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Current Status Chemical Metrology Sub Division, RCM LIPI

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1 Current Status Chemical Metrology Sub Division, RCM LIPI
Contribution of Chemical Metrology in Clean Water Dyah Styarini 19 September 2017 Sentul, Bogor, Indonesia

2 2017 2014 2012 2009 2007 Milestone of Chemical Metrology RCM-LIPI
Establishment of Metrology in Chemistry, RCChem LIPI (Bandung) 2009 > Full member of APMP and DI. > Technical cooperation with PTB-Germany 2012 MiC activites moved to RCChem LIPI, Serpong 2014 Chemical Metrology Laboratory Building 2017 > Merged into RCM-LIPI as a Principle NMI of Indonesia > Technical cooperation with PTB (Phase 2) Milestone of Chemical Metrology RCM-LIPI

3 Structure Organisation

4 Chemical Metrology Subdivision RCM-LIPI
Total number of Researchers: 14 Focus Area: Food and Environment 3 Staffs Exhaust Emission and Green house Gases pH Electrolytic Conductivity 4 staffs Preservatives Pesticide residue BisPhenol A Aflatoxyns Elements and Trace elements, anions Inorganic Organic Gas Electro- chemistry

5 Current Status Related to Clean Water Focus Area

6 Research Trace Elements in Drinking Water
Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Co, Pb, As, Ca, Zn Elements in Waste Water Pb, Cr, Zn, Cd, Ni pH 4, 7 and 9 Pesticide residue in water Organochlorine (Lindane, heptachlor, dieldrin )

7 Research Analytical Method Development
Feasibility Study for preparing PT sample and RM Preparation of Reference Material to be used as PT sample and then certified to be a CRM

8 International Cooperation
Bilateral comparison with other NMI for PT reference value Year RM RCChem Value (GF-AAS) Interlaboratory studies with other NMI 2013 Cd in Drinking water (AMK 13) (1.8 ± 0.5) µg/kg NIMT (ICP MS) (2.0 ± 0.2) µg/kg 2014 Cd in Drinking water (AMK 14) (3.3 ± 0.3) µg/kg LGC (ID MS) (3.40 ± 0.05) µg/kg Concentration (µg/kg) 3.3 ± 0.3 3.4 ± 0.05 2.0 ± 0.2 1.8 ± 0.5 Sample

9 Dissemination Proficiency testing PT Commodities Parameter Participant
2013 Drinking water Cd, Cu, Fe 62 Buffer Solution Phosphate, phthalate 11 2014 Mn, Cd, Co 59 Waste water Pb, Cr, Zn, pH 94 2015 As, Pb, Fe 63 Cd, Ni, Zn 82 Buffer Citrate 36 2016 As, Cd, Pb, Hg 87 2017 Clean water for drinking Ca, Cu, Fe, Zn, Cl, SO4, NH4 , TDS 91 Electrolytic Conductivity 53

10 Certified Reference Material
Dissemination Certified Reference Material No. CRM Code Analyte Matrix 1. IM-11  Fe, Cd, Cu  Nitric acid solution 2. EM-01  pH 4,00 Phtalat buffer solution 3. EM-02  pH 6,86 Phosphate buffer solution  4. BAT IM-01 Hg Nitric acid solution 5. BAT IM-12  Cd, Co, Mn 6. BAT IM-13  Pb, Cr, Zn 7. BAT IM-14  As, Pb, Fe 8. BAT IM-15  Zn, Ni, Cd 9. BAT IM-16 As, Cd, Pb 10. BAT IM-17 Ca, Cu, Fe, Zn 11. BAT EM-11  pH 4,005   Phtalate buffer solution (secondary) 12. BAT IM-22  Drinking water 13. BAT IM-23 Cd, Ni, Zn  Waste water 14. BAT IM-24  As, Cd, Pb, Hg

11 Main task of chemical Metrology Laboratory to disseminate traceability and make sure quality assurance of measurement in Indonesia All activities on research and Proficiency Testing conducted by Chemical Metrology Laboratory support the implementation of government regulation

12 Regulations Related to Clean Water and Waste Water
1. Regulation of the Minister of Health No 492/MENKES/PER/IV/2010 Requirements for Quality of Drinking Water 2. Government Regulation of Republic Indonesia Number. 82 of 2001 Concerning Water Quality Management and Water Pollution Control 3. Regulation of the Minister of Environmental Affairs of Republic of Indonesia Number 5 Year 2014 About Quality of Waste Water 4. Regulation of The Minister Of Environment And Forestry Republic of Indonesia Number: P.68 / Menlhk / Setjen / Kum.1 / 8/2016 About Domestic Waste Quality Standards

13 Measurement Capability of RCM-LIPI
Regulations: Regulation of the Minister of Health No 492/MENKES/PER/IV/2010 Requirements for Quality of Drinking Water No Parameter Unit Maximum Limit 1. Parameters that have direct affect to the health Microbiology E-coli Total per 100 ml of sample Total bacteria of coliform Inorganic Arsenic mg/l 0.01 Fluoride 1.5 Total of Chromium 0.05 Cadmium 0.003 Nitrite as NO2- 3 Nitrate as NO3- 50 Cyanide 0.07 Selenium

14 Measurement Capability of RCM-LIPI
2. Parameters that have indirect effect to the health Physical parameters 1. Odor odorless 2. Colour TCU 15 3. Total dissolved solid (TDS) mg/l 500 Turbidity NTU 5 Taste Temperature oC Air temperature ±3 Chemical parameters Aluminum Iron Hardness Chloride Manganese pH Zinc 3 Sulphate 250 Copper 2 10. Ammonia 1.5

15 Measurement Capability of RCM-LIPI
Additional Parameter Pesticide: Lindane, Heptachlor, Dieldrin Electrolytic conductivity

16 Future Plan Participate in the ILC  2017 (Euramet.QM-S11 Elements in River Water) Strengthen and expand the technical measurement capability of some parameters therefore we can provide wider range of services. Low expertise in measurement capability especially for anion. We have just started to learn and still can not provide the assigned value. Provide testing laboratory needed for oil/fat and detergent measurement. Coordination with other institutions that also concern with the measurement of water quality. Procure some instruments for the production and characterization of certified reference material.

17 Future Plan New building for CRM laboratory in Serpong (2018)
Support for provide all CRM Accreditation for ISO 17034: 2016

18 Expected Cooperation Reference value for proficiency testing with another NMI Bilateral comparison Attachment training for technical aspect, i.e anion analysis, organic parameters analysis


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