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The Water Cycle.

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1 The Water Cycle

2 Processes in the Water Cycle
The water cycle is made up of 5 processes Evaporation/transpiration- water vapor entering the atmosphere (from large bodies or water or plants Condensation- when air cools down, it can’t hold all the moisture so it forms liquid drops on surfaces Precipitation- when water droplets get too large and fall out of clouds back to the Earth Runoff- water that flows back to the oceans over the land

3 The Water Cycle

4 Where Freshwater is Found
Atmosphere (water vapor) Streams/rivers Ponds/lakes Groundwater Glaciers and icebergs

5 Groundwater Makes up 25% of freshwater Found underground
If water fills all the spaces in the rock-saturated zone Permeable-water can pass easily through spaces in rocks Impermeable-water cannot pass through the rocks spaces Acquifer- a permeable layer of rock that is saturated with water


7 Weathering and Erosion
Erosion-the process that wears down and carries away rock and soil Weathering-process where rocks are chemically altered or physically broken down into fragments

8 Erosion Ways that erosion can take place Gravity Movement of streams
Groundwater Glaciers Wind Waves Cliff eroded Glacier erosion feature

9 Gravity’s effect Groundwater eroding land Wind erosion Waves eroding base Of cliff

10 Types of Weathering -Mechanical
Mechanical weathering- physically breaking down rocks through Frost wedging- ice expands and cracks rocks Abrasion- when rocks scrape or grind against each other Growth of plant roots- gets in between rocks and cracks them

11 Water gets into the spaces in a rock,
expands while it freezes and cuts through a rock Wind eroding a hole through a structure

12 Types of Weathering -Chemical
Chemical weathering-chemical reactions dissolve the minerals in a rock or change them into new minerals Water is the main agent of chemical weathering

13 Chemical eroding of ancient buildings

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