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What’s New in ProgressBook v17.0.0

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1 What’s New in ProgressBook v17.0.0
ProgressBook Suite Webinar StudentInformation June 2017 Devin Launder Janet Hayes

2 v17.0.0 StudentInformation #11312 – Printing AP & IB exams on R702
AP, IB & EOC each have separate subreports available to print on transcript AP & IB will print test date descending, test name ascending # R309 load settings aren't populating correctly when a decimal value is used in any of the 3 “Number of” fields .5 values save, populate when load settings selected Advanced Placement subreport prints all data across one line now instead of listing date at the top & printing applicable results for that date down the column. International Baccalaureate is now available to print in it’s own subreport. Both AP & IB will print with test date descending followed by subject area/test name ascending. ITC need to add IB subreport to custom formats & also update AP subreports (copy, save as from one of the fixed formats) R309 A & B had an issue that no decimals would save when entering number of days absent, partial absences or filtered absence types.

3 v StudentInformation Defect #11552 – Printing from the Edit Student Profile tabs takes multiple pages. Using Internet Explorer, Chrome and FireFox, this issue has been resolved for all tabs, except the Transportation tab. Defect has been submitted as the Transportation tab is still taking multiple pages when using Chrome and FireFox. The Transportation tab only takes one page when using Internet Explorer.

4 v StudentInformation Defect #12050 – Discipline Referrals entered in GradeBook come over to StudentInformation with no grade level. The Discipline Incidents in StudentInformation that originated from GradeBook now include the student’s grade level. Defect #12140 – R108-C – The Course Term filter is not looking at the specific course section the student is assigned to, just the course on the Student Fee Invoice. If the Course meets over different Course Terms, now if the Course Term filter is used on the R108-C, only the Course fees for the student that correspond with the specific Course Term will display. Discipline referral grade level issue began after 16.3 or was installed, once the edit/save was done in SI the grade level did display. R108C if student was assigned to 2nd semester section of course 1234 but course 1234 also had a 1st semester section, if user filtered only on 1st semester course term this student was returned with this fee. Updated so that student fees are only returned if the criteria matches the section/term the student is assigned to.

5 v StudentInformation ER # Added Prompt to Batch Scheduler to ensure your running it in the correct school year Icons to submit a schedule job are greyed out when a finalized schedule exists in the school year in context Hover help text indicates why the schedule job cannot be submitted We have received quite a few tickets this year of schools who accidently ran the batch scheduler in the current school year instead of the future school year. This basically changed all their students schedules. Now, if the schedule has been finalized in the school year in context, the options to submit a schedule job to run are greyed out and not selectable. Even when selecting to run in future school year, prompt appears ‘Are you sure you want to run the Batch Scheduler in ?’ SSS on individual student pages still works even when these icons are grayed out on the job parameter set maintenance page.

6 v StudentInformation Defect # Grad Points updated for state assessment pathway for Math, should only include the higher point value between multiple math EOC Assessments taken Calculating highest score in MTH1 or ALG I Or MTH2 or GEOM Previously, Grad Points was just taking the highest of the math assessments to calculate points, however, ODE has stated that we are to use the highest score in either Mth1 or Algebra I or between Mth2 or Geometry. SI was taking the highest score in any of the assessments, not from the pairs. Been corrected to take the highest between MTH1 or ALG1 & MTG2 or GEOM. Batavia HS 16/17 – Sam Acosta

7 v StudentInformation Graduation Points – Math Assessment Detail updated to include additional information in hover help message for Math requirements. If the student took both options in one subject (e.g., MTH1 and ALG1), the highest score is applied Hover help message has been added as extra reminder for users that highest score is being used.

8 v StudentInformation Update Grad Points to exclude any EOC records with test type = ‘ALT’ Currently there are no alternate assessments for End of Course Assessments The ALT test type is available in the dropdown when adding an EOC assessment. If a user adds an assessment record with this test type, Grad Points was including it in the calculations. Grad Points will no longer consider these types of records. Batavia HA 16/17 – Andrea Adams, change ELA1 to ALT

9 v StudentInformation Updated Comments on Discipline Incident to allow up to 1950 characters for Incident description and Referral Comments On the discipline incident & discipline referral pages the description field was updated to allow characters

10 v StudentInformation CRM #12233 – Added the ability for users to search for a student in all school years via the Advanced Student Search New tab added ‘Search all Years’ Use any search criteria Search this school only or all schools in district Results shown for latest student annual record up to the year in context for each school Click a student’s name will put student/school year in context The Search All Years tab does not include search parameters from the other four tabs in its search The new ‘Search All Years’ tab was added to the Advanced student search page to provide the ability to search for students across school years. This tab uses only the search critieria specified on this tab. No other fields from the other four tabs are included in this search. You still have the option to search only the school you have in context or other schools within the district in context. The results shown will be for the latest school year the student is enrolled in. When the search results are displayed, they will include the school year the record is found in. If you click on the student’s name, it will select the student and put the student in context in the latest school year the student was enrolled in. So, make sure you make note of the school year you’re in once a student is selected.

11 v StudentInformation The search functions work the same as they do on the other tabs, however, this is the only tab where students will be located across school years. When searching by Social Security number, do not use dashes or student will not be found. Notice ‘Caution’ message in red – clicking on blue link for student found will change school & school year in context.

12 v StudentInformation Config setting added to turn ClassRosterLive Sync & HomeroomLive Sync on or off for GradeBook Config settings will be set to true but will give ITCs the ability to set it to False if an issue arises. ClassRosterLive was released in , it only works for changes made on course section assignments screen. Changes made via other screens will happen overnight with the nightly integration.

13 v17.0.0 StudentInformation Resource Permissions
Edit Resource Permissions was added in 17.0, this will initially be for reporting & notifications that are added to the suite. Ad Hoc report access will no longer be enabled/denied via Sitemap access. Current access was transitioned to Resource Permissions screen to make this more expandable as security for ad hoc reports in all modules across the suite will be enabled in SI. Current sitemap settings transferred to Resource Permissions for any ad hoc security already setup.

14 v17.0.0 StudentInformation Report Designer Screen
Ad Hoc Report Designer screen has received an updated fresh look as well. There will also be a new scheduler released with 17.0.

15 v StudentInformation User Interface – Clicking icon brings up Report Catalog (As of 17.1 page name will be Analytics Hub) New Report Catalog page added, now clicking paper icon brings up this screen populated based on security setup. By default reports show in Card View, descriptions display if entered when report was created. In 17.1 release page will be called Analytics Hub.

16 v17.0.0 StudentInformation Report Catalog (Analytics Hub) display
Clicking icon on the right displays reports in list view. Applicable folder where report stored in left column

17 Thank you Thank You!!

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