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Activator: “Toss It!” Quick Write

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1 Activator: “Toss It!” Quick Write
Kissing cousins, a tyrannical uncle, three deaths, an old blind man-oh my! The final tragedy in the trilogy of Oedipus has more than it’s share of strange occurrences, harsh words, and power struggles. However, none of this drama compares to the tragic end that all of the characters face as we witness the final downfalls of the prophecy of Oedipus. Yet, who is really, (or what, rather) to blame for the deaths of Antigone, Haimon, and Eurydice, and Creon’s despair. All signs points to two people: Antigone and Creon. Who do you think is to blame for the tragic end to the descendants of the Theban royal family, Antigone or Creon? Why?

2 Writing an argumentative Essay

3 What is an argumentative essay?
The argumentative essay is a genre of writing that requires the student to investigate a topic; collect, generate, and evaluate evidence; and establish a position on the topic in a concise manner.

4 Structure of an Argumentative Essay:
An introductory paragraph that includes a clear, concise, and defined thesis statement, or claim, at the end of the paragraph. Clear and logical transitions between the introduction, body, and conclusion. Body paragraphs that detail the supporting reasons of the thesis/claim Textual evidence that confirms the supporting reasons and thesis/claim A conclusion that does not simply restate the thesis, but readdresses it in light of the evidence provided.

5 Today you will: Write your thesis statement or claim
Develop 3 reasons that support your claim. Find two quotes for each of the reasons that support your claim. Explain how each quote supports your reasons.

6 Writing your Thesis Statement:
Your thesis statement should clearly state your claim or opinion in regards to who you believe is to blame for the deaths within Antigone. Here are some thesis statement lead ins to assist you: ____________________ is to blame for ________________________, because __________________, __________________________, and _______________________ Because _________________ did __________________, __________________, and ______________, he/she is to blame for _________________________________. ___________________________________ could have been avoided if _______________ would not have ______________________, _________________________, ___________________. Now, using one of the stems above, or one of your own creation, write down your thesis statement on your outline.

7 Reasons: Reasons are just that! Reasons why your claim is valid or true. During the activator, you thought of a few reasons why you believed that either Creon or Antigone was to blame for the deaths within the tragedy. For the paper, you must have three reason. Now, think of three reasons why either Creon or Antigone is to blame for the deaths within the tragedy. Once you have generated your three reasons, write them on your outline. Be SURE to thoroughly explain your reasons in your topic sentences.

8 Not Thorough: Cellphones could distracts students while doing work.
Thorough: With the alarming amount of apps, websites, and streaming services on smartphones, students could easily become distracted when attempting to use their electronic devices to aid their understanding in class.

9 Evidence: The evidence will be composed of quotes from the tragedy that support your reason. You must have at least two quotes in each paragraph of your essay. Now, find two quotes from Antigone for each of your three reasons. You should have six quotes in total.

10 Explanation The explanation portion of a body paragraph within an essay works in the same way that the explanation in a R.A.C.E.S. paragraph works. You must explain how your quotes support the reason that they are proving is valid of true. Now, on your outline, explain how each of your quotes proves that your reasons support your thesis statement. Helpful lead ins: This quote demonstrates ______________________, because_____________________________. In this quote it can be seen that _____________________________________________________. _______________ demonstrates _________________________ in this quote by proving _____________________________________________________________. In this quote __________________________________ happens, which proves ______________________________________________________________________________, because ________________________________________________________________.

11 Summarizer: Writing Folder
Ms. Guilford has given you a manila folder. On this folder, make sure you write your first and last name on the tab. You may decorate this folder in anyway that you like. Once you have finished decorating, place your outline into the folder. We will begin typing your essay next class.

12 Activator: Essay Kahoot!
Please get a laptop and a handout, and go to the website. We will be playing a brief game off Kahoot to go over concepts that we introduced that last class, and to learn to new concepts that we will go over during this lesson.

13 Introduction: What should go in an introduction?
A Hook: A statement that introduces the topic of the essay, and gains reader’s interest Background information: Two to three sentences that give information about the topic or text that readers will need to know in order to understand your essay. Lead-in Sentence: a sentence that is used as an introduction or opening to a larger thought Thesis Statement: a sentence that provides the author’s claim Now, identify the hook, background information, lead-in sentence and thesis statement of the sample introductory paragraph.

14 Hooks for an essay A quote: "A man's errors are his portals of discovery." [In the next few sentences, you will build up to the point of your thesis.] For the thesis: Students grow more confident and self-sufficient when parents allow them to make mistakes and experience failure. Fact or generalization: Many studies show that the biological sleep pattern for teens shifts a few hours, which means teens naturally stay up later and feel alert later in the morning. [The next few sentences should introduce the concept that school days should be adjusted so that they are more in sync with the teenager's natural sleep/wake clock.] For the thesis: If every school day started at ten o'clock, many students would find it easier to stay focused. Statistic: According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, teens and young adults experience the highest rates of violent crime. [Your next few sentences should set up the argument that it's dangerous for teenagers to be on the streets at late hours.] For the thesis: Parents are justified in implementing a strict curfew, regardless of a student's academic performance.

15 Body Paragraphs: P.E.E.L. Your Paragraphs
Body paragraphs within argumentative essay should include the following: Point-a sentence that clearly and thoroughly states the main idea or point of the paragraph Evidence- a quote from the text that shows and supports the point Explanation- two to three sentences that thoroughly explain how the quote conveys and supports the main point of the paragraph Linking sentence- a sentence that summarizes the main point of the current paragraph and links to the point of the next paragraph. Now, identify the main point, evidence, explanation, and linking sentence within the sample body paragraph.

16 What’s due today? Finish your essay outline
Open up a word document and save it to your student drive, naming it the title of your essay Type your introduction, once you have typed your introduction, please show it to Ms. Guilford so that she can check you off Begin body paragraph one

17 Summarizer: Review Essay rubric
Please take the time to look over your essay rubric and ask any necessary question.

18 Your Turn! Based on the criteria for thesis statements, and the sample thesis statement, write the thesis statement for your argumentative essay. Remember to keep the following questions in mind: What are you trying to prove? (What is your claim?) Why is your claim valid? (What are your supportive reasons?)

19 Body Paragraphs Each paragraph should be limited to the discussion of one general idea. This will allow for clarity and direction throughout the essay. In addition, such conciseness creates an ease of readability for one’s audience. Each paragraph in the body of the essay must have some logical connection to the thesis statement in the opening paragraph. Paragraphs will directly support the thesis statement with evidence collected during research. It is also important to explain how and why the evidence supports the thesis (warrant).

20 Body Paragraphs: Highlight or underline each topic sentence within the body paragraphs of the sample paper. Answer the following questions in the margins or on the side of the paper. What is the supportive main idea being stated by each topic sentence? How does each supportive idea support or confirm the validity of the thesis?

21 Your Turn! Using your response to the activating activity, think of three supportive main points that confirm or validate your thesis statement. Transform these main points into three topic sentences. Keep the following questions/statements in mind. In an argumentative essay, you are validating an argument. What points, based on your knowledge of the trilogy of Oedipus, and, specifically, the tragedy Antigone, could you provide to the argument given in your thesis? What actions, quotes, and information from the tragedy supports your thesis?

22 Conclusion A conclusion in an argumentative essay should:
Restate your main points in non-repetitive way. Reconfirm the validity of your argument. Reach a conclusive statement

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