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Trade Routes Around 1500.

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1 Trade Routes Around 1500

2 Silk Road ●4,000 miles long the Silk Road connected Asia and Europe
●Silks, Porcelain, and agricultural products were traded as well as art and Buddhism

3 Trans Saharan ●Songhai Empire controlled and prospered from trade route ●Timbuktu-major city along trade route ●continued the spread of Islam throughout Northern and West. Africa ●Silk, Gold, Salt, ivory, and pottery were all traded along this route

4 Mediterranean Trade Routes
●Venice dominated the Med. Sea Trade around 1500. ● A Transfer of spices and silks moved throughout Europe along this network ●Expansion of knowledge and inventions such as compasses and other navigation equipment emerged through this route. ●Constantinople (Istanbul 1453) was a major trading city within this route.

5 South East Asian Trade (Spice Islands)
●Spices from present day Indonesia was traded along the East African coast and Arabian Peninsula ●Buddhism was spread along the trade route ●European countries competed for domination of this very lucrative trade route

6 Other Important Maps For SOL!!!!

7 Non-Christian Empire Maps

8 Both of these empires were conquered by the Spanish

9 Expansion of the Songhai Empire (West Africa)

10 Southwest Asia Southeastern Europe Balkan Peninsula North Africa
Ottoman Empire spread to. . . Southwest Asia Southeastern Europe Balkan Peninsula North Africa

11 Expansion of the Mughal Empire (India)

12 Genocide Maps Genocide- The systematic and purposeful destruction of a racial political, religious, or cultural group

13 Armenian Genocide This is the area that the Armenian Genocide took place. The Ottomans were killing the Armenians that were in their empire.

14 Stalin’s Great Purge This is Russia (USSR)
This is where Stalin implemented his Great Purge of peasants, government/ military leaders and Elitist

15 Southeast Asia Map Cambodia- Where Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge killed many educated individuals, monks, minorities, former government officials, artists, and technicians.

16 Rwanda The country of Rwanda is where the genocide of the Tutsis by the Hutus However, remember that Hutus killed other Hutus during this violent event

17 Latin American Revolutions

18 Haiti: Home to the Haitian Revolution led by Toussaint L'Ouverture

19 Areas liberated in South America by Simon Bolivar

20 Mexico was led by Father Miguel Hidalgo during its independence movement

21 World at War Maps WWI, WWII, and Cold War

22 WWI map: Central Powers (Triple Alliance) Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire
Allied Powers (Triple Entente) Great Britain, France, Russia

23 Remember that Germany and the Soviet Union (Russia) invade Poland

24 Germany and Italy’s occupation of Europe during WWII

25 Nations that belonged to NATO (Anti-Communist) and Warsaw Pact (Communist)
The United States and Canada are NATO countries as well.

26 Chinese Communist Revolution (1949)
Communist China (Purple) Mao Zedong Nationalist China (Taiwan) Orange Chiang Kai-shek

27 Korean War: North Korea (Communist)
South Korea (Anti-Communist)

28 Vietnam War: North Vietnam: Communist supported by Soviet Union South Vietnam: Anti Communist supported by United States

29 20th Century Independence Maps
Africa Maps

30 Relatively peaceful transition to independence
West Africa Relatively peaceful transition to independence

31 Kenya gains independence through a bloody war with Great Britain

32 Algeria gains independence with a bloody war with France

33 Black South Africans’ struggle against racism during the Apartheid

34 20th Century Independence
India Subcontinent Maps

35 Pakistan (formerly West Pakistan)
Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan) Sri Lanka (Formerly Ceylon)

36 20th Century Independence
Middle East Maps

37 Great Britain’s Former Mandates: Iraq , Jordan, and Palestine
. Great Britain’s Former Mandates: Iraq , Jordan, and Palestine France’s Former Mandates: Syria and Lebanon

38 -The Nation of Israel (Jewish State) Green
- Palestine (Orange) Majority Muslim (Islamic) Country

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