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Warm Up #1 What is a behavior?.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up #1 What is a behavior?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up #1 What is a behavior?

2 Animal Behavior and reproduction
Lesson 1: Types of Behavior

3 Essential Questions How do behaviors help animals maintain homeostasis? How are animal behaviors classified?

4 What is a behavior Behavior – the way an organism reacts to other organisms or to its environment (stimulus) Ex: dog sniffing, flock of birds flying together BrainPop - Behavior Stimulus – a change in an organism’s environment that causes a response Ex: weather getting warmer, hunger, fight-or-flight response Which of the following are external stimuli and which are internal stimuli: scents, hunger, illness, heat, thirst

5 Innate behaviors Innate behavior – a behavior that is inherited rather than learned; happens automatically or naturally Ex: tad poles hatch and swim away from danger and find food Reflexes – automatic response that does not involve a message from the brain Instincts – a complex pattern of innate behavior; another name Ex: finding food, running away from danger, grooming, spiders spinning webs What is the difference between reflexes and instincts?

6 Innate behaviors Migration – instinctive, seasonal movement of animals from one place to another Ex: birds flying south due to cold weather and lack of food BrainPOP - Migration Hibernation – a response in which an animal’s body temperature, activity, heart rate, and breathing rate decrease during periods of cold weather Ex: bears during the winter time BrainPOP - Hibernation

7 Warm up #2 What is the difference between reflexes and instincts?

8 Learned behaviors Learned Behavior – occurs only after experience or practice Imprinting – when an animal forms an attachment to an organism or place within a specific time period after birth or hatching Trial and Error – a child learning to button a shirt Conditioning – modified so that a response to one stimulus becomes associated with a different stimulus; involves a reward or punishment How does conditioning benefit an animal?

9 Learned behaviors Cognitive Behavior – thinking, reasoning, and solving problems Ex: animals using tools to get food Habituation – learning to get used to something after being exposed to it for a while Observational learning – learning by watching and copying the behavior or someone else

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