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Verbs: Active Voice & Passive Voice

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1 Verbs: Active Voice & Passive Voice

2 Why does Yoda sound funny when he speaks?

3 What is active and passive voice?
Essential Questions: What  is  active  and  passive  voice? How does knowing the difference between active voice and passive voice help to strengthen your writing? ELAGSE8L1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. Form and use verbs in the active and passive voice. Recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in verb voice and mood.* ELAGSE8L3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening. Use verbs in the active and passive voice and in the conditional and subjunctive mood to achieve particular effects (e.g., emphasizing the actor or the action; expressing uncertainty or describing a state contrary to fact).

4 How do I find the Subject in a clause/sentence?
Helpful Tip: How do I find the Subject in a clause/sentence? Step 1: Read the clause/sentence. Step 2: Ask yourself : “Who or what is the clause/sentence about?”

5 How do I find the Verb/Predicate?
Helpful Tip: How do I find the Verb/Predicate? Step 1: Read the clause/sentence. Step 2: Find the Subject Step 3: Ask yourself “Subject” What? Step 4: Answer with the first word or two that comes to your brain as you read the sentence. The answer will be a verb or verb phrase. (A verb phrase is a HV + AV or LV)

6 Let’s learn about Active Voice Verbs & Passive Voice Verbs

7 Verbs in the active voice: A verb is in the active voice when its subject performs the action.
Example: The pitcher threw the ball. *The pitcher (subject) is performing the action of the verb (threw).

8 Verbs in the passive voice: A verb is in the passive voice when its subject DOES NOT perform the action. Example: The ball was thrown by the pitcher. *The ball (subject) is receiving the action of the verb (was thrown). The verb “was thrown” is in the passive voice. BECAUSE… The ball did not do the throwing. The pitcher threw the ball.

9 NO YES Find the subject Find the Verb
Ask yourself: Is the subject performing the action? YES NO Active Voice Verb Passive Voice Verb

10 Active or Passive Voice?
Writing is more effective when it is used in active voice because it is direct and concise. Verbs in the active voice are more dynamic. Passive voice may sound awkward and evasive. Scientists are encouraged to write in passive voice because it makes them more objective. Active or Passive Voice?

11 Let’s Play… NAME THAT VOICE!

12 YES! Carrie Oakie put away the cat’s toys. 1. What/Who is the subject?
2. What is the verb? put 3. Is Carrie Oakie performing the action? Is Carrie Oakie putting away the cat’s toys? YES!

13 NO! The dog playground was cleaned by a group of volunteer students.
1. What/Who is the subject? The dog playground 2. What is the verb? was cleaned 3. Is the dog playground performing the action? Is the playground cleaning? NO!

14 NO! The new cat was introduced to the family.
1. What/Who is the subject? The new cat 2. What is the verb? was introduced 3. Is the cat performing the action? Is the cat introducing? NO!

15 YES! A fluffy kitten purred on my lap. 1. What/Who is the subject?
2. What is the verb? purred 3. Is the fluffy kitten performing the action? Is the fluffy kitten purring? YES!

16 YES! Chi Spurger took pictures of his cat wearing different hats.
1. What/Who is the subject? Chi Spurger 2. What is the verb? took 3. Is Chi Spurger performing the action? Is Chi Spurger taking the pictures? YES!

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