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Prof. dr. Florin Mitu, M.D. F.E.S.C. Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie "Gr. T. Popa" Iasi PROVAS IV Timișoara, 2016
Decese la 1 milion de locuitori în lume (Lancet 1997)
PREMISE Decese la 1 milion de locuitori în lume (Lancet 1997) Cunoașterea FRCV a determinat dezvoltarea de strategii de prevenție la nivel populațional și de “high risk“: ghiduri de dietă, promovarea activității fizice, reducerea fumatului, tratamentul HTA, hipercolesterolemiei; totuși BCV continuă să reprezinte ucigașul nr 1 Estimările OMS: în 2025 BCV vor fi prima cauză de mortalitate în ţările în curs de dezvoltare Murray CJL, Lopez AD. Alternative projection of mortality and morbidity by cause ; Global Burden of Disease Study. Lancet 1997; 349:
Consecinţa este o reducere modestă a riscului de BCV în populaţie
PREMISE Aterotromoza, favorizată de prezenţa factorilor de risc, reduce speranţa de viaţă cu 8 – 12 ani Terapia medicamentoasă prezentă are ca obiectiv un singur factor de risc (HTA, hipercolesterolemie, DZ) şi este adresată unui grup ţintă restrâns cu nivele anormal de mari ale acestuia cu scopul de a-l scădea la nivele medii populaţionale Consecinţa este o reducere modestă a riscului de BCV în populaţie Peeters, et al. Eur Heart J 2002;23:
PREMISE Un efect de prevenţie pe scară largă:
Necesită intervenţie asupra tuturor persoanelor cu risc crescut indiferent de nivelele factorilor de risc Intervenţia să aibă ca ţintă mai mulţi factori de risc concomitent Reducerea acestor factori de risc să fie cât mai accentuată Wald NJ, Law MR. A strategy to reduce cardiovascular disease by more than 80% BMJ 2003;326:
POLYPILL POLIPILULA: Statină Trei droguri antihipertensive (fiecare la ½ doză) Acid folic Aspirină Prof. Nicolas Wald → reduce riscul de evenimente cardiace ischemice cu 88% şi de atac cerebral cu 80% "Această strategie ar fi potrivită pentru persoane cu boală cardiovasculară cunoscută şi pentru oricine peste o anumită vârstă (exemplu 55 ani), fără a necesita măsurarea factorilor de risc" Wald NJ, Law MR. A strategy to reduce cardiovascular disease by more than 80% BMJ 2003;326:
ARGUMENTE Supravieţuirea postinfarct miocardic acut a fost substanţial ameliorată la pacienţii care au primit patru clase terapeutice (aspirină, BB, IECA, statină) comparativ cu cei care au primit 0, 1, 2 sau 3 droguri (Maximal Individual Therapy in Acute Myocardial Infarction (MITRA) registry, n = 6067) Schuster S, Koch A, Burczyk U, et al. Early treatment of acute myocardial infarct: implementation of therapy guidelines in routine clinical practice, MITRA pilot phase. Z Kardiol 1997;86:273–283
ARGUMENTE Studiu francez: supravieţuirea la 1 an la pacienţi cu IMA a fost semnificativ mai bună la cei care au primit combinaţie de trei medicamente faţă de cei ce au primit un medicament, indiferent de clasa terapeutică (antiplachetar, statină, antihipertensiv) Danchin N, Cambou JP, Hanania G, et al; USIC 2000 Investigators. Impact of combined secondary prevention therapy after myocardial infarction: data from a nationwide French registry. Am Heart J 2005;150:1147–1153
POLYPILL Wald şi Law au identificat categoriile de droguri şi vitamine cu efect asupra Funcţie plachetară LDL TA Homocisteină Thiazide BB IECA Sartani BlCa Acidul folic Aspirina Statine Wald NJ, Law MR. A strategy to reduce cardiovascular disease by more than 80% BMJ 2003;326:
POLYPILL Alegerea drogului (şi a dozei) a fost determinată de rezultatele trialurilor şi studiilor de cohortă având ca end-point scăderea mortalităţii CV Wald şi Law au calculat efectul combinat al modificării celor patru FR şi au estimat anii de viaţă câştigaţi fără boală acută cardiacă sau cerebrală la persoane fără BCV anterioare dacă utilizează Polypill de la vârsta de 55 ani Wald NJ, Law MR. A strategy to reduce cardiovascular disease by more than 80% BMJ 2003;326:
Table 1 shows the effects of the individual agents. By use of statins, LDL cholesterol concentration can be reduced by an average of 1.8 mmol/l. Atorvastatin 10 mg taken at any time of day or simvastatin (or lovastatin) 40 mg taken in the evening or 80 mg taken in the morning after about two years of treatment can reduce the incidence of IHD events at age 60 by an estimated 61%.1 Higher doses produce little further gain. The overall reduction in stroke from an LDL cholesterol reduction of 1.8 mmol/l is about 17%.1 This estimate takes account of the reduction in risk of stroke in people with and without existing vascular disease (35% v 11%, a difference which arises because a stroke in people with vascular disease is more likely to be thromboembolic, and statins prevent thromboembolic, but not haemorrhagic, stroke) and also takes account of the proportion of first strokes that occur in people with known vascular disease (25%)1 (25% of 35% plus 75% of 11% making 17%). The five main categories of blood pressure lowering drugs (thiazide, blockers, ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor antagonists, and calcium channel blockers), and the individual drugs within the categories, produce similar reductions in blood pressure, given dose as a ratio of standard dose.16 A combination of three drugs from different categories in low dose has greater efficacy and fewer adverse effects than using one or two drugs in standard dose.16 The blood pressure reduction with three drugs in combination at half standard dose is about 11 mm Hg diastolic, reducing the incidence of IHD events by 46% and stroke by 63%.16 17 The maximum effect of folic acid, achieved at a dose of about 0.8 mg/day,15 18 lowers serum homocysteine by 3 mol/l (about 25%) and reduces IHD events by about 16% and stroke by 24%.9 Table 1 shows that changing all four risk factors together reduces the risk of IHD events by 88% and stroke by 80%. These results are obtained from the product of the relative risk estimates relating to interventions on each risk factor, which is the complement of the proportion of events prevented; thus, preventing, say, 61% is equivalent to a relative risk of 0.39. The following example illustrates the calculation. The relative risks of an IHD event for the four interventions in table 1 are 0.39, 0.54, 0.84, and 0.66, the product of which yields a combined relative risk of 0.12 or an 88% preventive effect (if 100 people who would have had IHD events without intervention were treated, statins would prevent 61 of the 100 events, leaving 39; 46% of these would be prevented with blood pressure lowering drugs, leaving 21; 16% of these would be prevented with folic acid, leaving 18; and 34% of these would be prevented with aspirin, leaving 12; 88% have thus been prevented). Reducing one risk factor has a similar proportional effect on risk irrespective of the level of other risk factors, as confirmed by cohort studies and randomised trials.19–22 For example, trials of LDL cholesterol reduction show similar proportional reductions in risk in people with high and low blood pressure and in people taking and not taking aspirin.20 21 Other than the statin (in respect of IHD), omitting a single component has a relatively minor impact on the combined effect of the residual components, illustrating the robustness of the Polypill concept. Compared with the reductions in IHD events and stroke of 88% and 80% respectively with all six components, the reductions were 86% and 74% without folic acid, 85% and 73% without one blood pressure lowering drug (two instead of three), and 83% and 77% without aspirin. So, for example, aspirin prevents 32% of IHD events when used alone but prevents only an additional 5% of the original number of expected events when added to the other components in the combination. Wald NJ, Law MR. A strategy to reduce cardiovascular disease by more than 80% BMJ 2003;326:
Table 2 shows the expected proportion of people who would avoid an IHD event or stroke by taking the Polypill from age 55 and, in those, the average number of event-free life years gained. The estimates take account of deaths from causes other than IHD and stroke. About a third of people taking the Polypill would benefit. On average each will gain years of life free from a heart attack or stroke. The gain in life is substantial at all ages Wald NJ, Law MR. A strategy to reduce cardiovascular disease by more than 80% BMJ 2003;326:
Of all the components, aspirin has the most serious adverse effects, mainly due to haemorrhage (table B on In our meta-analysis of the trials of low dose aspirin the increase in haemorrhagic stroke (table A on was exceeded by the reduction in thrombotic strokes, producing an overall 16% reduction in stroke. There was no excess risk of fatal extracranial haemorrhage, with 13 and 15 deaths in the aspirin and placebo groups respectively in about people in each (table B on, and an excess risk of major nonfatal extracranial haemorrhage (mainly gastric) of 1.2 per 1000 person years (see table 3) Wald NJ, Law MR. A strategy to reduce cardiovascular disease by more than 80% BMJ 2003;326:
POLYPILL EFECTE ADVERSE ESTIMATE ce pot fi atribuite componentelor Polypill: 8 – 15% Table 4 uses these data together with those published in our companion papers1 16 to show the proportions of people reporting symptoms attributable to any of the components of the Polypill (percentage with symptoms in treated groups minus percentage in placebo groups in trials). If we included the three classes of blood pressure lowering drugs with the lowest prevalence of adverse effects (thiazide, angiotensin II receptor antagonist, and calcium channel blocker16) in a Polypill formulation, 8% would be expected to have symptoms attributable to one or more of the six components of the pill, mostly due to aspirin. If we used the three least expensive blood pressure lowering drugs (a thiazide, a blocker, and an ACE inhibitor) instead, a Polypill including these would cause symptoms in about 15% of people taking the pill. Wald NJ, Law MR. A strategy to reduce cardiovascular disease by more than 80% BMJ 2003;326:
POLYPILL Care este populaţia ţintă?
Toţi pacienţii cu BCV cunoscută: IM, AP, AVC, AIT, BAP, DZ Persoanele peste 55 ani (96% din decesele de cauză cardiacă sau cerebrală apar la vârsta peste 55 ani) Nu este necesară determinarea FR înaintea iniţierii tratamentului (intervenţia este eficientă indiferent de nivelul FR) Nu este necesară monitorizarea efectelor tratamentului Wald NJ, Law MR. A strategy to reduce cardiovascular disease by more than 80% BMJ 2003;326:
POLYPILL COSTURI: Utilizarea produselor generice ar scădea costul (ex simvastatin, HCZ, atenolol, enalapril, acid folic, aspirină) Disponibilitatea mai multor formule terapeutice pentru a creşte toleranţa şi acceptabilitatea Wald NJ, Law MR. A strategy to reduce cardiovascular disease by more than 80% BMJ 2003;326:
Prevalenţa BCV în India
STUDII ? Prevalenţa BCV a crescut de 9 ori în ultimii 40 ani Risc crescut de 5 – 10 ori la persoane tinere (sub 40 ani) indiferent de sex sau clasă socială În 2020 va avea cea mai mare povară a BCV Prevalenţa BCV în India → Interesul faţă de Polypill care ar reduce riscul CV este mai ridicat Yusuf S, Pais P, Afzal R, et al. Effects of a polypill (Polycap) on risk factors in middle-aged individuals without cardiovascular disease (TIPS): a phase II, double-blind, randomised trial. Lancet, 2009, 373: 1341–51 Enas EA, Mehta J. Malignant coronary artery disease in young Asian Indians: Thoughts on pathogenesis, prevention and therapy. Coronary Artery Disease in Asian Indians (CADI) study. Clin Cardiology 1995;18(3):131-5
STUDII ? 2053 persoane fără BCV, cu 1 FR, 45 – 80 ani, 12 săpt
In a double-blind trial in 50 centres in India, 2053 individuals without cardiovascular disease, aged 45–80 years, and with one risk factor were randomly assigned, by a central secure website, to the Polycap (n=412) consisting of low doses of thiazide (12·5 mg), atenolol (50 mg), ramipril (5 mg), simvastatin (20 mg), and aspirin (100 mg) per day, or to eight other groups, each with about 200 individuals, of aspirin alone, simvastatin alone, hydrochlorthiazide alone, three combinations of the two blood-pressure-lowering drugs, three blood-pressure-lowering drugs alone, or three blood-pressure-lowering drugs plus aspirin. The primary outcomes were LDL for the eff ect of lipids, blood pressure for antihypertensive drugs, heart rate for the eff ects of atenolol, urinary 11-dehydrothromboxane B2 for the antiplatelet eff ects of aspirin, and rates of discontinuation of drugs for safety. Analysis was by intention to treat. This study is registered with, number NCT HCZ 12,5 mg / atenolol 50 mg / ramipril 5 mg / aspirin 100 mg / simvastatin 20 mg Yusuf S, Pais P, Afzal R, et al. Effects of a polypill (Polycap) on risk factors in middle-aged individuals without cardiovascular disease (TIPS): a phase II, double-blind, randomised trial. Lancet 2009, 373: 1341–51
STUDII ? ↓ TA cu 7,4 / 5,6 mmHg ↓ LDL cu 0,7 mmol/l
Compared with groups not receiving blood-pressure-lowering drugs, the Polycap reduced systolic blood pressure by 7·4 mm Hg (95% CI 6·1–8·1) and diastolic blood pressure by 5·6 mm Hg (4·7–6·4), which was similar when three blood-pressure-lowering drugs were used, with or without aspirin. Reductions in blood pressure increased with the number of drugs used (2·2/1·3 mm Hg with one drug, 4·7/3·6 mm Hg with two drugs, and 6·3/4·5 mm Hg with three drugs). Polycap reduced LDL cholesterol by 0·70 mmol/L (95% CI 0·62–0·78), which was less than that with simvastatin alone (0·83 mmol/L, 0·72–0·93; p=0·04); both reductions were greater than for groups without simvastatin (p<0·0001). The reductions in heart rate with Polycap and other groups using atenolol were similar (7·0 beats per min), and both were signifi cantly greater than that in groups without atenolol (p<0·0001). The reductions in 11-dehydrothromboxane B2 were similar with the Polycap (283·1 ng/mmol creatinine, 95% CI 229·1–337·0) compared with the three blood-pressure-lowering drugs plus aspirin (350·0 ng/mmol creatinine, 294·6–404·0), and aspirin alone (348·8 ng/mmol creatinine, 277·6–419·9) compared with groups without aspirin. Tolerability of the Polycap was similar to that of other treatments, with no evidence of increasing intolerability with increasing number of active components in one pill. ↓ FC cu 7 bătăi/min Yusuf S, Pais P, Afzal R, et al. Effects of a polypill (Polycap) on risk factors in middle-aged individuals without cardiovascular disease (TIPS): a phase II, double-blind, randomised trial. Lancet 2009, 373: 1341–51
STUDII ? Efecte secundare şi motive de întrerupere a medicaţiei
Compared with groups not receiving blood-pressure-lowering drugs, the Polycap reduced systolic blood pressure by 7·4 mm Hg (95% CI 6·1–8·1) and diastolic blood pressure by 5·6 mm Hg (4·7–6·4), which was similar when three blood-pressure-lowering drugs were used, with or without aspirin. Reductions in blood pressure increased with the number of drugs used (2·2/1·3 mm Hg with one drug, 4·7/3·6 mm Hg with two drugs, and 6·3/4·5 mm Hg with three drugs). Polycap reduced LDL cholesterol by 0·70 mmol/L (95% CI 0·62–0·78), which was less than that with simvastatin alone (0·83 mmol/L, 0·72–0·93; p=0·04); both reductions were greater than for groups without simvastatin (p<0·0001). The reductions in heart rate with Polycap and other groups using atenolol were similar (7·0 beats per min), and both were signifi cantly greater than that in groups without atenolol (p<0·0001). The reductions in 11-dehydrothromboxane B2 were similar with the Polycap (283·1 ng/mmol creatinine, 95% CI 229·1–337·0) compared with the three blood-pressure-lowering drugs plus aspirin (350·0 ng/mmol creatinine, 294·6–404·0), and aspirin alone (348·8 ng/mmol creatinine, 277·6–419·9) compared with groups without aspirin. Tolerability of the Polycap was similar to that of other treatments, with no evidence of increasing intolerability with increasing number of active components in one pill. Yusuf S, Pais P, Afzal R, et al. Effects of a polypill (Polycap) on risk factors in middle-aged individuals without cardiovascular disease (TIPS): a phase II, double-blind, randomised trial. Lancet 2009, 373: 1341–51
STUDII ? Reducerea estimată a riscului în TIPS comparativ cu estimările Wald şi Law Yusuf S, Pais P, Afzal R, et al. Effects of a polypill (Polycap) on risk factors in middle-aged individuals without cardiovascular disease (TIPS): a phase II, double-blind, randomised trial. Lancet 2009, 373: 1341–51
STUDII ? UMPIRE (Use of Multidrug Pill in Reducing cardiovascular Events) study: studiu de fază III, durata – 2 ani (Londra, Dublin, Utrecht, New Delhi), 2004 adulţi cu BCV sau risc înalt; Pacienţii au primit tratament standard sau una din cele două versiuni ale Red Heart Pill: Versiunea 1: aspirina 75 mg simva 40 lisinopril 10 mg atenolol 50 mg Versiunea 2: aspirina 50 mg simva 40 lisinopril 10 mg HCZ Obiective: aderenţa la medicaţie, modificările TA şi ale col Rezultatele publicate în 2013 Thorn S et al. JAMA 2013
STUDII ? UMPIRE (Use of Multidrug Pill in Reducing cardiovascular Events) study: Thorn S et al. JAMA 2013
STUDII ? UMPIRE (Use of Multidrug Pill in Reducing cardiovascular Events) study: aderența la medicație Thorn S et al. JAMA 2013
STUDII ? Studii similare iniţiate în 2010: Noua Zeelandă, Australia, Brazilia, Canada, China, Africa de Sud Populaţie inclusă: aprox 7000 pacienţi din 10 ţări
STUDII ? Studii similare iniţiate în 2010: Noua Zeelandă, Australia, Brazilia, Canada, China, Africa de Sud Populaţie inclusă: aprox 7000 pacienţi din 10 ţări Selak V et al. BMJ 2014
ADERENȚA Adherence is the key mediator between medical practice and patient outcomes. Kravitz RL, Melnikow J. Medical adherence research: time for a change in direction. Med Care. 2004; 42;
ADERENȚA A combination pill is a cost efective strategy
Meta-analysis of studies with combination pills showing to reduce BP and estimate of reduction of CV events A combination pill is a cost efective strategy Working Group. European Heart journal (2014) 35, Laba.MJA 2014
Conceptul ″Polypill″ in ghiduri
“Physicians should be aware that adherence to medication reflect generally better health behaviour”
Caracteristicile unui Polypill viabil
Indicații clinice viabile Componente cu proprietăți fizico-chimice cunoscute Stabilitate farmaceutică Doze și farmacokinetică compatibile Interacțiuni predictibile; lipsa interacțiunilor negative Eficacitate cunoscută Efecte adverse predictibile Accesibil ca preț DiMasi JA et al. The price of Innovation: new estimates of drug development costs. J Health Econ 2003;22:151
Probleme Profilul de siguranţă (funcţia hepatică, renală)
Determinarea dificilă a componentei care poate da efecte secundare Problema dozei optime individualizate Polypill nu înlocuieşte măsurile de modificare a stilului de viaţă The Indian Polycap Study (TIPS). Effects of a polypill (Polycap) on risk factors in middle-aged individuals without cardiovascular disease (TIPS): a phase II, double-blind, randomised trial. Lancet 2009; published online March 30. DOI: /S (09)
Atitudinea medicilor de familie
Studiu US 2010: Nivel ridicat de acceptare a prescrierii Polypill la pacienţii cu risc cardiovascular crescut şi moderat la cei cu risc cardiovascular moderat Cunoştinţele mai multe legate de Polypill determină acceptarea mai uşoară a prescrierii Posibilitatea modificării dozelor substanţelor din Polypill Viera AJ. Et al. Acceptance of a polypill approach to prevent cardiovascular disease among a sample of US physicians. Preventive medicine 2011;52:10
Analiza cost-eficienţă
Cost-eficienţa polypill variază în funcţie de nivelul de risc. În prevenţia primară trebuie să dovedească eficienţă similară aspirinei şi substituienţilor de nicotină; să fie disponibil la preţ mai mic decât cel al aspirinei şi statinei În prevenţia secundară este cost-eficient Franco OH et al. The polypill: at what price would it become cost effective? J Epidemiol Community Health 2006; 60:213
Mesaje Polypill este mai mult decât o capsulă, reprezintă o strategie de prevenție cardiovasculară. Conceptul farmacologic: combinație de droguri ce acționează asupra mecanismelor de dezvoltare a aterosclerozei, la doze eficiente, diminuând riscul. Reducerea unor factori de risc scade proporțional riscul CV, independent de nivelul inițial al riscului. Strategia polypill este cost-eficientă.
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