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1 Kennings

2 What is a Kenning? A kenning is a compound figurative or phrase that aims to replace the noun.  It frequently consists of two words that describe the noun. It is a way of describing something indirectly, like a metaphor or simile.

3 Where did Kennings come from?
Kennings originate from the Anglo- Saxon.  But they were also used by other Scandinavian cultures (i.e. Vikings). The word kenning is derived from the Old Norse phrase kenna eitt við, which means "to express a thing in terms of another"

4 Early examples One of the earliest forms of kenning in literature comes from the poem Beowulf where: “whale road” describes the sea. “skull splitter” describes an axe.  “mead bearer” describes a woman.

5 Kennings Examples Battle Sweat – Blood Shepherd of Evil – Grendel
Sleep of the Sword – Death

6 Kennings, when written or spoken as a list, can create short riddles:
Squidgy ball Dotty skin Vitamin casing Sticky fingers Sweet scent Jigsaw pieces What am I?

7 Animals are good to describe in kenning form:
Quiet prowler Night howler Free mealer Chicken stealer Rusty splasher Hunter dasher What am I?

8 Round-facer No-smiler Still-stander Two-hander Night-friendly Heart-beater Time-keeper Sudden-shrieker What am I?

9 A famous kenning from 1970s advertising
Lipsmackin' thirstquenchin' acetastin' motivatin' goodbuzzin' cooltalkin' highwalkin' fastlivin' evergivin' coolfizzin'

10 Don’t let this picture fool you! Think hard about this one!
I go through the wood in silence And come out onto the snow Where I leave my print although I have no footsteps Where I speak your heart although I cannot breathe What am I? I’m the lead in a pencil!

11 Let me give you a clue about the next one!
Grab the beast by the horns Wrestle it down the narrow streets ‘til you break its will to skitter its own way Subdue it, burden its ribcage Let your children ride and then let it stray Who cares? They’ll send a herdsman to round it up at the end of the day What is it?

12 A shopping cart!

13 Exercise As a group, think of a creative kenning for the following… 2. 3. 4. 1. 5. 7. 6.

14 1. Zombie Flesh eater Brain eater Brain stealers Brain munchers
Walking dead Heartless Walker Average American

15 2. Cupcake Party muffin Sweet-clothed muffin Dressed muffin Small cake
Frosted delight Sprinkled diabetes Cute cake Chocholately Sensation

16 3. Tiger Pretty kitty Dangerous cat Deadly cat Striped hunter
Throat ripper Jungle prowler Striped feline Sinister stripes

17 4. Sunset Orange sky Dry ground Falling light Thirst giver
Watercolor wasteland Painted sky Golden horizon Sinking color Romantic Setting

18 5. Clown Kiddy creeper Funny terrorer Painted face Big shoes
School dropouts Creepy carnivaler

19 6. Paintbrush Painter’s object Painter’s wand Mark leaver
Artists’ emotions Painter’s dream(maker) Color smearer Canvas dirtyer

20 7. Book Trees with words Writer’s mind Knowledge paper Reader’s escape
Many words Rustic pages Shelf filler Fire fuel


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