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The Cold War: 1947 - 1963 Points of Conflict.

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1 The Cold War: Points of Conflict

2 Textbook’s Narrative After WWII, USSR took over EE -controls countries
US alarmed by USSR “hostility,” responded with “containment”: contain USSR to defend “democratic ideals and freedoms” (467) Marshall Plan is part of containment: give money to Europe to recover and fight communism USSR responds by blocking all US traffic into Berlin, Germany’s capital The US and allies airlift materials to Berliners and refuse to lose to USSR Also, US forms NATO, a military alliance meant to stop USSR aggression.

3 The Spread of Communism


5 Cold War at Home How does the Cold War affect regular Americans, and the nation as a whole?

6 The Second Red Scare!!! Post WWII Events
USSR seals Eastern European border (1946) –Iron Curtain Speech Greek and Turkish Communist Rebels (1947) – Truman Doctrine of Containment Berlin Blockade (1948) – Leads to NATO USSR invents own A-Bomb (1949) Chinese Communist win (1949) Communist North Korea invades South (1950) General rebellion in colonies Americans felt communists were everywhere! Gov’t officials believed and manipulated the Red Scare Films, cartoons, speeches reflected this Red Scare





11 Red Scare Leads to McCarthysm
House of Un-American Activities (HUAC): investigated commies in film (1947) Truman’s anti-communism through laws The Smith Act (1949): crime to call overthrow of gov’t The McCarran Act (1950): required communist org to register with gov’t; prevented “radicals from entering US Senator Joseph McCarthy, 1950 Claims State Dept has communists – reason for Chinese and USSR victories No evidence, but Americans believed– leaders were investigated, lost jobs, political careers 1954, after reelection, McCarthy discredited by military McCarthyism: climate of fear that leads to baseless accusations (1950-4)

12 Red Scare Leads to Arms Race
1949, USSR invented their own nuclear weapon, which created further fears of communist attack! Leaders being arms race (who has more bombs) to: Contain/prevent USSR attack or threats Negotiate pro-US deals --- use bombs to make demands Intimidate USSR with more bombs Mutually Assured Destruction: MAD Both countries could destroy each other, even if you attacked first This made the world safer because no one would attack 




16 Cold War Effects in Government Size
Limited Civil Liberties Loyalty oaths, communist investigations, propaganda departments Imperial Presidents: try to limit checks and balances. Ex: Truman does not declare war on North Korea = no Congressional authority National Defense Act Federal Deficit Spending Defense budget quadrupled from $13.5 billion (’50) to $52 billion (’52) Huge deficits afterwards; spent $100 billion on Korean War Military Industrial Complex Conjunction (connection) between a large military establishment and a large arms industry – endanger democratic process; economy seemingly dependent on military

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