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WHMIS 2015 Refresher Training.

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1 WHMIS 2015 Refresher Training

What is WHMIS? WHMIS stands for: Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System As a worker, you have the right to know about the hazards of chemicals used in your workplace. To support your right to know, laws across Canada require chemical suppliers and your employer to provide you with information about hazardous products and how to protect yourself. WHMIS applies to products specifically for use in workplaces. MONTH DAY, YEAR TITLE OF THE PRESENTATION

3 What’s Changing? WHMIS is changing to adopt new, international standards for classifying hazardous chemicals and providing information on labels and safety data sheets. The new standards are being phased in across Canada between February 2015 and December 2018. These new international standards are part of the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) for the Classification and Labelling of Chemicals.

4 Participants will: Know their rights and responsibilities Recognize the new WHMIS symbols and their meaning Understand the types of information provided on supplier labels and workplace labels Know where to find information on hazards and preventive measures on the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Take basic measures to protect yourself when working with hazardous materials Find additional information on hazardous materials Learning Outcomes

5 WHMIS 1988 & Whmis 2015 Under WHMIS 2015, “controlled products” are now called “hazardous products”, and there are: new rules for classifying hazardous workplace chemicals; two main hazard classes – Physical Hazards and Health Hazards new label requirements, including pictograms instead of symbols Signal Words and Hazard Statements that replace the old risk phrases. There are two signal words in the GHS system - Danger and Warning. These are used to communicate the level of hazard. For example, the signal word for Fatal or Toxic substances and mixtures is “Danger” while “Warning” is used for the less serious hazard a different format for safety data sheets (formerly MSDS)

6 Can you answer? What are the hazards of the product?
How do I protect myself from those hazards? What do I do in case of an emergency? Where can I get further information? All this information should be on the label, if not then the SDS – Safety Data Sheet information. Contact a supervisor for more information.

7 Routes of entry in the body
Inhalation: can be inhaled via vapor or gases Skin contact: Some hazardous chemicals injure the skin directly, or can be absorbed into the body through skin Eye contact: Contact with some hazardous chemicals can cause injury to the eyes Ingestion: Hazardous chemicals can enter the body by eating or drinking food contaminated by chemicals Injection: Sharp objects can puncture the skin and inject chemicals into the body There are 5 routes for chemicals to enter the body, that is why it is important to read the label and follow the precautions on the label.

8 Additional resources Quiz Fast Fact/Handouts
As GHS/WHMIS phases in/changes CRC will provide additional information in next annual training

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