 types of symbiotic relationships by creating their own examples, & develop a model for a proposed object/tool."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective: Students will be able to model the 3 types of symbiotic relationships by creating their own examples, & develop a model for a proposed object/tool based on an organism’s adaptation. Symbiosis 3/13/17 and 3/14/17 Pg. 67

2 What is happening in this picture?

3 Symbiosis A relationship in which there is a close and permanent association between organisms of different species 3 types Mutualism Commensalism Parasitism

4 Mutualism A relationship in which BOTH species benefit
Ex: sea anemone and fish; Crocodile and bird Similar to…teammates

5 Twig Mutualism

6 What is happening in this picture?

7 Commensalism A relationship in which one species benefits and the other species is not affected Example: The Egret and Remora benefit by eating remnants of food and hitching a ride from the cow and shark respectfully. The cow and shark don’t mind they are there.

8 What is happening in this picture?

9 Parasitism A long-term relationship in which a member of one species benefits and one species (the host) is harmed Parasite: the organism that benefits Host: the organism that is harmed Example: Human and mosquito Similar to…thieves

10 Twig Parasitism

11 Create your own Symbiotic relationships
Left hand Pg. 66 For HOMEWORK. Take a photo of this or write down the directions Create your own Symbiotic relationships You must have and fully explain: 1 example of mutualism 1 example of commensalism 1 example of parasitism

12 Types of Relationships?
Different types of relationships we’ve learned about so far? Humans often look at organisms in nature for inspiration for new products that make our life easier/better! Can you think of any examples? Example: Buildings designed to collect as much rainfall as possible, inspired by the rainforest! Example: Hypodermic needles modeled after mosquitos!

13 Examples

14 Your Task You will work in groups of 2 or 3 to research an organism with an interesting trait that you think you could invent/engineer a new product for humans to use based on that organism’s trait MUST be something that does not already exist! Try googling “cool organism adaptations” or “amazing organism adaptations” for ideas Then think about how one of these could be useful if we could develop something based on one of these

15 Things to Include Make a model in Notability of your product
Make sure there are labels for the different parts of your model (arrows and labels, kind of like how directions for assembling something looks like where they label parts A, B, C, etc.) In a paragraph, do the following: Describe the organism that inspired the creation of your product Describe how your product works Describe the connection between the organism and your product. Tell me what would be required to physically make this product. What materials would you use? How much would this product retail for (sales price)?

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