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Pre Urban Neolithic Towns

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2 Pre Urban Neolithic Towns
Scale of Works at Khirokitia , (8,000 BC), indicate early examples of collaboration in the construction of villages First known examples of paved streets show up at Khirokitia Shared walls require agreement on maintenance and ownership

3 Additional Plan and perspective
views of Catal Hayak Note shared walls.

4 Principles in Planning in Mesopotamia
Build near water Find a knoll or high place that is defensible and doesn’t use arable lland Build temples, (and later castles), at highest promontory Build walls, lots of walls Irrigation and how was water supplied to cities’ housing? Sewage and garbage? Planning existed for the Public and governmental spaces Specific criteria applied to temple layouts and orientation


6 Egypt Religion a main driver of city development
Death – Tombs were an integral and major aspect of Egyptian life No Walls – cities were protected by The topography – deserts surrounded Egypt. River Oriented – The Nile was the main source of transport and agriculture – the heart and soul of the empire


8 Greece Miletus – 600 BC Planned by Hippodamus 3 parts by 3 parts Grid Pattern flexibility and ease of grid plan Plan adapted and used extensively by Alexander 325 BC to develop new cities Organized around the agora, the theater, temples Plan of Miletus by Hippodamus

9 The city of Hippodamus was composed of 10,000 citizens divided into three parts—one of artisans, one of husbandmen, and a third of armed defenders of the state. He also divided the land into three parts, one sacred, one public, the third private: the first was set apart to maintain the customary worship of the Gods, the second was to support the warriors, the third was the property of the husbandmen. He also divided laws into three classes, and no more, for he maintained that there are three subjects of lawsuits—insult, injury, and homicide








17 Broadacre City low-density car-oriented freeways +feeder roads

18 Planning Today main tool: zoning 19,000 different systems
tends to actually do little in the way of planning imposes a rigidity to existing land uses encourages separation by class encourages retail strip development discourages mixed use, pedestrian areas in practice, it promotes satellite bedroom communities and suburbs superficially like Garden cities or Broadacre City



21 Current Planning and Influences
Internet Revolution Home Office, digital work Smart Growth Transit Oriented growth Pedestrian Pockets Community Involvement Globalization McDonalds, WalMart,

22 New Directions Precedents:
Cluster zoning & PUDs (dates back to Radburn, NJ, designed by Regional Planning Association of America in 1923) New Urbanism & Neo-Traditional Planning Peter Calthorpe Leon Krier Congress for the New Urbanism Participatory Planning

23 What makes a city? Density Trade Culture Religion Circulation
Critical mass to support businesses and commerce Trade Near to trade routes Culture Traditions, festivals, history. Arts, crafts Religion Usually a shared religion andlor tolerance for multiple religions Circulation Adequate transportation routes to and thru the city Government To administer rule of law, keep the peace police, fire, public health, courts Shared Values A shared culture, religion or trade interest Recreation Facilities or Opportunities Adequate areas for people to recreate and relax Services Sewers, water supply, roads, power, internet/data

24 What factors act on the city?
Climate Must be favorable for human habitation given the technology of the time Geography Must provide adequate protection form overriding defense or climate concerns Location Near water, near trade routes Agriculture Near enough good farm land to support the city or near trade routes to obtain food Trade Near trade routes to support merchant classes and drive economy Warfare Warfare influences the shape and the preoccupation of the residents Health City must rid itself of pollutants and garbage to keep good health Bubonic Plague, Black Death, other epidemics, malaria Industry

25 Muscat and Dubai Compare and contrast Climate Geography Location
Agriculture Trade Warfare Health Industry

26 Compare and Contrast Muscat and Dubai
Density Trade Culture Religion Circulation Government Shared Values Recreation Facilities or Opportunities Services

27 Muscat and Dubai What elements of Ville Radieuse and Broad Acre City show up in the 2 cities? Elements of New Urbanism? What do you think the cities will each look like in 20 years?

28 Project format Do the project as a report
It will be done as a team project Team One: Hanan, Ali, Al Mukhtar Team Two: Najaya, Khalid, Fahad, Ashraf

29 Planning Principles Final Project Format Cover Sheet Table of Contents

30 Team 2 Team 1 Part 1; Factors that act on the Cities. Description of each city with brief history Ashraf Al Mukhtar Introduction Khalid Hanan Climate Ali Geography Fahad Location Najaya Agriculture Trade Warfare Health Industry This section is 3-4 pages plus pictures Part 2: Elements of the Cities Al Muktar Density Culture Religion Circulation Government Shared Values Recreation Facilities or Opportunities Services This section is 3-4 pagesplus pictures

31 Include relevant pictures. I like pictures.
Part 3; Analysis Ashraf Khalid Najaya Fahad Ahraf Al Muktar Ali Hanan Al Mukhtar Analyze the 2 cities in terms of the 5 principles: Build community in a diverse society Advance sustainability at each level Expand Individual choices Enhance personal health Make places for people How do the 2 cities succeed or fail in these respoects? What elements of Ville Radieuse and Broad Acre City show up in the 2 cities? Elements of New Urbanism? What do you think the cities will each look like in 20 years? This part is 8 to 12 pages plus pictures Keep each of your parts in the same format so it looks like a single report not a collection of different works. Each topic above should be covered briefly – about 1/2 page single space type written for each is a minimum. Include relevant pictures. I like pictures. Each report should include drawings of Land Use patterns, Circulation, Open Space, Hydrology.

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