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Statistics in WR: Lecture 22

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1 Statistics in WR: Lecture 22
Key Themes Review of concepts from Lecture 1 Patterns in space and time from class exercises Principles for thinking about spatial and temporal variation

2 Data Cube – What, Where, When
Space, L Time, T Variable, V D “When” A data value “Where” “What”

3 Continuous Space-Time Data Model -- NetCDF
Time, T Coordinate dimensions {X} D Space, L Variable dimensions {Y} Variables, V

4 Discrete Space-Time Data Model
Time, TSDateTime TSValue Space, FeatureID Variables, TSTypeID

5 Hydrologic Statistics
Time Series Analysis Geostatistics Multivariate analysis How do we understand space-time correlation fields of many variables?

6 Ex 3: Patterns of Discharge, Sediment Concentration and Load

7 Ex 4: Correlation in space and time

8 Ex 5: Trends through Time

9 Ex 6: Diurnal and Seasonal Patterns

10 Ex 7: SPARROW Modeling of Nitrogen Transport
Mean annual load of Total N

11 288 USGS sites with flow and Nitrogen data
These sites are ones that were used for the Sparrow model that continue to be operational to 2008

12 Ex 8: Flood frequency analysis
100 year flood discharge p = 0.01

13 USGS Peak-Flow Regression Equations for 100-year discharge
100 mile2 10 mile2 110 mile2 What happens to design flood discharge when a 10 square mile tributary joins a 100 square mile river?

14 Ex 9: Time Evolution of Spatial Patterns

15 Texas Water Data Services 10 services 15,870 sites 81,625 series
8,549,857 records

16 Salinity Layer for Texas

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