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Scheduling & HS 101 School Year 2018-2019 Welcome!

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Presentation on theme: "Scheduling & HS 101 School Year 2018-2019 Welcome!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scheduling & HS 101 School Year Welcome!

2 Scheduling & HS 101

3 Homeroom + 9 Periods per day
Bell/Class Schedule Homeroom + 9 Periods per day Pd 5: 10: :34 Pd 6:11: :19 Pd 7: 12:23 - 1:04 Pd 8: 1:08 - 1:49 Pd 9: 1:53 - 2:34 HR: 7:35 - 7:49 Pd 1: 7:53 - 8:34 Pd 2: 8:38 - 9:19 Pd 3: 9: :04 Pd 4: 10: :49

4 Graduation Requirements
4 English Credits 2 American Culture Credits 1 World History Credit 3 Science Credits 3 Math Credits 1 Physical Education Credit 1 Health Credit 3 Arts & Humanities Credits 9 Elective (includes Tech) Subject Credits 1 Advisory Credit -participations is required Advisory meets PDE Career Exploration Standards & Reqs 28 TOTAL CREDITS REQUIRED STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR KNOWING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION AND WHAT THEY NEED TO DO TO MEET THESE REQUIREMENTS. IT IS THE STUDENT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO KEEP HIS OR HER PARENTS INFORMED OF PROGRESS TOWARD GRADUATION. SCHOOL COUNSELORS ARE AVAILABLE FOR ASSISTANCE.

5 Consider the following when choosing courses:
College Admission Requirements Potential Career or Major Teacher Recommendations PSAT/SAT/ACT Scores Extracurricular Activities Athletic Commitments

6 GRADING SCALE Do you meet Prerequisites?
Standard Honors Advanced Grade Point Value Courses Placement 97-100% A 93-96% A 90-92% A 87-89% B 83-86% B 80-82% B 77-79% C 73-76% C 70-72% C 67-69% D 63-66% D 60-62% D 59% & below F

7 12th Grade Requirements World Literature 12, Honors World Lit 12, or
AP Literature Physical Education(or Dance) Lunch Elective Elective (or Parkway 3-4 credits)

8 11th Grade Requirements American Literature 11, Advanced Lang & Comp or AP Language & Composition Contemporary US, CIHS Shaping of the Modern World, AP United States History Applied Chemistry, Chemistry/Lab, CIHS Chemistry/Lab, Practical Physics, AP Physics I Math - Various levels of Algebra I & II, Geometry, Trigonometry, Honors Pre-Calculus, Calculus Physical Education(or Dance) Lunch Elective (or 3 cr. Parkway) Elective

9 10th Grade Requirements English 10 (Academic, Advanced, Honors)
World History or Honors World History Conceptual Biology*, Applied Chemistry, Chemistry/Lab, CIHS Chemistry Math - Various levels of Algebra I*, Algebra II, Geometry, Trigonometry, Honors Pre-Calculus Health & Physical Education(or Dance) Lunch Elective (or 3 cr. Parkway) Elective *Keystone Exam Proficiency is required for graduation (Bio, Alg, Lit) Remediation courses

10 9th Grade Requirements English 9 (Academic, Advanced, Honors)
Development of the U.S. (Academic, Advanced, Honors) Math - Various levels of Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Geometry, Trigonometry, PreCalculus, Calculus Biology (Lab or Honors) Health & Physical Education (or Dance) Lunch Elective

11 SCHEDULING PROCEDURE Please refer to the Academic Handbook online for all course descriptions and prerequisite info. Current HS students will enter their requests via portal February 2nd - 9th. Print Summary! Incoming Freshman will enter course requests with their Info Tech class. Teachers and parents will sign course selection sheets prior to student entry in February. ALL students must return printed/signed course request sheets when they meet individually with their school counselor to review choices and ask questions (February 20 - March 2, 2018).

12 SCHEDULING PROCEDURE Students and parents have the opportunity to discuss scheduling with school counselors during the scheduled classroom sessions, parent presentation, and by appointment. Students will be permitted to make adjustments by submitting schedule change request forms or parent waivers by April 6, 2018. All schedules are final after this date. Counselors will work with students with scheduling conflicts prior to next school year.

13 SCHEDULING SCHEDULING RESOURCES ACADEMIC HANDBOOK SY 18-19 Course Selection Worksheet Grade 9 Course Selection Worksheet Grade 10 Course Selection Worksheet Grade 11 Course Selection Worksheet Grade 12 Online Course Registration Directions Due Dates for Signatures/Print Outs Course/Credit Planning Guide


15 SCHEDULING PROCEDURE After the deadline, changes will only be made if:
Schedule error Course failure add elective/drop study hall graduation requirement No schedule changes will be made after the first 5 days of the school year. Changes requested after the 5 day window will result in a Withdraw/Fail grade A course waiver can be requested for a student who does not qualify and is not recommended for a course. The deadline to request a waiver is April 6, 2018. Requests for specific teachers, classes, lunch periods, or similar requests will not be approved.

16 NEW COURSES/CHANGES New Courses Approved for 18-19:
Advanced Language and Composition 11 Honors World Literature 12 PLTW - Biomedical Innovations Internship/Career Experience AP Research Revised course selections: Art 1 9th/10th Grade Art 1 11th/12th Grade Peer Learning Assistant

17 Additional Information
Students are only permitted to have an Academic Study Hall (0001) ONE semester per year. They must choose a 1 semester course to take during the opposite semester. Students cannot choose which semester the study hall is scheduled. Peer Helper (changes, application, not for request entry)

CONTACT INFO: PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL COUNSELORS Lesley Kunkel (Last names A – H) Leah O’Malley (Last names I - N & Parkway/Intervention) Sub Kim Hart until March 5, 2018 Danyelle Boyd (Last names O - Z)

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