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Continuing Contract & Promotion Using the MENTOR MODEL

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Presentation on theme: "Continuing Contract & Promotion Using the MENTOR MODEL"— Presentation transcript:

1 Continuing Contract & Promotion Using the MENTOR MODEL
What you need to know …

2 What is the Mentor Model?
Response to faculty feedback Pilot academic year Mentor Model approved by faculty vote Change from portfolio to: Self-reflection and choice on secondary foci Evaluation relative to clear standards Ongoing mentorship Collegial Interview

3 When will the Mentor Model be Implemented?
Academic Year

4 Will the Mentorship Model Delay My Promotion???
No delay – just fill out the declaration of intent form. You will use the new system but may apply per the old years of service in rank guidelines if you were hired before July of 2013. Wednesday, September 19, 2018Wednesday, September 19, 2018

5 Eligibility Hire date before July of 2013: you may use the old guidelines for eligibility – 3 years for continuing contract. Promotion eligibility will depend on current rank. Hire date after July 1, 2013: you will apply for continuing contract and/or promotion in 5 years. Wednesday, September 19, 2018Wednesday, September 19, 2018

6 What is this new “5 Year Rule”
FLDOE changes now require 5 years before faculty may apply for continuing contract. this means our promotion system must adapt to these new requirements After the transition window all faculty will be on a 5 year timeline. Wednesday, September 19, 2018Wednesday, September 19, 2018

7 What does the “transition window” mean?
Transition window extends from now until fall 2019. Faculty intending to apply during the transition window should: Start forming your committee of three (CO3) Declare your intent by May 1st (earlier = better) by submitting a signed form to your chair and also ing a copy to the Transition Committee Wednesday, September 19, 2018Wednesday, September 19, 2018

8 Due by May 1st

9 Transition Window—Continued …
Note – this form is a declaration of intent. You are not locked into the choices you make (application date, mentor, percentages). These can be changed at a later date with the advice of your department chair and committee by resubmitting the form. Wednesday, September 19, 2018Wednesday, September 19, 2018

10 Transition Window—Continued …
If you do not intend to apply for promotion before the fall of 2020, check the appropriate box on the form. If you choose not to participate in the transition window, you will be under the new 5 year timeline. Wednesday, September 19, 2018Wednesday, September 19, 2018

11 Refer to the Mentor Model Process Documents located in Falcon Online
Mentor Model – Procedures Mentor Model - Appendices

12 What do I do with my portfolio?
Use your old summaries to help you to create your application Your activity reports will be part of your application. Documentation will not be submitted, but should be kept organized in case your committee requests more information. Wednesday, September 19, 2018Wednesday, September 19, 2018

13 What is the new application format?
Applications should be no longer than 12 pages total and should include three things: A cover letter of 1-2 pages explaining how you meet or exceed the expectations in your primary and secondary responsibilities relative to the rank you are seeking A cumulative Faculty Activity Report highlighting your most significant activities in the years under consideration in your application A Curriculum Vitae providing an overview of your most pertinent professional accomplishments throughout your career Wednesday, September 19, 2018Wednesday, September 19, 2018

14 Next steps in the process
Work with your chair and colleagues to select an area(s) of specialization and a mentor. If you plan to apply in the Fall of 2015 you should also select a chair representative. Complete the declaration of intent form a digital copy to Transition Committee (see contact information on last slide) Start the signature process on the physical copy Work with your mentor to evaluate your area(s) of specialization. Wednesday, September 19, 2018Wednesday, September 19, 2018

15 Next steps for 14-15 applicants: Fall 2014
Submit a draft of your application to your Committee of Three Invite their feedback Provide any requested documentation Submit a finished copy of the application by Dec. 1st, 2014 To your Chair To your Committee of Three Schedule the formal interview with your CO3 Must occur no later than the end of Spring Planning, 2015 Wednesday, September 19, 2018Wednesday, September 19, 2018

16 What if someone wants me on their Committee of Three?
You can serve on a CO3 regardless of when you are applying for promotion. However, CO3 members should already have continuing contract. Mentors: Are advocates and guides for candidates Are likely to be more involved than other CO3 members (we suggest mentoring no more than 3) Should be at the same rank or higher than the one the candidate is applying for (whenever possible) Chair representatives: Serve as a kind of internal auditor Review the expectations of what the candidate is applying for and offer suggestions on what may need to change to meet those standards Wednesday, September 19, 2018Wednesday, September 19, 2018

17 Questions? Wednesday, September 19, 2018Wednesday, September 19, 2018

18 Transition Committee Contacts
Becca Block Jeff Zahnen Casey Blanton Kimberly Alacan Dustin Weeks Trey Orndorff Donnie May Susan Graham Mike McKeown Amy Ringue John McNeely Mike Zuba Kimberly Beechler Ravi Samitamana Wednesday, September 19, 2018Wednesday, September 19, 2018

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