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Highest QE‘s Measured So Far

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1 Highest QE‘s Measured So Far
Razmick Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Institute for Physics Munich, Germany

2 Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes
Quantum Efficiency Quantum efficiency (QE) of a sensor is defined as the ratio QE = N(ph.e.) : N(photons) Conversion of a photon into ph.e. is a purely binomial process (and not poisson !) Assume N photons are impinging onto a photocathode and every photon has the same probability P to kick out a ph.e.. Then the mean number of ph.e.s is N x P and the Variance is equal to N x P x (1 – P) 29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

3 Differences between binomial and poisson distributions
29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

4 Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes
Signal to noise ratio The signal-to noise ratio of the photocathode can be calculated as SNR = [N x P/(1 - P)]1/2 For example, if N = 1 (single impinging photon): P 0.1 0.3 0.9 SNR 0.33 0.65 3 29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

5 Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes
Signal to noise ratio SNR = [N x P/(1 - P)]1/2 For N = 20 impinging photons: P 0.1 0.3 0.9 SNR 1.5 2.9 13.4 29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

6 Light conversion into a measurable
Visible light can react and become measurable by: Eye (human: QE ~ 3 % & animal), plants, paints,... Photoemulsion (QE ~ 0.1 – 1 %) (photo-chemical) Photodiodes (photoelectrical, evacuated) Classical & hybrid photomultipliers (QE ~ 25 %) QE ~ 45 % (HPD with GaAsP photocathode) Photodiodes (QE ~ 70 – 80 %) (photoelectrical) PIN diodes, Avalanche diodes, SiPM,... photodiode arrays like CCD, CMOS cameras,... 29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

7 Short Historical Excursion
1889: Elster and Geitel discovered that in alkali metals a photo-electric effect can be induced by visible light (the existence of the e- was yet unknown) 1905: Einstein put forward the concept that photoemission is the conversion of a photon into a free e- Until ~1930 QE of available materials was < 10-4 1929: discovered Ag-O-Cs photo-emitter (Koller; Campbell) improved the QE to the level of ~ 10-2 1st important application: reproduce sound for film 29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

8 Short Historical Excursion
Improved materials were discovered later on but it was a combination of a good luck with „intelligent guessing“ A very important step was to realize that the photocathode materials are SEMICONDUCTORS Metallic versus Nonmetallic materials: yield of metallic photocathodes is very low because of very high reflectivity semiconductors have less reflection losses The main loss process in metals is the e- scattering; => e- escape depth of only few atomic layers is possible 29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

9 Short Historical Excursion
The losses in Semiconductors because of phonon scattering (interaction with lattice) are much less, i.e. e- from deeper layers can reach the surface 29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

10 Short Historical Excursion
Metal Semiconductor Photon  e- conversion High reflectivity Low efficiency Low reflectivity High efficency e- motion Low efficiency: e- e- scattering High efficiency low phonon loss Surface barrier Work function > 2 eV Determined by e- affinity 29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

11 Short Historical Excursion
1910: Photoelectric effect on K-Sb compound was found (Pohl & Pringsheim). 1923: found that thermionic emission of W is greatly enhanced when exposed to Cs vapour (Kingdon & Langmuir). It was found that the work function in the above case was lower than of Cs metal in bulk. 1936: discovered high efficiency of Cs-Sb (Görlich). 29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

12 Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes
QE of Metals For photon energies > 12 eV QE of 1-10 % were reported for Ni, Cu, Pt, Au, W, Mo, Ag and Pd (1953, Wainfan). 7% for 15 eV 2% for 17 eV 29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

13 Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes
Escape Depth Escape depth can be defined as the thickness above which the photoemission becomes independent on thickness (in reflective mode) The measured escape depth was atomic layers for K, Rb, Cs (1932). 29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

14 QE: Short Historical Excursion
Sommers found the „multialkali“ effect: combination of Cs-K-Na-Sb has high QE in the visible spectrum. Also were discovered Cs3Sb on MnO (S11, lpeak 400nm, QE ~ 20%) (Cs)Na2KSb (S20, lpeak 400nm, QE ~ 30%) K2CsSb (lpeak 400nm, QE ~ 30%) K2CsSb(O) (lpeak 400nm, QE ~ 35%) 29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

15 Typical Quantum Efficiencies
While selecting ¾‘ EMI 9083A PMTs for the HEGRA imaging Cherenkov telescopes in ~1996 I found 3 out of ~200 PMTs that showed very high „corning blue“ value 29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

16 Boost of the QE of Bialkali PMTs
In recent seevral years we were intensively working with the well-known PMT manufacturers looking into the possible boost of the QE of bialkali PMTs. Over past 40 years there was no progres reported. After several iterations success could be reported. PMTs with peak QE values in the range of % became available. These QE boosted PMTs are used in the imaging camera of the MAGIC telescopes 29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

17 How it shall be possible to boost the QE and who is interested in it ?
Use of highly purified materials for photo cathode (provides lower scattering for e- (low recombination probability) → e- kicked out from deeper (top) layers can reach photo cathode-vacuum junction ¬_ and „jump“ into it (→ thicker cathode is possible). Optimal tuning of the photo cathode thickness ……of the structure and material composition ……of the anti-reflective layer ……? 29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

18 QE Measuring Device @ MPI
29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

19 Test Setup for Parametrising 7-PMT Clusters
Setup allows in one go (20‘) measuring 1) linearity, 2) afterpulsing, 3) single ph.e. spectra, 4) F-factor, 5) peak-to-valley ratio, 6) gain, 7) HV distribution & 8) doing flat-fielding 29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

20 QE of „champion“ 2´´ PMT from Hamamatsu
Mirzoyan, et al., (2006) (proc. Beaune‘05) 29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

21 QE of another 2´´ PMT from Hamamatsu
Hamamatsu made a statement at Beaune-05 conference that by using a new process they are able to produce PMTs with peak QE of 33.7 % on average (Yoshizawa, 2005). 29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

22 QE of a champion 2´´ PMT from Photonis
According to Photonis the peak QE should have been 38 %; we meaured 34 % 29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

23 QE of a 3´´ PMT from Electron Tubes
29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

24 Electron Tubes Optimising the QE of PMTs
Different batches show different behaviour QE is high (~30% !!) ~ 350 nm Low QE at long l (> 450 nm) 29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

25 PMTs for MAGIC-I QE  by coating with a diffuse scattering layer
milky layer effect WLS (D. Paneque, et al., 2002) Effective QE  ~ 15 % 29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

26 Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes
QE of 3 PMTs (2 Hamamatsu + 1 ET) before and after coating with milky layer 29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

27 MAGIC-I imaging camera PMTs (blue) compared to MAGIC-II PMTs (red)
29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

28 Peak QE of MAGIC-II PMTs @ 350 nm
29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

29 M-I Upgrade camera PMTs: peak QE @350nm and QE(l)
29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

30 QE of several tested PMTs
29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

31 1.5‘ CTA candidate PMT Hamamatsu R11920-100
29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

32 Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes
29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

33 QE of CTA candidate PMT from Hamamatsu
29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

34 Collection Efficiency of the 1.5‘ CTA candidate PMT
29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

35 Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes
We (CTA) expect that a similar product will be soon (still during this year) provided by the ET Enterprises 29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

36 Maximum Peak QE of 3‘ Photonis PMT
29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

37 Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes
Minimum Peak QE Photonis 3‘ 29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

38 Peak QE Map Scanned with a ~3mm Beam
29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

39 PMTs with reflective mode photo cathode
Such PMTs can provide higher QE than those with transmission mode cathodes Although in literature one speaks about a peak QE enhancement of up to x2, in practice one finds values of ~40% 29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

40 Photo cathode light reflection and absorption
Motta, Schönert (2005) blue: ETL 9102B; green: ETL 9902B 29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

41 Light-induced afterpulsing
29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

42 2-types of afterpulsing
29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

43 Light-emission microscopy @ MPI
29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

44 Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes
PMT light emission 29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

45 The higher QE @ corners are due to the mirror reflection
29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

46 Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes
Other strongly competing ultra-fast, LLL sensors with single ph.e. resolution Two types of ultra-fast response LLL sensors, providing good single ph.e. resolution, start to strongly compete with the classical PMTs. These are HPDs with GaAsP photocathode SiPM (and its variations) 29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

47 18-mm GaAsP HPD (R9792U-40) (development started in our group ~17 years ago) Designed for MAGIC-II telescope camera; (developed with Hamamatsu Photonics ) (expensive) 29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

48 SiPM: making its own way
MEPhI-MPI-EXCELITAS 29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

49 SiPM: making its own way: the mean number of measured ph.e. is 96
29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

50 Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes
Conclusions In recent years on our request the main PMT manufacturers have been working on boosting the QE of classical PMTs As a result bialkali PMTs of 1-3´´ size with ~ 35 % peak QE („superbialkali“) became commercially available (~ 40% boost!) The PMTs continue becoming better and better The last word is not yet said 29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

51 Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes
HPD Output Signal <pulse height distribution> <pulse shape> Time [ns] FWHM~2.7 ns 29th of June 20012, Univ. Chicago Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Munich: Highest QE PhotoCathodes

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