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Presentation on theme: "Day 10: MICROSOFT EXCEL – CHAPTER 7 CONTD. MICROSOFT EXCEL – CHAPTER 6"— Presentation transcript:

Akhila Kondai September 18, 2013

2 Announcements Homework # 2 is due on 09/20/2013 by 11.59pm


4 Calculate interest and principal payments
IPMT function calculates periodic interest for a specified payment period on a loan or investment given a fixed interest rate, term and periodic payments Syntax: IPMT(rate,per,nper,pv,[fv],[type]) PPMT function calculates the principal payment for a specified payment period on a loan or investment given a fixed interest rate, term, and periodic payments. Syntax: PPMT(rate,per,nper,pv,[fv],[type])

5 Calculate cumulative interest and principal payments
CUMIPT function calculates cumulative interest for specified payment periods Syntax: CUMIPMT(rate,nper,pv,start_period, end_period) CUMPRINC function calculates cumulative principal for specified payment periods Syntax:CUMPRINC(rate,nper,pv,start_period, end_period)

6 Calculate present and future values
PV function calculates the present value of an investment Syntax: PV(rate,nper,pmt,[fv],[type]) FV function calculates the future value of an investment Syntax: FV(rate,nper,pmt,[pv],[type])

7 Microsoft Excel – Chapter 6.

8 PivotTable A PivotTable allows you to summarize, analyze, and explore large amounts of data Data can be dynamically arranged to view it from different angles 9/19/2018

9 Creating a PivotTable Create a PivotTable by clicking PivotTable in the Tables group on the Insert tab Select table / range Decide where to place the PivotTable (new worksheet or existing worksheet) Click OK 9/19/2018

10 example… Download the excel file from today’s lecture notes
Open Books data worksheet tab Create a PivotTable in new worksheet. Rename the sheet to PivotTable Give the name for PivotTable as Book Analysis

11 Areas of pivot table Values : Displays summary statistics, such as totals or averages Row Labels : Organizes and groups data into categories on the left side of the PivotTable. Column Labels : Subdivides data into one or more additional categories to add depth to PivotTable. Report Filter : Filters the aggregated data to displays the results based on particular conditions you set.

12 Adding fields To row labels To column labels To values
To Report Filter

13 example… Click the Discipline check box in the choose fields to add a report section Click the Total book sales check box in the choose fields to add a report section Drag Edition field to Column Labels Drag Copyright field to below the Discipline field in the row labels

14 Modifying a Pivottable
Add or remove fields Rearrange fields Change the value field settings Change Data and Refresh a PivotTable

15 Example… Remove the Edition field
Move Copyright field from Row Labels to Column Labels area. Open Value Field Settings box, give custom name as ‘Sales by Discipline’ and change the format to Accounting with 0 decimal places. Replace Row Labels and Column Labels with Discipline and Copyright Year. Change the cell J1 in Books Data worksheet to 125% and refresh the pivot table.

16 Sort a PivotTable Sort data in a PivotTable
Default is alphabetical by row label text To quickly rearrange data, click in a cell in the column you want to sort, and then click Sort Smallest to Largest (Sort A to Z for text) or Sort Largest to Smallest (Sort Z to A for text) in the Sort & Filter group on the Options tab For specialized sorting, click Sort in the Sort & Filter group on the Options tab If you click in a row label or column label first, you get a dialog box that has slightly different options than if you click on a value first 9/19/2018

17 Filter a PivotTable Apply filters to show a subset of data in a PivotTable Two types of filters: A report filter sets the overall conditions for aggregating data A group filter filters out data based on a row or column category Filter by one or multiple items, as well as by entering a search condition 9/19/2018

18 SLICE A PIVOTTABLE Insert Slicer ( a small window containing one button for each unique item in a field so that you can filter the PivotTable quickly) Options tab -> Insert Slicer -> click one or more field check boxes to display one or more slicers.

19 example… Report Filter : Drag Edition field to Report Filter area. Select multiple items check box and select 1 and 2 check boxes. Group Filter : Copyright filters  Label filters >=2011 Discipline filters  Check Introductory, Social Problems, Social Psychology check boxes. Collapse and Expand Items : Add Book Title Field below the discipline field in the Row Labels. Just expand Introductory discipline. Slicer : Insert Slicer for “Discipline”. Now we can filter a particular Discipline or more.

20 Slicer tools Name PivotTable Connections Slicer styles Arrange Buttons

21 Format a PivotTable Basic formatting applied to PivotTables:
Primary row labels formatted in bold Subtotals are bold Use PivotTable Tools Design tab to apply a PivotTable style and control: Font color Fill color Bolding Border lines 9/19/2018

22 Create a PivotChart A PivotChart is a graphical representation of data in a PivotTable. You can create a PivotChart from a PivotTable or at the same time you create a PivotTable. If you create a PivotChart from a PivotTable, the Row Labels area changes to Axis Fields, and the Column Labels area changes to Legend Fields when you select the PivotChart. A PivotChart is interactive, meaning changes made in the associated PivotTable are immediately reflected in the PivotChart. 9/19/2018

23 example…. Create a PivotChart
Insert Tab -> Tables -> PivotChart Select range from the Books Data sheet Click OK Drag Discipline field to Axis Fields area Drag Total book sales field to Values area Drag Copyright field to Legend Fields area Change the Chart type and give a chart name

24 Pivotchart tools tab Design Layout Format Analyze

25 Questions ?


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