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Auslandsreferat der Fachschaft Maschinenbau

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Presentation on theme: "Auslandsreferat der Fachschaft Maschinenbau"— Presentation transcript:

1 Auslandsreferat der Fachschaft Maschinenbau
International Department of the Student Council of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

2 Facebook: TUM MW International Buddies 16/17
Welcome Facebook: TUM MW International Buddies 16/17

3 Fachschaft Maschinenbau
Responsibility A few reminders before we start: We can’t give legal statements because we are not legal advisers! For legal statements please contact the Student Service Center (SSZ) or Mrs. Ammon (student adviser) Phone: MW 2012 Boltzmannstr. 15, Garching SSZ Phone: Fachschaft Maschinenbau

4 Fachschaft Maschinenbau
Today‘s Agenda Student Council Buddy program Student ID Getting around TUM lectures and exams TUMonline, Moodle and the Faculty Library Good to know Get together Fachschaft Maschinenbau

5 Fachschaft Maschinenbau
Your student council prints and sells lecture notes answers your questions represents the students publishes the magazine “Der REISSWOLF” Fachschaft Maschinenbau

6 What is the buddy program?
Exchange between local and international students Help for a smooth semester at our University Assistance to get to know Munich Organization of events Fachschaft Maschinenbau

7 Fachschaft Maschinenbau
TUMinternational Arranges events and orientation weeks for international students of all faculties of the TUM (e.g. discovering Munich, visiting sights in Bavaria) Recommended: sign up for the newsletter (Events, …) Fachschaft Maschinenbau

8 Fachschaft Maschinenbau
Student ID Your ID at TUM (needed for exams) Contactless payment Library card Public Transport card ! Needs to be validated every semester (check expiration date) Fachschaft Maschinenbau

9 Public transport (MVV)
Obligatory part  already paid! Valid Mo – Fr from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m, weekends and public Holidays. Optional part 189,00€ Valid “all day, all night” Available from new ticket vending machines Fachschaft Maschinenbau

10 Fachschaft Maschinenbau
Map Fachschaft Maschinenbau

11 Building: Maschinenwesen
Room numbering Floor 1 Building: Maschinenwesen Room number: 01 MW 1801 Wing 8 („Hof“) Hint: TUM room finder ( Fachschaft Maschinenbau

12 Fachschaft Maschinenbau
Lecture types Vorlesung - Lecture: Theory lectured by Professor (Zentral-)übung – Exercise: Review of theoretical knowledge Exercises and examples presented by teaching assistant Tutorübung – Tutorial: Tutors show you more exercises If you have any problems or questions, ask the tutors. Hochschulpraktika – practical training/ lab sessions: Independent working (attendance required) Limited participation! Fachschaft Maschinenbau

13 Fachschaft Maschinenbau
TUMOnline Central platform for all study-related matters Log in: Username: MyTUM-mail-address or used for TUM application Password: your MyTUM-password What is it good for? Register for lectures Check your Timetable (“Terminkalender”) Register for exams Check your results Fachschaft Maschinenbau

14 Fachschaft Maschinenbau
Moodle and the Faculty Moodle (eLearning) Lecturers often upload their PDFs (lecture notes, exercises) on this learning platform. If you have registered for your courses in TUMOnline, they will show up in moodle. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Exam dates courses offered Sprachenzentrum offers language courses in 15 different languages Fachschaft Maschinenbau

15 Fachschaft Maschinenbau
Exams Exams take place at the end of each semester In case of failure, most exams can only be retaken at the end of the next semester Exams are passed if you score better than 4,0 1,0 is best; 5,0 is worst Our marking system: 1,0 1,3 1, ,3 4,7 5,0  equivalent to A A - B+ … fail You have to register for your exams in TUMOnline before deadline: January 2016 ! ! Fachschaft Maschinenbau

16 Fachschaft Maschinenbau
Library Many lendable book are located in the library of the Faculty of Chemistry. However, you can order books online and get them delivered to any TUM library free of charge. Returnable to any TUM library CH Mo – Do 08:00 – 21:00 Fr 08:00 – 19:00 PH Mo – Fr 09:00 – 21:00 MW Mo – Do 09:00 – 21:00 Fr 09:00 – 19:00 MI Mo – Fr 08:00 – 24:00 Sa – So 10:00 – 20:00 Central Campus Sa – So 09:00 – 22:00 Fachschaft Maschinenbau

17 Fachschaft Maschinenbau
Food & Beverages Canteen Payment only via Student ID Cafeteria (StuCafé) payment only via student card Coffee shop in the Faculty Max-Planck-Institute payment only by cash Faculty for Mathematics and Informatics Fachschaft Maschinenbau

18 Fachschaft Maschinenbau
Internet WiFi in the whole building Eduroam (login with your LRZ-Kennung + password) VPN (encrypted) via Cisco AnyConnect PC areas (wing 1, 1st floor) login with your LRZ-ID (i.e. “ga12abc”+ password) For printing check the copy shop or the library Fachschaft Maschinenbau

19 Fachschaft Maschinenbau
Locations Student Council Meet us: Information desk Mail us: Get news: TUMi (located on main campus) You should have already met them! Prüfungsamt (Exam office) MW 0011a Ms Ammon (coordinator international relations) MW 2027m Fachschaft Maschinenbau

20 Box Office: 8€ per ticket
Upcoming events esp 2016 , 9pm Presale: ,50 € per ticket Box Office: 8€ per ticket Join our Team at the international Shotisland and get a free Entry. For more information contact: Only 12 places available! Fachschaft Maschinenbau

21 Fachschaft Maschinenbau
Any questions? Thank you for your Attention! Contact: Fachschaft Maschinenbau

22 Fachschaft Maschinenbau
Internationals: please get a flag with your nationality Buddies: please get a TUM Flag Fachschaft Maschinenbau

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