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Class Objectives At the end of the class, students will be able to:

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Presentation on theme: "Class Objectives At the end of the class, students will be able to:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Class Objectives At the end of the class, students will be able to:
learn the instruction of the final project (yay!) Receive feedback on (historical) document analysis (individual). Brainstorm and organize ideas for the documentary film.

2 2. Presentation for client (final) (6th Dec)
1. State the problem and research questions. 2. Develop a research design for the project. 3. Execute the project. 4. Examine study results; organize and analyze. 5. Address the research questions. 6. Write the report. 1. Proposal Pts 1 & 2 (4th Dec) 2. Presentation for client (final) (6th Dec) 3. Proposal (final) (8th Dec) Revision of (1) + recommendations

3 Read instruction on the class website

4 Monday goals: What we will do today WON’T BE NEEDED for the work turned in on 4th Dec (Mon). organize the themes. discuss why this is the most effective way to organize them. discuss how the audience may establish a relationship with the interviewees. (if time permits) Choose one theme and decide which parts of the four interviews should be included in the film. Discuss why this is the most effective way to present information.

5 Example Major problem: Data are not disaggregated in the AAPI community; lacking such data means all groups are lumped into one. Purpose of the video and website: Bring awareness of the problem of aggregated data.

6 Example Organize the themes:
Problem faced by the AAPI community (black-white tension, little consideration of Asian; racial harassment, bullying; immigrants’ access; lack of civic engagement). How organizations solve the problems (low-income housing; public transit). How influential people bring awareness (government reps, Umass Asian Am. studies) Action plans (participate in non-profit organizations).

7 Example Ways to organize the themes (not exclusive, can be a combination): Big to small (breaking down a big problem into small problems). Small to big (solving one problem implies solving a bigger problem). Problem/solution.

8 Example Establishing relationship A sense of completion. Audience needs to feel they knew the person. Aesthetically pleasing. Interviews have to be engaging and are able to tell the story that seems interesting. Consider using the (historical) documents in conjunction with the interview to make people feel engaged.

9 Example Using historical documents to: Provide historical context.
Evoke emotion. Make a transition between points.

10 Example of theme organization
Problem: lacking disaggregated data Image 1 (to show the problem) Clip 1 (to show self-identification) Bigger problems: Theme 1 Clip 2: an example Theme 2 Examples of Suffolk admission Theme 3 Theme 4

11 Image 1 A Vietnamese boy was chosen to represent all “oriental” children.

12 Example of theme organization
Problem: lacking disaggregated data Image 1 (to show the problem) Clip 1 (to show self-identification) Bigger problems: Theme 1 Clip 2: an example Theme 2 Examples of Suffolk admission Theme 3 Theme 4

13 Clip 1 Show specific ethnic identity: From Japanese American (00:47 – 1:12)

14 Example of theme organization
Problem: lacking disaggregated data Image 1 (to show the problem) Clip 1 (to show self-identification) Bigger problems: Theme 1 Clip 2: an example Theme 2 Examples of Suffolk admission Theme 3 Theme 4

15 Example Organize the themes:
Problem faced by the AAPI community (black-white tension, little consideration of Asian; racial harassment, bullying; immigrants’ access; lack of civic engagement). How organizations solve the problems (low-income housing; public transit). How influential people bring awareness (government reps, Umass Asian Am. studies) Action plans (participate in non-profit organizations).

16 Clip 2 Racial harassment during WWII (Japanese internment): Guilt by reason of race (1:30 – 3:06)

17 Example Organize the themes:
Problem faced by the AAPI community (black-white tension, little consideration of Asian; racial harassment, bullying; immigrants’ access; lack of civic engagement). How organizations solve the problems (low-income housing; public transit). How influential people bring awareness (government reps, Umass Asian Am. studies) Action plans (participate in non-profit organizations).

18 Suffolk admission 1974 application

19 Suffolk admission 1982 application

20 Suffolk admission 1984 application

21 Wednesday goals: What we will do today WON’T BE NEEDED for the work turned in on 4th Dec (Mon). Choose one theme and decide which parts of the four interviews should be included in the film. Discuss why this is the most effective way to present information. (if time permits) Revise Proposal (Pt 1) and Discourse Analysis.

22 Read instruction on the class website
Show that some words are deleted. pp Theme 1 (Bigger problems) Peter: Yeah, a story from the early days was […] the brutal murder and legal fiasco of the death of Vincent Chin in Detroit. [ADD Clip 2] Jason: xyz.

23 Clip 2 Racial harassment during WWII (Japanese internment): Guilt by reason of race (1:30 – 3:06)

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