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O.H.S.A.A. Observation Report Guidelines

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1 O.H.S.A.A. Observation Report Guidelines
Confirmation , Arrival, Appearance, Pre-game If possible, ask the Athletic Director if the officials confirmed in advance of game either via or phone When did the officials arrive at the facility? (should be at least 60 minutes prior to game time) How were they dressed when they arrived? Were they in proper attire? If you introduce yourself to the Varsity crew before the game, ask if you can sit in on their pre-game (not mandatory). Did they cover the appropriate topics and game situations?

2 Uniform Appearance Were shirts & pants in good condition? Did crew have matching shirts & jackets? Did shoes conform to OHSAA standards (black) Did they remove all jewelry except a wedding band? On Court: Pre-Game Posture & Appearance Did they come on to the court as a crew? Did they perform pre-game tasks (look for jewelry, illegal headbands, sweatbands, & other illegal equipment? Did they have their hands in their pockets or arms crossed? Did they fraternize with the crowd? Did they watch the teams for dunks and other activity? Did they look professional? Captains & Conference At what time did they get captains? Was entire crew there for conference?

3 Using Approved OHSAA Signals
Jump Ball Were U1 & U2 in proper position for opening toss? Toss: was it straight & high enough & was it touched on way down by jumpers? If not, was it called back by U1 or U2? Did U1 chop on touch? Did R, U1 & U2 rotate into position properly? Did anybody have count in backcourt? Did someone verify direction of alternating possession arrow? Using Approved OHSAA Signals Chop Count Foul Violation Jump Ball: thumbs up (not hand then thumbs up) Stop Clock Spot Direction 3 Pt. attempt / successful 3 pt. goal Full & 30 sec time out Traveling signal: did they turn away or face the play

4 TYP OHSAA X Trail Center Lead Take Care of Your Primary
Do they call in their primary coverage area? Is anyone ball watching? 3pt. Shooter/ rebounders: did official responsible for shooter give attempt signal & stay with shooter / other official should focus on rebounders/ mirror successful 3 pt. goal? Does Lead call across the lane into “Center’s” primary? Are they moving with players? Come off sideline Close down & come up as play dictates Is lead deep enough to get wide vision (come off baseline: get as deep as possible) Trust Your Partner Are they trusting their partner to make call or are they calling all over the floor? Are they watching players or ball in other areas? If they come out of their primary for a call, is it for a “whale”? [if you’re going to go fishing in someone else’s pond, make sure it’s for a whale, not a minnow] Tell Your Partners After making call, do they signal shots or point to spot immediately? (no such thing as foul on the floor, it’s spot out) Do other partners rotate properly when calling official goes to table? Track Your Partners Do they get a wide view & pan the floor & notice when they need to rotate? Does trail see lead rotate & go to “C” or do we end up with 2 trails? Does Lead rotate when C has a matchup & count above key? TYP Team A Bench OHSAA Scorer’s Table X Trail Center Team B Bench Lead

5 Communication Do they point to spots?
Does Lead point to spot & which side of the lane ball will be put in play if going the other way so partners know who will be new “C” & “Lead”? Do they signal number of shots? Do they communicate on 6th foul that next foul is 1 & 1? Does Reporting Official confirm spot or number of shots with C & Lead after reporting foul. The reporting official (usually Trail) should signal 1 or 2 shots or 1 & 1 to C & C should mirror to Lead: Trust the book at table, not the board Use remaining shot signal as a “ready to go” signal: Trail shouldn’t indicate 1 shot until all business with subs and table is completed, therefore avoiding the lead putting the ball in play early, especially after a 5th foul on a player Do they hold up visible stop sign to partner if not ready to play? Do they acknowledge under a minute and who has last second shot?

6 Rotations Do they rotate often enough? Do they rotate “in sync”
Does old “C” wait for new “C” to lock in before going to Trail? Does old Lead becoming new Trail wait until ball is inbounded & moving up court before coming in bounds off baseline or are they ahead of the play and out of position? Does the Lead rotate with a purpose? Do they pan the court to notice partners location or rotations? Does lead stay mostly parallel with baseline and move as play dictates or do they stand in one position at an angle & look in? Does Lead go to the close down position and then rotate over? On transition play; does Trail becoming Lead rotate over immediately on baseline if play dictates or do they stand and wait for new Trail to cross half court & not get a good angle on play coming to the basket?

7 Free Throw Position and Movement
Use of Whistle Do they have good volume & duration on their whistle? Do they over use the whistle? Are they using a lanyard (versus hand held)? Free Throw Position and Movement Do Lead, Center & Trail stand in proper position on action and non-action free-throws? Do Center and Lead enforce free throw lane violations in their area of responsibility? Do Trail, Center & Lead communicate or “echo” number of shots to each other? Do Lead visually and verbally communicate number of shots to players in marked lane spaces? Do Center show visible count on free throw attempt? Do Center raise hand to chop clock on last free throw attempt? Do Lead raise hand to chop clock start on made free throw with ball coming out of bounds?

8 Substitutes, Mechanics & Positioning
Does official responsible for bringing in subs have visible “stop sign” & motion to bring in subs, and then give ready to go signal to inbounding official? Does official bringing in subs make himself/herself visible and make eye contact with official inbounding ball to make sure everyone is ready for play? Does Center bring in subs when going the other way after final free throw or foul? Does inbounding official make eye contact with partners and count players before inbounding ball? Foul Reporting Mechanics Does reporting official come to reporting area? Do they stop, make eye contact with official scorer and verbally and visually state number & infraction? Do they use proper reporting language & mechanics: Color: Do they report two syllables if necessary? Report one number on one hand: 24 is “twenty-four”, not “two-four” Do they confirm number of shots or if team is in the bonus with table official? Dead Ball Positions Are officials in proper position for time-outs: both 30 second and full time outs Does inbounding official stay with ball at spot where ball will be put in play? Do officials watch players and situations during dead ball situations such as during free throw reporting?

9 Throw-In Are officials in proper position during throw-in?
Are they administering the throw-in at the proper spot? Does Trail official “chop start clock” in front court when Lead administers throw-in? Does Lead hand the ball to player when staying in frontcourt? Does inbounding official bounce ball to thrower in all other situations? Does inbounding official use proper start clock signal? Do non-inbounding officials look for infractions in their primary areas (illegal screens, holding, etc.) or do they ball watch?

10 Press Coverage Bench Decorum
Does Inbounding official stay back and wait for play to advance before going up-court in case of a steal and the play coming back the other way? Does the “C” recognize press situation and stay back to help? Do they officiate the 4 closest players? Does old Trail becoming new Lead stay back too far? They should be about 6-8 ft. behind last offensive/defensive match-up Bench Decorum Are Coaching Boxes marked? Is there an “X” marked at table for substitutions? Do officials communicate with coaches in appropriate situations or do they “over communicate” Do they maintain proper level of control over coaches and bench personnel?

11 End of Quarter Procedure
Game Management Do they call the obvious? Do they help “talk” the players out of trouble before blowing their whistle? Do they use the rules to stay out of trouble or do they over use the rules and get into trouble? Don’t call anything you can’t explain & try not to call anything you have to explain Do they let players and athleticism dictate flow? Do they let players play through situations such as slight bumps, touches, etc.? Do they overcall the game with too many “game interrupters? Do they call a double foul if necessary to stop escalation of rough play? Are their calls consistent? End of Quarter Procedure Opposite table official is responsible for ruling on the last second shot. Player cannot catch & shoot if 0.3 or less on clock, they can only tap or tip the ball If you have time out, confer with partners as to what you have, who has last shot, time outs, bonus situations, etc. Verify score with official scorer prior to exiting court at half or end of game.

12 Post Game Did crew discuss any specific or unusual game situations?
Was crew receptive to the evaluator’s suggestions and observations?


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