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myWizard Metrics User Guide Full Integration project

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1 myWizard Metrics User Guide Full Integration project
May 2016

2 Table of content Login Page Home Page Metrics Configuration
Metrics Review Metrics Submission

3 Login Page MyWizard Metrics can be accessed through followings ways:
Option 1- Publish Metrics Click on the Publish Metrics tile under Reporting stacked tiles to navigate to myWizard Metrics application. Option 2- Drill Down Icon: Navigate to myWizard Metrics application by clicking on “Drill Down Icon” in Delivery Dashboard page

4 Homepage Help Icon: Upon clicking, a new window pop-up will appear explaining about recent changes to Agile Methodology common to HPDP & non-HPDP projects and other related changes. Change Role: Click on “Change Role” to select different roles other than preselected. 1) Demographics details are preselected when user lands onto the myWizard Metrics screen from Publish Metrics tile in myWizard. 2) Select the desired projects for metrics configuration and submission on myWizard metrics page while landing onto the screen either directly clicking on myWizard Metrics URL or through Drill Down icon on Delivery Dashboard page.

5 Metrics Configuration- Confirm Project Attribute/ Define Deliverable and Receivables tab
Metrics configuration will be done using “Configure Metrics” tab. For Full Integration myWizard projects, AD/AM platform sends key attributes and release configurations to myWizard Metrics on a real time basis. Click on “Go to AD Platform” to modify key attributes coming from AD/AM platforms. Step 2- Define Deliverable and Receivables tab is not applicable/disabled for Full Integration projects and obtained from platform. Step 1: Confirm Project Attribute tab Step 2: Define Deliverable and Receivables tab Step 1- Confirm Project Attribute tab. These key attributes determines metrics applicability rules are disabled for selections and auto-sourced from Platform. Select/ Deselect CI Waiver Applicability attribute by clicking on “Applicable” checkbox and provide appropriate reason.

6 Metrics Configuration- Select Metrics tab
Step 3- Select Metrics tab In this tab key metrics section is displayed with predefined mandatory metrics as per delivery type, accountability and interaction style categorized by KPI’s. Recommended Metrics are also listed to choose if required. Additional custom metrics can be added by clicking on “Add Custom Metrics” button.

7 Metrics Configuration- Define Targets/ Final review tab
Step 4: Define Targets tab Step 5: Final Review tab Click on Save once page is updated and then click on Next to move to next configuring tab. Based on the applicability default OG/DC targets are applied for the metrics. Customize targets per metric by selecting the preferred target type and providing the Min and Max value. Applicable Target type for the metric can be selected from the drop down. Before final submission the status will be “Configuration Pending”, or “Draft” if any of the previous configurations were not saved. Once submitted it will be changed to “Submitted”. In this tab users can revalidate all the metrics configuration done in earlier tabs before submitting.

8 Metrics Review- for Full Integration projects
Weekly Review Tab: This tab enables user to add/update the releases for the current week and to view the submission status at Project level and client/engagement level by Project Manager and Delivery Lead respectively. For a new project this tab will be disabled until project attributes and metrics configuration is approved Latest successful submission details can be viewed here. It is shown along with submitted date and Submission period. Changes to review and other attributes in the screen will be saved by clicking on “Save” button Add and Edit Releases links are disabled for Full Integration projects Click on the Link to View Releases. Applicable work type and current phase is disable for editing in Weekly Review tab, it flows from AD/AM platform. Work type Dev is selected by Default.

9 Metrics Submission for Full Integration myWizard Projects
Click on “Go to AD Platform” to modify key attributes coming from AD/AM platforms. Metrics submission will be done using “Submission Home Page” tab. Step 1: Submission Home Page tab Refresh button is available for current Period End Date as per DC cutoff. Click on the Calendar icon to select/change the required date. ‘Period End Date’ reflects reporting week against the submission is due by default. Step 2: AD Metrics tab Click on “Edit Platform Measures” button to review and edit measure auto-sourced from platforms. Only AD/AM measures are represented different color icons Click on “Save and Validate” button to validate the measures. Latest measures are populated here by clicking on Refresh Button while navigating from AD/AM platform to myWizard. Or by clicking on refresh button available in myWizard manually.

10 Metrics Submission for Full Integration myWizard Projects
Step 3: OverAll Metrics tab Click on Save and Validate” button to validate the measures. Click on “Edit Platform Measures” button to review and edit measure auto-sourced from platforms. Data related to Financials, Resourcing and Utilization are to be reported here Latest measures are auto-populated from platforms. Step 4: For final submission For final submission, users should click on “Submit” button present in Submission Home Page, which will be enabled for submission when the below criteria's are met only if the Overall, AD/AM/TS/IO tabs are in Warning / Good status. Validation status of all releases should be in Good/Warning.

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