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PowerPoint Template Guidelines
19/09/2018 PowerPoint Template Guidelines Hints for formatting presentations Mondi Group Communications Template ref: final/0815
Our new PowerPoint template
19/09/2018 Our new PowerPoint template Welcome to the new Mondi PowerPoint guidelines Our PowerPoint template has been updated to reflect the changes made in the Corporate Identity guidelines (Q3 2014) and to incorporate feedback from users across the business to make it more user-friendly At first glance, the updates may appear quite subtle, however some are quite fundamental and include: Our new colours A new range of slide layout options (including new margins, font sizes and bullets) A revised approach to headers and footers New chart designs A wealth of useful tips in the guidelines If you have any questions about the use of the template, these guidelines or you need more assistance with the development of your presentation, please talk to your local Mondi communications professional or business segment marketing manager 19/09/2018
Why these guidelines have been created
19/09/2018 Why these guidelines have been created Achieving a consistent ‘look and feel’ Our aim is to consistently present the same look and feel for Mondi, no matter where we are in the business We understand the features of PowerPoint give the presenter a great deal of creative flexibility when designing slides By familiarising yourself with the guidelines you will have a better understanding of the design parameters you should work within to create a Mondi PowerPoint presentation The Mondi approach to PowerPoint reflects our business style - clear and straightforward Consideration to the presentation environment helps design decisions. The size of fonts and the density of the graphics should be adjusted so your audience can easily see the content Remember white space is important, and that less is almost always more. We use white space to balance copy and colour to direct the eye, improve readability and create a sense of professionalism in a layout 19/09/2018
PowerPoint guideline contents
Getting started Logo considerations Margins, white space and guides Use of colour Graphic effects and tints Creating charts Slide transitions and animations Hyperlinks Slide footers Images – inserting and adjusting Slide template layouts Printing tips Disclaimer Further information 19/09/2018
Getting started Using the template
19/09/2018 Getting started Using the template You will achieve the best results with a new presentation if you create it from the new PowerPoint template The template is available in 4x3 and 16x9 (widescreen) formats. Please ensure you start with the correct version for your final presentation needs The template has been created in MS PPT version 2007, which Mondi licenses. Features will vary if you are working on a later version. It is not advisable to work in an earlier version as elements in the template will not be supported Use the standard template layouts that have been created wherever possible, this helps with consistency and will make slide modification simpler. When inserting a new slide, choose the layout you think would work best for your content Please do not choose insert ‘text box’ for your written text as it will not be positioned correctly on a slide (use the slide template layouts) 19/09/2018
Getting started Using the template
Slides can be copied into your new presentation from previous presentations but please ensure you select the ‘destination slide’ formatting option when pasting. In PowerPoint version 2007 this is the default paste option. If you are using select: Please check any slides inserted in the presentation in this way carefully, as the styles may not be applied consistently – especially if the original slides were not made using a standard layout or format Before saving, ensure you have completed a spell check of your presentation. The default language is English (UK). Please change the language default to the setting most appropriate to your audience if presenting locally If you use the built in translation feature of PowerPoint, please check the translated copy carefully, as words and meaning are not always translated as expected 19/09/2018
Logo considerations The Mondi logo is an important asset to our company Please treat it with respect Never overlap any graphical element with the logo Never change the colour, position or dimensions of the logo in the template Leave at least the capital height dimension space all round the logo 19/09/2018
Margins, white space and guides
The dotted lines on this slide show the basic area that graphic elements may inhabit Please do not move header and text boxes. This will ensure the position of text is consistent from one slide to the next Avoid going outside of these margins (unless using full size images) as doing so will make the slides inconsistent and more difficult to read PowerPoint has drawing guides that can be set to help to align elements By default this template has the guides set to respect the margins, but be aware you can drag the guides and therefore they may not remain consistent. The guides visibility can be turned off and on [View tab / Guides] PowerPoint also has built in Gridlines which can be used to help align objects (see Office help for more information) but note – they do not respect the template margins 19/09/2018
Use of colour The first choice colours for slide content should be from the Mondi Primary colour palette The section of the colour palette we call Primary and Natural Colours should be used for charts and illustrations and a mix of solid colours and tints can be used Additional colours from the Bright palette should only be used to create interest and impact Primary Colours Natural Colours Natural Colours Bright Colours Solid 80% Tint 60% Tint 40% Tint 255 165 236 195 254 168 118 103 136 201 131 170 102 189 235 128 127 151 67 54 187 161 172 7 185 59 38 64 192 99 37 R G B 19/09/2018
Use of colour Colours in PowerPoint
When inserting shapes or text please choose from the Theme Colours in the palette Other colours i.e. Standard Colours should be limited to non-Mondi related content eg: customer related referencing PowerPoint only allows for nine of our Mondi colours (plus white) to be shown in the Theme Colours selection box Charts colours are selected from the secondary PowerPoint colour range by default. This cannot be changed in PPT, so you will need to update the colours manually Secondary colours used as default by PPT when creating new charts Please do not select these tints (darker than 100%) 19/09/2018
Use of colour Beyond the PowerPoint defined colours
19/09/2018 Use of colour Beyond the PowerPoint defined colours Additional colours not defined in the PowerPoint colours can be used by either: Defining the colours by RGB values in the More Fill Colours option (using the custom tab) Copying the colours from the swatches by using the Format Painter Once the colour has been chosen it will appear in Recent Colours 19/09/2018
Graphic effects and tints
19/09/2018 Graphic effects and tints Always respect our communication mantra: clear and straightforward Where possible avoid using bevels, 3D rotation, shadows, key-lines, reflections, glows and gradients If gradients are necessary use the standard Theme Colours Select colours from the ‘colour dropdown’ rather than use the transparency or brightness features to change colours 19/09/2018
Example of colour and tint use
19/09/2018 Example of colour and tint use Europe & International (E&I) Division South Africa Division Corrugated Packaging Fibre Packaging Industrial Bags Coatings Consumer Goods Packaging Consumer Packaging Advanced Films & Components Uncoated Fine Paper Containerboard Pulp Packaging Paper Sack Kraft Paper Speciality Kraft Paper Cool Grey R 165 G 170 B 172 Mondi Orange Emphasis Colour with 40% tint Coatings used here for illustration purposes only 19/09/2018
19/09/2018 Creating charts Chart style: use only the ‘flat charts’ as shown on the next slides. The use of grid lines or data points are optional and should be considered when deciding on the best chart for the data you are presenting. Please do not use: 3D charts - unless necessary for the data requirement Shaped graphics - e.g. use the simple bar not cone or other style Chart colours: colours should be used in a considered way in the design of your chart to emphasise the primary data. As a rule use tints of the orange and greys from the primary palette Years should be shown in full 2013, If space limitations demand a shorter format, use the abbreviation ’13, ’14 See the Language & Terminology Guidelines for detailed guidance on the use of other number and financial abbreviations Chart headings should be in black and centred above the chart Legend and axes descriptions should be in Black, Lighter 25% colour font. Ensure the scaling of text is in proportion to the chart (see following slides for example) A comprehensive resource of chart styles is available to download on the Mondi Group and E&I Guidelines sites If you use ThinkCell to create charts, please ensure the formatting closely follows the Mondi chart styles. For further information contact Group Communications (details at end of these guidelines) 19/09/2018
Packaging represents nearly three quarters of Mondi
Product mix (20131 Revenue %) Packaging mix (20132 Revenue %) €6.5 billion €4.6 billion Consumer Packaging Paper Other Packaging Fibre Packaging Source: MIRAS. External revenue after intercompany eliminations Packaging Paper revenue includes containerboard from Richards Bay 19/09/2018
Consumer Packaging return on capital employed
Consumer Packaging ROCE1 benchmark (%) 2 3 See appendix for definitions of ROCE Includes Nordenia from the date of acquisition (October 2012). In 2012 and H capital employed has been adjusted to exclude goodwill and other fair value adjustments arising from the Nordenia acquisition. EBIT has been adjusted to exclude amortisation of intangibles and one-off acquisition costs Flexibles Division, ROCE as at year ended 30 June 19/09/2018
Fixed costs € million 19/09/2018
Table example Item Slide Our new PowerPoint template X
19/09/2018 Table example Item Slide Our new PowerPoint template X Logo considerations Margins, white space & guides Use of colour Graphic effects and tints Creating charts Slide transitions and animations Hyperlinks Slide template layouts Printing tips Disclaimer Further information Consider using this table style approach for an agenda page if PowerPoint is being used to create a written document or proposal, rather than for a presentation 19/09/2018
Slide transitions and animations
The standard Mondi transition is the ‘fade’ 0.7 seconds Slide animations can be very useful to help to structure a story Use animations subtly, such as ‘fade’ and ‘float’ to maintain a clear and straightforward approach Avoid using fly-ins and fast zooms as this can be distracting from the message being delivered 19/09/2018
Hyperlinks To insert a hyperlink:
Right click and select ‘Hyperlink’ from the drop down box. On the next screen displayed, locate and select the ‘click-through’ link you require. Name the hyperlink in the ‘Text to display’ box If you know the text you wish to hyperlink, highlight the text and then follow the instructions above (the Text to display will automatically contain your selected copy) 19/09/2018
Slide footers Both the slide number and footer are inserted in the template footer To remove slide numbers and the footer: Select ‘Insert’ from the main ribbon menu Select ‘Header & Footer’ Un-tick the Slide number or Footer option Select Apply to All to change all slides or Apply for the current slide only Footers should not be shown on the title slide Footers can be created as needed to suit the presentation purpose and content Insert your footer text in the Header and Footer menu box and ‘Apply to All’ slides. If you need to amend the Footer in the slide you are working on only, click the Footer box and change the text directly in the slide Footers and page numbers are Arial 9pt 19/09/2018
Images - inserting and adjusting
To insert an image from a template layout follow the instructions; ‘click icon to insert image’ Alternatively select the Insert tab on the Microsoft ribbon bar and click the ‘Picture’ icon Select an image and insert PowerPoint will select all or a section of the image to display, depending on the shape and format of the image being inserted To adjust the image, click on the picture and select ‘Picture Tools / Format’ from the Microsoft ribbon bar Select the ‘Crop’ tool. This will allow you to edit the image; moving it within the frame, re-shaping it or cropping it to adjust the image as needed If you wish to return to the original image, go to the ‘Home’ tab on the Microsoft ribbon and click the ‘Reset’ button Images should have square or round edge corners (avoid unusual shapes) 19/09/2018
Slide template layouts
19/09/2018 Slide template layouts Layouts available When inserting a new slide choose the appropriate layout If the exact layout you need does not match the options available, choose the closest one and amend as needed, being mindful of the guidelines If you move items in your layout by mistake you can reset the layout to the template by using the Reset option in the home menu Insert new slide Choose layout Resetting the layout 19/09/2018
This layout is called Title Slide (26pt bold)
Sub Header (18pt bold) Author (18pt body) use indent to create format Date (18pt body)
Title Slide with image (26pt bold)
Do not put anything in this white area * This is a note, and not from template These lines indicate alignment layout * This is a note, and not from template Title Slide with image (26pt bold) Sub Header (18pt bold) Author (18pt body) Date (18pt body) Use a suitable image here. If appropriate go to the slide edges but please avoid using space to the left of dotted line. Try to make the top of the image line up with the top of the title * This is a note, and not from template
This is a Section Header
Use a suitable image here This is a Section Header Use to separate logical sub-sections of the presentation 19/09/2018
Full sized image (or section header)
Text boxes should have square or round edge corners Full page imager can be used where a large single image is needed or as an alternative section break Example image Images with large file sizes can be compressed in ‘Format / Compress Pictures’. This reduces the overall PPT file size 19/09/2018
Header and bullets (Arial 24pt bold) Formatted for 1 or 2 line use
Subheader (Arial 18pt bold) Headings should not be reduced below 22pt font size and should not exceed two lines Standard text (Arial 18pt body) To create text with a bullet click once on the bullet symbol Avoid full stops at the end of bullet points First level bullet text is 18pt Use the ident button to create sub points. Second level points are 16pt Repeat as needed. Third level bullets are 14pt Fourth level bullets are 14pt Body copy text can be reduced proportionately in font size if the intended use of the document is for written use rather than live presentation Standard font colour should be black, using bold and coloured text for emphasis 19/09/2018
Header and content (Arial Bold 24pt)
The size of the fonts has been set in the slide masters but these default settings may not be appropriate for your content Adjust as required, but try not to over crowd and complicate the slide First level bullet is 18pt Second level is 16pt Try not to adjust the type size or spacing if possible to keep consistency Sub points Do not move the header box as the text is aligned to the baseline of the logotype Do not move the content box as the text is aligned left and top 19/09/2018
Text with subhead Subhead
This gap is set in the template. Please try to maintain the positions of the subhead and the body text boxes Subhead This layout is very similar to the title and contents layout Second level 16pt Third level 14pt 19/09/2018
19/09/2018 Header only layout This layout can be useful for slides with multiple graphic element that don’t sit with the other layouts Paper for recycling Corrugated packaging Paper mill Recycled and virgin containerboard Box plant Forest Pulp mill Pulp Office and professional printing paper Forest Pulp mill Pulp Paper mill Uncoated fine paper Finishing Industrial bags Sack kraft paper and speciality kraft paper Pulp mill Pulp Paper mill Converting plant Coatings Consumer goods packaging Converting plant Advanced films and components Film extrusion plant Films Example image 19/09/2018
Comparison content This layout is very similar to the title and contents layout Second level 16pt Third level 16pt Ensure that this placeholder remains in its correct place Try to keep the text size and spacing the same If text size and spacing has to be altered make sure both placeholders are the same so that the content lines up Use appropriate graphics and pictures. Take into consideration the quality of the image. Low resolution imagery can spoil the clean look of the presentation Example image 19/09/2018
Comparison layout Subhead left Subhead right
This layout is very similar to the text and subhead layout Second level 16pt Third level 16pt Maintain alignment of the place holders and the text size and spacing 19/09/2018
Double chart with text layout
19/09/2018 Double chart with text layout Similar to comparison chart Allows for presentation of two charts Please ensure you format the chart style following the examples shown earlier in these guidelines Alternatively select one of the charts available in the Mondi Chart Guidelines as a basis to build your chart, reformatting the data as needed 19/09/2018
Round corner picture with caption
Subhead Subhead Text content here 19/09/2018
Square corner picture with caption
Subhead Subhead Text content here 19/09/2018
19/09/2018 Printing tips The Mondi PowerPoint templates are configured for screen use (4x3 and 16x9 ratios). Both of these formats are different to standard paper sizes To get the best printing results, there is an option to choose scale to fit which prints the presentation to the size and ratio of the paper selected This feature is available on most computers, but it will depend on the printer hardware, operating system and version of PowerPoint you are using Please contact your IT support if in doubt 19/09/2018
19/09/2018 Disclaimer The disclaimer should feature at the end of every external Mondi presentation. It is there to protect the company from the misrepresentation or misinterpretation of information contained in the presentation. The wording must not be changed and should feature in its entirety The disclaimer does not need to feature on internal presentations (i.e. presentation delivered to Mondi staff only) 19/09/2018
Europe & International
19/09/2018 Further information If you require further information, please contact the Group or E&I communication teams, or visit the Mondi CI guidelines sites to download the PowerPoint template Group Europe & International Kerryn Haselau: CI Guidelines: Martina Mikulicova: E&I Intranet: ault.aspx 19/09/2018
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