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New World Beginnings Beginning of Time – 1769 C.E.

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1 New World Beginnings Beginning of Time – 1769 C.E.

2 Bell Ringer What evidence exists that proves that there were native peoples living in America prior to the Europeans arriving? What does this evidence tell us about these people? Where are these people most likely to settle? Are there any geographic limitations?

3 Objectives Identify the role that geography has on native peoples.
Describe the purpose of exploring other lands and what explorers hoped to find in a “new world”. Predict the influence that other cultures might have on the native peoples.

4 Shaping North America Formation of mountain ranges limits the native peoples The Ice Age led to the development of the North American landscape The discovery of Clovis brings shocking evidence Scattered evidence leads us to question In what ways might misconceptions about the geography of the Americas have influenced further exploration and settlement patterns?

5 How many were there? 15 million people in Northern America
The Aztecs and the Incas taxed and had record keeping systems Historians are beginning to accept oral traditions

6 The Earliest Americans
The Aztecs were a nomadic people that came from Tenochtitlan (Mexico City) It would take a lot of work to make the city on a lake Aztecs were recognized as having an empire

7 The Earliest Americans
The Incas came from the Andes Mountains Rose to power in the 1400s Sophisticated empirical structure Elaborate class and government structure

8 The Earliest Americans
The Anasazi had elaborate road networks and irrigation systems Cahokia, W. Illinois Moundbuilders Several mounds with elaborate structure

9 The Earliest Americans
Natives tried to take people hostage Gender roles – women were important Rule by consensus Major contributions: Farming, technology, math, religion, government The “three sisters” provided the necessary nutrition for civilizations to thrive

10 Discovering America The first Europeans to make it to America – the Vikings The Norse men – led by Eric The Red target monasteries due to wealth of the churches 1960s research found Viking discoveries in Canada – first non-permanent European settlement

11 Christopher Columbus Knew of Marco Polo’s travels in Asia
Trading success in spices , silks Riches of the east stimulate Portuguese set the stage for exploration, discover slavery Columbus persuades Ferdinand and Isabella to set sail Sent as a thank-offering Technology influences spread of knowledge Columbus makes land fall in October 1492 in the Bahamas Discovery stimulates a global economic system

12 REview What role did geography have on the settling of native people?
Why did European nations explore new lands? How will European nations influence the native people?

13 Assignment Define vocabulary at the end of the chapter
Explain the role of the people at the end of the chapter (write down one thing they contributed)

14 New World Beginnings Beginning of Time – 1769 C.E.

15 Bell Ringer During the 16th century all of the major countries of Europe built empires by establishing colonies in the New World. Write a description of how colonies could provide wealth and power for these European countries.

16 Objectives Analyze the benefits and drawbacks of globalization.
Describe the influence of European conquest on the native people.

17 When Worlds Collide The international economy is revolutionized through the Columbian exchange Both the Old World and the New World benefit from sharing ideas Diseases such as malaria, smallpox kill a large percentage of Indians “The deadliest killers were microbes, not muskets.”

18 The Columbian Exchange

19 Conquest The Treaty of Tordesillas establishes a Line of Demarcation to divide the “heathen lands” Spanish conquistadores explore for “god, gold and glory” Notable conquistadores: Ferdinand Magellan, Juan Ponce de Leon, Francisco Coronado Bullion is the new form of currency, laying the foundations of the modern commercial banking system

20 Conquest Capitalism helps stimulate the spread of commerce and manufacturing West Indies serves as a testing ground, encomienda Hernan Cortes uses Malinche to understand the Aztec culture After friendly interactions, Tenochtitlan is destroyed by Spanish rule Intermarriage led to a new culture of mestizos “Who of those in future centuries will believe this? I myself who am writing this and saw it and know the most about it can hardly believe that such was possible.”

21 Conquest The Spanish colonies flourish throughout the world
To have dominion over the land, the Spanish decide to settle in North America Colonizing was an opportunity to convert natives into Christians Spanish lay claim to lands out West including Texas and California The Black Legend threatens interactions between the Spanish and the natives

22 REview What role did geography have on the settling of native people?
Why did European nations explore new lands? How will European nations influence the native people? In what ways did the New World and Old World benefit each other? Drawbacks?

23 End of Chapter Discussion Question
How did political, economic, and technological developments in Europe between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries influence exploration and eventual conquest of the New World? Compare and contrast how the European and New World cultures influenced one another. ***Add this to your discussion questions for tomorrow.

24 What you can Do… American Dream paper Vocabulary/People
Discussion Questions Review

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